Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 369 – The Light Aiwen

Chapter 369 – Light Aiwen
When the first shot rang, the following programs were equally exciting.When the students perform a show that they are not good at, it has a special flavor.For example, Chen Xiaolin sings and Li Yang plays b-box.The most interesting thing is the oboe performed by the squad leader and the squad deputy.

Double reed is a relatively ancient performing art, but the double reed performed by the two squad leaders has undergone their artistic processing, the content is more down-to-earth, and there are various modern stalks.The most amazing thing is that Li Jinqiong, who was squatting at the back, used the mouth of Xie Mingjie, who was in the front, to complain about Ai Wen, and the students in the class applauded.

A monitor who dares to diss the head teacher is a good monitor!The Seventh Class of Kuaiwen is long gone!Although the various conditions given by Lao Ai as the class teacher are very good, but the all-round supervision of Lao Ai is also very stressful.

Aiwen stared at Xie Mingjie, who had braids and baby powder on his face, with a half-smile.Sure enough, these boys have reached the rebellious stage of youth. Whenever they have the opportunity, they will diss in all kinds of yin and yang, but they are forced by their own lust. He dismissed the idea.

The management system of the seventh class is that one person makes a mistake, and the whole class sits together.The welfare of the whole class is distributed by Aiwen. If Aiwen is really angered, he will really throw up his sleeves and leave. When the seventh class loses Aiwen, will it still be the original seventh class?If Class [-] changes their class teacher, can they still live the life of the landlord's stupid son?

Children are not fools, they know who treats them well and who treats them badly.And they also know that Aiwen's kindness to them is not unconditional, Aiwen is not their parents, and being kind to you is due to love rather than duty.

After more than a year of getting along, everyone has almost figured out Ivan's bottom line.So gentle complaints like Xie Mingjie and Li Jinqiong will not anger Teacher Aiwen.This is at most adding a diss boss stalk to Class Seven, and Ai Wen won't really take it to heart.

But there must be some beatings that should be done, lest these little Wang Badan really feel that their homeroom teacher is weak and can be bullied.A tree does not slide straight without pruning, and people do not prune it.As for the students - you have to be pitted if you should.

About an hour later, the show with the largest number of people, the largest stage, and the most complicated props officially opened.A group of ten people got together to make up a shadow puppetry—yes, the kind of shadow puppetry you know!

However, the content of the shadow puppet show has been magically modified, and it tells the interesting things that happened in the seventh class.Many modern elements have been added to the traditional shadow puppetry. For example, the background music of the old shadow puppetry is beating gongs and drums, and the background music of the new shadow puppetry is DJ Donggu.

The shadow puppets were created by the students of Class [-] with shadow puppets.Yesterday, the labor team worked overtime to make these things. Although the technique may be a little rough, the effect is not bad at all.

When the shadow puppet curtain was moved out, the netizens who were watching the live broadcast were stunned:

"Really good at playing!"

"I remembered my childhood!"

"This is? A shadow play?"

"What else is there that these kids don't know?"

"Do junior high school students slip away like this?"

As the music started playing, the shadow puppets on the screen began to dance.That's right, the first act of the shadow puppet show is the seventh class of dancers--the content of the shadow puppet show is called "Three Yings Fighting Aiwen". The three Yings here are not the three brothers Liu Guanzhang, but Yan Jin who was sent to the imperial capital to learn art. , Yang Er and Liu Jianwen.

Anyway, these three people are not here now, so it would be best to make up a story with the three of them.That's how it is when playing games, whoever is not present will suffer, and unscrupulous friends may harm you!

For example, at a gathering in Ai Wen’s department, the students who were not present were sold by their roommates. The roommates took out the photos of the comrades who did not show up and put them on a separate table. The most frustrating thing is that the head of the department even took photos and posted them on Moments.

So the three brothers in the imperial capital have once again become the creative material of the left-behind children in Class [-]. This episode of Sanying and Aiwen is the artistic performance of Class [-].The movements of shadow puppets need to be exaggerated, and at the same time, they need to be accompanied by libretto.The talented seven-class editing team actually rewrote the libretto. Although the tune has an ancient style and rhyme, the content of the libretto is amazing:
"The sun is setting and the west is bright, what about the mountain cannons~"

"Rizhao censer produces purple smoke, look at Aiwen in front~"

The most deceitful thing is that these little devils wrote the libretto and rhymed it very well, which made Aiwen feel angry and funny.Their skill points have almost gone to outer space!This crookedness is worthy of praise
The relaxed and humorous shadow puppet show full of interesting stalks made everyone in the seventh class burst into laughter, and the netizens who broke the station also enjoyed watching it very much.There are many stalks from anime in Sanying War Lubri.For example, at the beginning, the third brother Gui from class [-] came to a shadow puppet version of "Auntie Pressing".

Netizens said that too many elements overflowed the screen, which shows how fun this shadow puppetry is.At the New Year's Day party, happiness is the most important thing.Although Aiwen was often used by the children to make fun of him today, Aiwen didn't take it seriously because everyone was so happy.

However, capital crimes can be avoided, and living crimes cannot be escaped-the grandchildren of the seventh class during the New Year's Day holiday should not try to calm down.Since everyone is so happy at the party, why not be more happy, and go to be a traffic volunteer on New Year's Day!

After Ai Wen made a plan in his heart, there was no expression on his face, and he still watched the show with a smile.After going through most of the programs in Class Seven, Xie Mingjie and Li Jinqiong were finally ready to attack Ai Wen.

"On this day of celebration, our teacher Ai Wen also brought his program! Let us applaud!" Xie Mingjie applauded very excitedly, and the children in Class [-] also clapped their hands desperately.

"it is good!"

"Teacher, come one!"

Netizens are also interested, and now Ai Wen is the number one internet celebrity teacher in China.There are rumors circulating in the rivers and lakes that "Aiwen has millions of fans, half of them are in Pozhan". Pozhan has always been a gathering place for Aiwen's fans. A masculine beauty.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ivan pushed a bicycle in from the outside.

"What is Lao Ai doing?"

"It's obvious that we are going to do something!"

"There is a problem with this car!"

"I can see it! This is a special vehicle for mess and work! See the bars on both sides of the rear tire? This is a fancy bicycle!"

Aiwen rode the bicycle into the classroom from outside the door, then picked up the front of the bicycle and began to ride circles in the classroom.

"I knock!"

"Niubao~Broken sound!"

"The boss will give up the meeting!"

"As expected of Ivan!"

Do you think Aiwen's skills can only drive and ride a motorcycle?No!Bikes are also included in the skill improvement category!The bicycle body is light and the speed is slow, and it can do more tricks than motorcycles and cars!Ai Wen first came to Thomas with a car and made a full spin, directly blasting the audience.

"As expected of Teacher Treasure Treasure, you never know what hidden skills he has!"

"I'm, I'm, this is my husband from now on!"

"Downstairs, fuck him!"

"I'm diabetic, let me come downstairs!"


The friends in Class 13 are completely convinced, Teacher Ai Wen is too slippery!It is simply the guiding light of my [-] world!
(End of this chapter)

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