Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 354 - The Happiness of 7 Middle School Students

Chapter 354 – The Happiness of Seventh Middle School Students

Looking at Director Tang's expression, Ai Wen knew that he was already moved.So Aiwen struck while the iron was hot and said: "No matter what you choose, he will sponsor 50 yuan for our school's student activities."

50 million!
Director Tang's heart skipped a beat -- 50!Quite a lot!There are many events to be held!Seventh Middle School must hold student activities of a high level—students must be rewarded for participating in activities.Otherwise, the school's activities will be like a joke, and no one will pay attention to them, let alone prepare carefully.The school can't just fool the children with a broken certificate, which will dampen the enthusiasm of the children in the eyes.

Take the last art festival as an example, the award-winning programs of the seven classes all received quite expensive rewards.The first prize program rewards a DJI drone; the second prize program rewards an electronic dictionary, the third prize program rewards a high-quality water bottle for students, and the excellence award rewards each person with a high-quality stationery set.

Don't you need money to give out prizes?Where does the money come from?Do you want it from your superiors?Believe it or not, the Finance Bureau can kick you out?The money for student activities can only be raised by the school itself!The Finance Bureau is only in charge of the school's water, electricity, property, and office supplies. The elevators in No. [-] Middle School were built with donations from Qishi.Otherwise, according to the specifications of the No. [-] Middle School, there is no elevator!

Therefore, there are not many student activities in No. [-] Middle School this semester, mainly because they are stuck on money.Lowering event rewards is definitely an act of drinking poison to quench thirst. One time is okay, but two times is acceptable. If you play too many empty-handed white wolves, no one will take you as a dish!

So the 50 that Ai Wen said was really a life-saving straw for the student office. With 50, the student office can do a lot of big things-the fun sports meeting can be organized! 12.9 commemorative activities can also be organized!As long as you have money, the rest will no longer be difficult!
"But." Ivan spoke again.

Director Tang's heart thumped again -- what kind of moth is Aiwen going to do?

"However... I think we need to hold a school-wide campus singer competition in the near future to select contestants for the city's youth song competition. It's a bit unfair to count the students selected from the last art festival." Ai Wen suggested.

The reason why the Student Affairs Office is going to directly send the "Top Ten" selected from the last semester's art festival is because it is economical.Director Tang also knew that the contestants selected in another campus singer contest would be even better—how could there be no money!

Now that there is 50 yuan sponsored by Ai Wen's so-called friends, it is not impossible to hold the campus singer contest.Just take this opportunity to select the outstanding singing talents in the school -- Ai Wen's suggestion is indeed in line with Director Tang's usual work style.

Evan is a good comrade!Really solve problems for the school!Although it's a bit like taking advantage of the fire, the 50 real money is not a fake - more importantly: it's a sponsorship!It's sponsored!It's sponsored!This is not a power-for-money deal!Not to mention corruption and bribery!

It is permissible for the school to accept social sponsorship, otherwise a school cannot develop with only a small amount of funding from the superior.Take the work clothes on Ai Wen as an example, every stitch and every thread is obtained through the hard work of the director of the school affairs office.

Do you really think that when you become a middle-level leader, you will be able to dominate the common people?Go to yours!If the officials do not make decisions for the people, if the teachers’ remuneration cannot be improved, the teachers will really give you a low score in the democratic assessment at the end of the year!
Because the presence of Aiwen's new media office is too low, and there is no immediate conflict of interest with the teachers.In addition, Aiwen's soft text is really well written, and it can give every teacher a chance to be on camera, so his annual evaluation result is still good-again, this guy is a school director-level middle-level leader, although he is the most The one with no reputation and the least real power, but to be more polite, he should still be called Director Ai.

In a sense, Aiwen and his own father are on the same level.After all, the dean of the city's key high school dean and the director of the new media office of an ordinary junior high school are both called similarly - Director Ai.

But in fact, Addison's ranking is much higher than that of Ivan - Addison's position as the dean is low-ranking and high-ranking.He is a provincial teaching backbone, a provincial subject leader, a member of the national excellent talent pool, a senior high school teacher (on the same level as a university full professor), and enjoys a special teacher allowance. His qualifications are enough to be the director of the Education Bureau !After all, being a senior teacher is already equivalent to being a senior teacher at the administrative level. No one thought of making Addison the director of education, but he rejected it.

On the other hand, what about Ivan?A second-level teacher is about equal to a section member. Is it because the ranks are lowered all of a sudden?So your father will always be your father!Even if this father is behind the scenes the provider of the crooked God of War material, even if he is the writer of the God of War text, he will always be your father!His height is something you need to surpass in a lifetime!

So Ai Wen and Director Tang came and went and decided on the campus singer contest.Hurry up and start the game directly next week!Anyway, singing competitions don't need too much performance. Children who sing well can sing well at any time!Memorizing lyrics for a week is enough!
Director Tang is a practical person. After discussing the matter, he immediately gathered the officers of the student office for a meeting to confirm the matter, and then immediately issued a notice, which spread to the whole school through the class teacher.

All class teachers are supportive of holding the Campus Singer Contest.After all, the No. [-] Middle School competition is very popular to participate in, and the quality of the prizes is very high.The students participated enthusiastically and practiced happily, and there was no need for the class teacher to urge them.And if the student wins the award, the head teacher will also have a teacher's certificate. Although it is only a school-level certificate, it will also give extra points when evaluating titles!Add more and less are points!Professional titles are the lifeblood of teachers!

A second-level professional title is promoted to a first-level professional title, an increase of [-]; a first-level professional title is promoted to a deputy senior professional title, an increase of [-]; a deputy senior professional title is promoted to a senior professional title, an increase of [-].When you become a full-time senior teacher, your monthly basic salary can basically exceed [-] yuan.Why do many people mistakenly think that teachers' salaries are high?Because what they see is the level of sub-senior and senior teachers-in fact, the salaries of more second-level and first-level teachers are actually not high, and they are just hovering above the food and clothing line.Want to buy a house?Hehe, look forward to the collapse of your house price to the level of He Gang!
Enthusiasm among the students, support from the head teacher, and the school's generous rewards—all these factors combined to make the campus student activity level of the No. [-] Middle School rank among the top in the city.The grades of the students in No. [-] and No. [-] Middle Schools are so good that the teachers can't wait to tie the students to their seats to study every day.So even if their schools were rich, they didn't have many high-quality students to participate in the activities, because they didn't have much competitiveness and appreciation, and the student activities of these two schools were not as good as each year, which was a bit perfunctory to their superiors.

How does it look like No.[-] Middle School?Participating events are elite activists in every aspect!Even if you are a top student in academic performance, the head teacher dares to let you participate in activities!
So sometimes it is a kind of luck to study in an ordinary middle school, at least your student life will be very interesting, unlike No. [-] and No. [-] middle schools - every day is:



take an exam!take an exam!take an exam!

(End of this chapter)

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