Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 371 - Let the storm come more violently

Chapter 371 – Let the Storm Come More Violently

Early the next morning, after Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi finished washing, they were ready to start today's self-driving trip.Aiwen didn't use the hotel driver but chose to drive by himself. Anyway, all the cars in the hotel are fully insured, even if Aiwen bumps into someone, the insurance company will come forward to settle the claim.

There are many places worth visiting in Sanya, and the most famous scenic spot is Tianya Haijiao.But Ivan doesn't plan to go there-the subtext of going to the ends of the earth is the end, and it is not auspicious for couples to go to such places.

The area where Ai Wen is located is Nanshan District, and the most worthwhile place in Nanshan District is Nanshan Temple.This is a famous temple of Nanpai Buddhism, and there is the largest three-faced Avalokitesvara statue in China in the Nanshan Temple Scenic Area.According to local people, this Guanyin statue is very effective.In the past, Nanhai Island was hit by various typhoons all the year round, but since the three-sided Avalokitesvara statue was built, there were very few typhoons that landed on Nanhai Island.

The most bizarre thing is a typhoon named Mangkhut - when the meteorological station forecasted, the whole province was closed for vacation. However, the next day the typhoon was inexplicably changed to the Philippines, and the people of the province had an extra typhoon vacation with clear skies.Therefore, the beliefs of the local people are relatively pious.

Although Aiwen is a non-believer, he respects other people's religious beliefs very much.People with faith at least have some perseverance in their hearts, and sometimes people without faith have a lower bottom line-because they have nothing to fear!

I have to say that the natural scenery of Sanya is really pretty good, any scenic spot has a picturesque scenery.After going to Nanshan Temple to worship Guanyin, Ai Wen took Chen Yanzi to the beach that she had been thinking about for a long time.

After this girl arrived at the beach, her psychological gap was actually quite big - it was the peak tourist season, and the dense crowd of tourists on the beach was simply tingling.In the end, Chen Yanzi gave up her plan to rest in the public bath.

Ai Wen comforted: "The hotel we live in has its own inner beach, which is only open to hotel guests. The environment there is much better than public baths, and there are more recreational facilities."

Only now did Chen Yanzi recover a little energy, the scene at the Dadonghai Beach really frightened her.China is indeed a country of people!There are too many people!

For the rest of the time, Ai Wen took Chen Yanzi to continue checking in.The travel guide that Aiwen searched was very detailed, but Aiwen didn't miss any famous scenic spots.After dinner, Ai Wen took Chen Yanzi to the Sanya Eternal Love performance, and it was absolutely useless to come to Sanya and not watch Eternal Love.

There are plenty of gimmicks in large-scale live-action performances, and the ticket price of more than 300 per person is not too expensive.After all, it is really tiring for an actor to toss for an hour.Although Ai Wen thinks that he can play with him, but his performance is indeed quite professional, and it seems that there is a lot of rehearsal.

After watching the performance, Ai Wen took Chen Yanzi to the Sanya Seafood Market to choose ingredients.Although a French chef will come to the hotel to cook for them the day after tomorrow, Ivan wants to cook Chinese seafood.

Sanya Seafood Market is a market integrating seafood sales and production.You can buy fresh seafood here, and then find a seafood stall you like here to make these seafood into dishes.The seafood stall will charge a part of the processing fee according to different ingredients and different production techniques.

Ivan picked a Boston lobster weighing more than three catties, two crabs with big faces, and eight abalones and scallops that were bigger than palms.As for the small conch, Ai Wen didn't buy it either--spicy fried conch or something was too laborious to eat.If you have nothing to do, you can fry a plate of molars as a snack.

Carrying fresh seafood, Aiwen found a processing shop with a good environment.He discussed with the female boss: "Boss, can I use your tools and seasonings to make it myself?"

The female boss is also a cheerful person: "Of course, but you have to pay for the materials."

Ai Wen said boldly: "Follow the market price!"

"Little brother, do you know how to cook?" the female boss asked with a mouthful of Haipu.

Ai Wen smiled and said, "I've been in charge at home!"

"I really envy your wife. The man in my family is very lazy. He doesn't cook every day and doesn't care about the children. After fishing, he drinks Dad's tea under the tree." The female boss said enviously.

Aiwen has really understood the customs of this place. The women on the South China Sea Island are very hardworking, and they are good at housework and making money.On the contrary, the men here are relatively lazy. You can always see lazy men gathering together to play cards and drink tea at the tea stalls on the street.

However, with economic development and population flow, the living conditions of South China Sea Island have also changed.In order to live better, men have also become hardworking.Especially with the increase of men from other places, if local men continue to be lazy, they may not even be able to marry a wife in the future.

Chen Yanzi moved a small bench, holding the rose juice in her hand, sucking it while watching Ai Wen busy.She knew that she couldn't help, she might as well sit on the sidelines and cheer him up instead of making trouble for Aiwen.Aiwen is responsible for cooking and feeding her, and she is responsible for her beauty.

The female boss looked at the young and happy couple of Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi with a look of nostalgia on her face.Once upon a time, I was also a romantic fisherman girl, time flies, time flies!

Seafood dishes pay attention to the original taste.The best way to keep the original flavor of cooking is to boil it—boil it in water!However, it is a pity that some ingredients are boiled in water, like abalone-the best way to eat it is to put garlic vermicelli on it and steam it in a pot like roadside snacks.

As for crabs, steaming them in a pot is the best way to cook them, because they are delicious enough.As long as the crab is cooked, it is a very good delicacy.As for the Boston lobster, Ivan is going to make it sweet-baked lobster with cream cheese.You can't eat all seafood with salt, you have to prepare one or two desserts.

Chen Yanzi always felt that marrying Ai Wen was the most correct choice in her life.Although this guy has a lot of criminal records, what does it have to do with her?Aiwen took care of her in every possible way, and after getting married, Aiwen never went out to mess with women.If she hadn't known Aiwen's glorious history, she would never have believed that Aiwen now is the same person as he used to be.

Aiwen is indeed fulfilling his promise for the rest of his life. Marriage is a kind of promise, and Aiwen's promise is so resounding.

After working for nearly an hour, Ai Wen placed a table of steaming seafood in front of Chen Yanzi.In Q city, Aiwen also cooks seafood, but Aiwen has never cooked such fresh ones!The fresher the seafood, the more delicious it is. The taste of quick-frozen seafood is not as good as that of the place of origin.

Eating the loving seafood made by her favorite person, Chen Yanzi almost lost her mind.At this moment, she just wanted to throw herself into Ai Wen's arms and blend with him.But the occasion is not right now, if you really want to exercise, you still have to go back to the hotel.

It's time to do big things when you're full!So when the couple were full, Chen Yanzi dragged Ai Wen back to the hotel.Seeing his daughter-in-law's shy and pretty appearance, Ai Wen felt a burst of enthusiasm.

Let the storm come harder!
(End of this chapter)

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