Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 352 – The progress is gratifying

Chapter 352 – Progress is gratifying
This semester is the third semester, and the students' study habits and living habits have basically been developed.As the saying goes, three years old is old, and the current grades of class seven have reassured the teachers of various subjects-even if they are rushed to the examination room to bite the bullet and take the high school entrance examination, the final result may not be bad.

Why are the teachers in Class [-] so relieved that Aiwen leads the students to make all kinds of troubles?Isn't it because Aiwen can make the grades of the students in Class [-] extremely good!If Class [-]'s grades were at the bottom of the year group, Ai Wen, the head teacher, would have been impeached and stepped down by the teacher.

The teachers in the No. [-] Middle School are paid for performance, and the difference between the performance salary of leading an excellent class and leading a poor class can be hundreds of dollars!If the excellent bonuses for the senior high school entrance examination are included, Class Seven can bring tens of thousands more to the teachers!
The decisive factor for educational reform to achieve steady progress is still the stability of grades. Reform is the driving force, while development is the last word, and stability is the overriding factor.Without a stable and excellent grade, the leaders of Class [-] have long stopped the tricks.

As the head of Class Seven, Ai Wen is quite proud.Aiwen has traveled south and north, seen developed cities, and been to remote villages.The quality of the students in the seventh class of the eighth grade is excellent among their peers all over the country!No matter in terms of grades or overall ability, they are not inferior!

What about the children of the imperial capital and the demon capital?What about the students of noble schools?Have you ever made a film as a class?Don't beep beep!The one-year study career of the children in Class Seven can be described as magnificent and magnificent, and the stories they have experienced can be used to write a novel!

The brilliance of Class Seven has just started, and this year is a year of transformation for Class Seven—when the Chinese Orchestra of Class Seven is formed, Ai Wen will take them on a national tour.It doesn't matter if there is no formal occasion, street art is also quite artistic.Anyway, with the backing of the Vienna Golden Hall in the end, no matter how you calculate it, it keeps falling.

Anyone who knows the business knows that Vienna's Golden Hall is a place where money can go.As long as you don't rush to join in the fun during the official performance season, you can hold a special performance inside for only [-] Euros.It's up to you what kind of show to hold, and whether or not you can sell tickets is out of people's control.

What Ivan meant was to spend [-] Euros to take the children to experience the feeling of playing in the Golden Hall.At least let them return to China to have bragging capital with their relatives and friends - which one sounds more popular when you go to perform on the streets abroad or perform in the Golden Hall?Obviously the latter!

So the concept of playing in the Golden Hall is actually similar to holding a concert in the Bird's Nest—as long as you have money, you can do whatever you want!Ai Wen also inquired that the price of holding a concert in the Bird's Nest is actually not high, and the rent plus security and equipment is just over 1000 million.

With the appeal of the students in Class 1000, it is impossible to hold a concert in the Bird's Nest without compensation. The question is how much can be compensated. In fact, even if the compensation is more than [-] million, Ai Wen will not be injured.However, holding a concert in the Bird's Nest is attracting attention. In case of a loss, it is easy to be complained about. For example, a singer with the surname Huang was complained in various ways.

Therefore, the golden hall is still economical and full of force, that place is the most suitable place to gain reputation for children.If the children in Class [-] become popular because of the movie, Aiwen thinks it is not impossible to hold a concert in the Bird's Nest-we don't sell tickets, anyone who wants to come in can come in, and he has the right to listen to the excitement.

In fact, most of the students in Class [-] have a musical foundation--parents these days send their children to various training classes for further study when they were young: Mathematical Olympiad, Speech and Eloquence, Instrumental Music, Dance Class [-] At least half of the students master the same instrument, and at least half of the students know music theory.

Why does Aiwen have the confidence to take them around Europa next year, and finally perform in the Golden Hall?Because their music foundation is actually quite good!Moreover, the music lessons of Class [-] have always been based on high standards and strict requirements!The music teacher was never sick in my first year of junior high!Moreover, what she teaches is basic music theory, and students must learn to read notation in the first year of junior high school.

The music teacher actually has some complaints about Aiwen—she is very relaxed in other classes: just turn on the multimedia and play a song for the children to sing along.But in class seven, she didn't dare to teach like this. If she dared to teach like this, Ai Wen would dare to ask the school leader to change the music teacher.Ai Wen carries the public opinion of the parents of Class [-]!Therefore, the music teacher needs to prepare a new lesson plan for class seven.

No matter how relaxed she is in other classes, she must be professional in class seven!Ai Wen's own music literacy is also good, he can tell whether the teacher is professional or not--just kidding, he had several ex-girlfriends who were music majors back then!
Having more ex-girlfriends is also a valuable asset. Ex-girlfriends of all kinds and types determine that Aiwen must be a man of knowledge and talents.It will be a very scary thing if you and your girlfriend don't have a common language.Prolonged chicken-and-duck talks can leave your partner starving for a soulmate with whom to relate, and you're in environmental danger.
So the music teacher couldn't fool Ai Wen at all, so she could only resign herself to teaching seriously, conscientiously, and professionally.She has to use her ability to train art students to teach big classes -- only she knows whether she is tired or not!

However, Aiwen is also a kind person, and the department members of Class [-] will receive "small" gifts from Aiwen every year and holidays - ovens, toasters, and laptops. So I received Aiwen's "small" gifts The teachers of various subjects can only accept their fate and continue to work hard in class seven.

Without the accumulation of knowledge in the first grade of junior high school, Ai Wen is really not sure that students can learn one traditional musical instrument a year.However, some musical instruments have common music theory: children who have learned the violin can change to play the erhu very quickly, children who can play the guitar can easily change to the pipa, and playing the piano is similar to playing the dulcimer. Even if he plays the flute, he can't help him. The technical movements of the hall drum and timpani are almost the same.
As for the soul instrument of the Chinese Orchestra—Suona, no one in Class [-] chose it.This is their old class who is good at musical instruments, and they tacitly reserved a place for Ivan in the orchestra.How can the Seventh Class Chinese Orchestra not have the old class?The most soulful and quintessential instrument must be reserved for Boss Aiwen!
Before the midterm exam, Ai Wen found a self-study class to check the children's learning progress.Through observation, he found that the children's learning progress is gratifying, and it is estimated that by the end of the semester, most of the children will be able to reach the performance level.

From the beginning of next semester, Aiwen is not ready to be a human being.He will use one month to lead the students to learn cultural knowledge suddenly, and then use the remaining three months to travel all over the country.Whether it is the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, the Gobi Desert in the Northwest, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau or the Land of Abundance, they are all within Aiwen's itinerary.Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Traveling on the go is the romance of children.

Attend class?Even in the car!If it doesn't work, there are still online classes!Since the body and the soul always have to travel!Why can't it be the body that travels?

Is there something wrong?Not at all!Costcote!

(End of this chapter)

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