Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 353 - Communication with Director Tang

Chapter 353 - Communication with Director Tang

"Teacher Ai, there is a young singer contest going to be held in the city -- do you want to participate?" Xiao Li, the administrative officer, asked Ai Wen's office through an internal phone call.

Ai Wen hissed: "Am I still young? According to age, aren't we post-ninety five already classified as middle-aged people?"

Secretary Li: .
"According to the requirements of the superiors, teachers under the age of 35 are considered youths." Officer Xiao Li broke down.

Ai Wen suddenly said: "So I am still very young!"

"Are you interested in participating? Every school has to select a teacher, and the principal will appoint you personally." Officer Li asked.

"Big Colonel or Second School?" Ai Wen asked.

Officer Xiao Li coughed lightly: "It was decided at the team meeting, and you were unanimously approved to participate."

Alvin: .
He didn't know where to start complaining about this matter, should he praise the school leaders for their insight and talent, or should he complain that they are fine and find trouble for himself?

"Speaking of which, why doesn't the Young Singer Competition look for students? It stands to reason that second-year junior high school students who are over [-] years old should be considered young people, right?" Ai Wen wondered.

Officer Xiao Li explained: "Students belong to the youth group, and you are participating in the adult group competition. For the youth group competition, the school has decided to send the top three among the top ten singers on campus to participate in the preliminary competition."

Ai Wen touched his chin: "The top ten singers on campus are those who came out of the pk in the last art festival, right?"

Director Xiao Li gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, the students who participated in the selection of the singing group at the last art festival, whoever can participate in the official performance, will be awarded the honor of the top ten singers on campus."

"Hiss, so the preliminary round of the youth group has nothing to do with our eighth grade seventh class?" Ai Wen had a toothache.In the last art festival, Class [-] selected group programs. He directly sent two exquisite programs on the grounds that his personal singing was too low.

To be honest, there are many good singers in the seventh class of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.Just kidding, Aiwen has been training the vocalization of the students in Class [-] from the very beginning!The training syllabus was obtained by Ai Wen from a friend from the Music Academy!Whether it's a chorus or a solo, Class [-] is definitely full of talents--ask the music teacher if you don't believe me!The music class of Class No. [-] is the most professional and high-end in No. [-] Middle School!
How can this kind of thing lack the participation of Class Seven?As the class group in No. [-] Middle School that can organize things and organize things most, wouldn't any activity be monotonous without the participation of Class No. [-]?
Therefore, he tried his best to say: "The top ten singers selected by the last art festival are biased as the contestants representing No. [-] Middle School. Many students in many classes have made great achievements in music, but because of the festival's Regarding the competition system, many students who can sing have chosen other collective programs. I suggest re-selecting the talents of music, so that we can show the strongest strength of No. [-] Middle School to participate in the competition."

Secretary Li: .
(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Are you teaching me how to do things?What is your identity?oh!Ai Wen is the deputy director of the new media office, and he is doing the work of the director. That is to say, let's forget about the small subjects. Teacher Ai Wen, you are right!

"Mr. Aiwen, the selection of contestants is the job scope of director Tang of the student office. If there is a rematch, the work pressure of the student office will increase. And it will also hit the top ten singers on campus." Officer Xiao Li comforted him earnestly.

"I told Old Tang about this, there will be a company sponsoring our competition at that time." Ai Wen pouted: "Don't you think there are a lot less student activities this semester? Look at last year—it was another sports meeting, and It’s for an art festival. Look at this year, nothing is done!”

Officer Xiao Li is speechless - is this something you should take care of?You don't have a letter number in your mind about the economic situation of the school?If the school has money, why not do anything or organize any activities?

"Okay. You can tell Director Tang about this yourself!" Officer Li felt a little depressed, and Teacher Ai Wen really protected the calf like the rumors in the world.

For students, it is a blessing to have a class teacher who protects the calf.The head teacher will love the students like their own sons and daughters. If anyone dares to bully his own students, the head teacher really dares to kill that guy.With such a head teacher, students rarely suffer in their growth.

After putting down the phone, Aiwen went to the student office in person.According to the level, Ai Wen can also be regarded as the middle-level leader of the school, but this guy is more active in the front line of teaching-whose director still leads the class?Evan is that weirdo!
As soon as he entered the door, Aiwen saw Director Tang sitting on the workstation with a sad face and sighing. He entered the door with a smile and asked, "Director Tang, is this a loss of money?"

Director Tang forced a smile: "Which is losing money? Now there is no money to lose! You also went to the middle-level leadership meeting, and our school is almost out of money. How can we organize student activities without money!"

Ai Wen found a chair and sat down: "So now you have to curry favor with me, I'll bring you warmth!"

"You? You don't need 1 to 400 yuan to hold an event. You can save your father some coffins! I don't know what your family's conditions are? Your father's monthly salary is only [-] yuan more than mine. Money!" Director Tang and Ai Wen's father is also an old colleague, and Ai Wen's father entered the senior level two years earlier than Director Tang, so the salary of the rank is higher.

Ai Wen curled his lips: "My dad is my dad, and I'm me - just because he doesn't have money doesn't mean I don't have money! What's more, even if I don't have money, don't I still have rich friends!"

"What? Can you get sponsorship for the school?" Director Tang's eyes lit up. The No. [-] Middle School is not good-looking and has mediocre grades in Q City. Sponsoring the No. [-] Middle School is not as beneficial as sponsoring the No. [-] and No. [-] Middle Schools.

Ai Wen said faintly: "I have a friend who opened a travel company."

"Is this your friend's idea for research? The news is well-informed! The school just informed that all schools in the city will organize their own research activities every semester, and your friend is going to sponsor it?" Director Tang asked with a smile , No one is a fool if he can get into the middle-level leadership.There is no love for no reason in the world, and people must ask for help when they give you help.

"Look. It's vulgar to talk like this. We can open bidding! If he is not the best choice, he can choose someone else! It's just a matter of good luck, but my classmate's company has good qualifications and good service. We The last time I went to the imperial capital to study, I arranged it through his company. Whether it is a hotel, a restaurant or a scenic spot, the discounts and discounts are very strong. His family is actually quite powerful. He opened a travel company purely to prove that he is capable. Ability, even without relying on family connections, he can stand up. Yes, he is the kind of person who goes home and inherits tens of billions of property after failing to start a business." Ai Wen tried to persuade Director Tang through words.

The student office is directly responsible for the research, and the principal is only responsible for signing.Convincing Director Tang is basically half the battle.

Director Tang pondered for a while: "What does that friend of yours do at home?"

"There are mountains and mines, and now he is transforming into an energy source. He is definitely a rich man at the tycoon level in the local area. His fiancée is even better, and the background of his tens of billions of wealth can only be used by others. You taste, you fine taste" Ai Wen said with a cheap smile.

Director Tang gasped.What kind of family is this?Think carefully and fear!However, the boss of a travel company with such a background will never have shallow eyelids, let alone entrap students to provide inferior services for a little profit.If it is true as Ai Wen said, it should be reliable to entrust the business of research and study activities to such a travel company!
Rich young masters have the realm and structure of wealthy young masters, and they are dignified if they want to make money, and they really look down on the money they earn by scraping students!You can rest assured to cooperate with such a company!

(End of this chapter)

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