Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 370 – Go as soon as you say, never stay

Chapter 370 – Go as soon as you say, never stay

Ai Wen's stunt bicycle performance completely convinced the children in Class Seven. The head teacher was indeed the head teacher, and Lao Ai's performance was indeed higher than theirs.

Netizens who watched the live broadcast remotely from the station also felt that today's class party was full of energy.They have all watched movies and variety shows, and they are naturally curious about the children in Class Seven.Unexpectedly, the best teacher in this class is indeed the class teacher. Once Lao Ai comes out, who will compete with him!
The rest of the time is to draw whoever is unlucky--the second round of performances, Ai Wen did not ask not to perform shows that he is good at.So it's true that everyone was drawn, so netizens discovered that the children in the treasured class of Class [-] know far more than what they just showed.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Ivan felt that there was not much time to check.So he decisively ended the process of the party—all go home and have a holiday!

Netizens shouted their dissatisfaction with the sudden end of the party.However, Ai Wen is not a teacher who is used to fans, and he didn't charge tickets for this party, which is considered affection for you!

The children in Class [-] went home with their schoolbags on their backs, and Ai Wen also drove to see his wife.Chen Yanzi has been busy with the opening of the branch school recently, the site selection has been completed, and the decoration team has already entered the venue.

The company that renovated Chen Yanzi's new campus is Li Guoyao's father's team, and has the right not to expire.Li Guoyao was under Ai Wen's hands first, and Ai Wen didn't believe that Li Guoyao's father dared to fool people with inferior materials!
Of course, this is just a joke. Ai Wen and Li Guoyao's father have a good personal relationship - in fact, Ai Wen and the parents of Class [-] have a good personal relationship.A head teacher who can turn children into excellent is a person that any parent likes, so Li Guoyao's father basically didn't intend to make money when he received this project, and used the best materials.

It is definitely impossible for Aiwen not to let people make money. At that time, Aiwen will return this part of the money to his father through Li Guoyao.As a teacher, you can ask your parents to help you with what you can, but you can't do things that harm others and benefit yourself.

"Daughter-in-law? Are you still staring at the construction site?" Ai Wen asked through Chen Yanzi's call.

Through the phone, Aiwen heard Chen Yanzi's ping-pong-pong decoration sound: "Yes! Husband, are you on vacation?"

"New Year's Day is three days off, do you want to take a quick trip?" Ai Wen asked.

Chen Yanzi was confused: "Where are you going? Just three days off!"

"Nanhai Island, go to Tianya Haijiao for a stroll! It's warm over there now, how about going to the beach to bask in the sun?" Ai Wen suggested.

Chen Yanzi 囧: "You really want to go out as soon as you go, but it's good to go there, since you started school, we don't have time to go out to play!"

Aiwen said happily: "OK! I'll book a ticket right now, the first-class flight will fly directly to Sanya~"

Chen Yanzi smiled and said: "Okay, you can borrow me directly from the new campus, let's have a meal and go straight away!"

City Q is only a second-tier and fifth-tier city, so they can only go to the provincial capital airport if they want to fly.Fortunately, the provincial capital airport is located on the outskirts of the provincial capital, just in between the provincial capital and Q city, so it takes more than two hours to drive from Q city.

Even if Ai Wen received Chen Yanzi and had a simple meal, he could arrive before the last flight took off.The last flight was around [-]pm, which was just right.

The boarding speed of the economy class is different from that of the first class. Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi went through the green passage, and they will soon be able to sit in their own seats.And the first-class cabin can be first boarded, first disembarked, and the service is very good.

Otherwise, why are first-class air tickets so expensive?Their service is really worth the fare!The user experience of first class is far better than that of economy class and business economy class.

The air tickets for Chen Yanzi and Ai Wen went straight up to [-], and if they were changed to economy class air tickets, it would be enough to fly several round trips.But who made Aiwen willful!The interest is coming, what's the matter with taking the daughter-in-law on a trip?
Since it is the peak tourist season for South China Sea Island, there are quite a few people on the plane—even the first-class cabin is full.It can be seen that some people in my flower planting family have indeed become rich.

But at this time, most of the people who fly to travel are elderly people - people with serious jobs take advantage of these three days off to rest, who cares about taking these three days off to go out?

When the plane landed, Ai Wen pulled Chen Yanzi's hand out of the cabin.As soon as he left the terminal, there was a black Mercedes-Benz car waiting for Aiwen——Iwen booked a suite in a five-star hotel on the plane, and the private car pick-up was one of the room services.

This black Mercedes-Benz Aiwen can be called at any time. When he takes Chen Yanzi to play in Sanya, he can take this car instead of taking a taxi.Don't ask Aiwen how much it cost to book a room, just ask if you have money, you will be willful!
The butler who picks up the car looks very professional, and it looks like he has been professionally trained.How could Chen Yanzi have seen such a battle--her family's tens of millions of dollars really dare not have such a big show when they go out!

"Why are you so polite?" Chen Yanzi asked in a low voice.

Ai Wen replied with a smile: "You spent money, so you can't be polite?"

"How much did you pay for the reservation?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Ai Wen stretched out his finger: "Seven thousand and sixty-one nights, including private car pick-up, butler service, and a detached villa with a swimming pool. All in all, this price is quite worth it in Sanya."

Chen Yanzi took a deep breath: "You prodigal son! [-] for one night? Does your monthly salary have this amount?"

"The last time we traveled poorly, this time we can't be so shabby when we come to Sanya. Although it's only three days, we want to eat the best, live in the best, and play the best." Ai Wen plausibly said.

Chen Yanzi was also persuaded by Ai Wen, how much can I spend for extravagant three days? 5 yuan is too much money!Neither Ai Wen nor Chen Yanzi paid much attention to the 5 yuan. They are both children of rich families with deep eyelids!
"It's almost midnight now, let's take a nap to replenish our energy. Tomorrow we will start checking in various tourist attractions, and the day after tomorrow I borrowed a yacht and we go diving in the sea. The day after tomorrow I specially invited a top chef from France to prepare Let's make a big seafood meal, and after eating, we can basically pack up and go home." Ai Wen briefly talked about the itinerary, which he arranged on the plane.

Now the Internet is also available on the plane, so Ivan was not idle during the trip.He has already planned the three-day itinerary clearly, clocking in on the first day, going to sea on the second day, and having a big meal on the third day-it is a perfect arrangement!
Chen Yanzi kissed Ai Wen with a smile.Sometimes Aiwen is really very reliable, his handling ability, planning ability and execution ability are really strong.Whether it is itinerary planning or event arrangement, he can do it clearly.

Ai Wen told the housekeeper: "Tomorrow we will wake up at 07:30, and we will have Chinese style breakfast, just deliver it to the room directly. By the way, prepare two sets of island clothes for us. This set of clothes is too hot in this place!"

The butler calmly recorded Aiwen's request: "Okay, sir! Let you and your wife have an unforgettable trip to Sanya!"

After entering the room, Aiwen scanned with his black technology detector and found no camera in the room.No way, this room is too expensive!Rarely has a room ever been too willing to invest such a large amount of money here.So the privacy here is quite good, and Ivan doesn't have to worry about seeing himself in the "domestic *zone" one day.

(End of this chapter)

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