Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 378 - Ai Wen's Salted Fish Winter Vacation

Chapter 378 – Aiwen’s Salted Fish Winter Vacation

Regarding Ai Wen's paid super long vacation like winter and summer vacations, Chen Yanzi's heart must be false if she doesn't envy her.But thinking of Aiwen's usual busy appearance, Chen Yanzi immediately gave up the idea of ​​becoming a dance teacher in the system.

With Aiwen's contacts in the education circle of Q City, he is really capable of arranging Chen Yanzi to work as a dance teacher in a public school. Even if he is a contract employee without a career establishment, the payment amount of five social insurance and one housing fund is the same as that of an on-the-job teacher. .

However, Chen Yanzi has already passed the stage of primitive capital accumulation, and the income she earns in one year is already comparable to the lifetime pension of a retired teacher.So whether she pays medical insurance or social security is not a big problem, anyway, she doesn't care even if she pays the full amount out of pocket.

What's more, after entering a public school, the management is stricter. How can I be free and unrestrained like running a school by myself, skipping classes if I want to, and not going if I don't want to?So Chen Yanzi didn't want to go to a place like a school to restrain herself, and being the principal of a private educational institution is not bad!
Sometimes Chen Yanzi wanted Ai Wen to resign and go home to work with her - with Ai Wen as a dog-headed military advisor, the development of her art school would definitely be even more powerful.There are a lot of business negotiations and send Aiwen to Zhuncheng!Aiwen has an affinity for fans, and makes people feel very comfortable in dealing with people.

"So you read these things every day at home?" Chen Yanzi asked, pointing to the "books" bought by Ai Wen.

Ai Wen rubbed his eyes: "It's all traditional Chinese culture, and there are a lot of interesting things in it. I'll show you when I learn it. If you don't know, you don't need money!"

"Are you using me as a guinea pig?" Chen Yanzi said with a smile: "You are a people's teacher who doesn't study teaching and fortune-telling, and you are nothing. Are you afraid that your superiors will label you a superstitious propagandist?"

Ai Wen curled his lips: "Why? I didn't set up a stall to arrest people for fortune-telling, so I can't do my own research? The dean of our Faculty of Arts is also the chairman of the Yi Xue Research Association! Why didn't the education bureau send an investigation team to investigate thoroughly? ?”

"All right! No matter what you say, you are right!" Chen Yanzi said helplessly, "Why don't you go to the construction site and watch for me?"

"Why bother? The decoration company is run by Li Guoyao's father, and he dares not to cheat me! His son is still in my hand! Just don't worry! If it doesn't work, find someone else before signing for it." Third-party quality inspection agency testing, why make yourself so tired?" Ai Wen sat in the yard and looked at the lake waterway.

Their villa has been redecorated, and it has more modern and intelligent colors than the previous model room.Aiwen's renovation this time did not allow the design company to purchase too many high-end luxury furniture. Take the kitchen table as an example, the table of high-end luxury brands dare to ask for 20 yuan!
After Aiwen saw the quotation, he scolded the street at that time - get out!Labor and management would rather find a master carpenter to make a table by hand than buy a so-called high-end luxury dining table imported from abroad!Is it true that labor and management are local tyrants collecting IQ taxes?For a table worth 20 yuan, the craftsmanship and materials can be worth [-] yuan, which is not bad!The rest is the design fee!Dry design fee!I don't need it!
What master design?If you come up with a plausible concept, you will dare to cheat money!Aiwen doesn't have any good feelings for the so-called fashion industry. What makes him special is a bunch of idiots playing tricks to fool more idiots into spending money!Especially those so-called avant-garde arts, Ivan couldn't accept them!God horse stuff!

Aiwen's new decoration is all about simplicity and comfort. There is no intention of being mysterious at all. It's all about how comfortable it is.Money can be spent, but it should be spent on things that can be seen.Not to mention Ai Wensu, those high-end artworks bought by fashion buyers are not necessarily more artistic than the fat terracotta warriors bought by Ai Wen.

The art paintings hanging on the first floor of his living room are all drawn by Ai Wen himself-such as the fat tiger version of the tiger roaring mountain forest map, Sanying Mahjong vs. Lu Bu.Although there is a strong sense of spoof, but Ai Wen's painting techniques give everyone a thumbs up!

Advanced skills are already at a very high level, whether it is a layman or an expert who tastes it, it is worthy of the title of a "painter".But Ivan never claimed to be an artist.What is art?Art is what everyone likes!Sensationalism is called vulgar attention grabbing!
Chen Yanzi especially likes the picture of "Tiger Roaring in the Mountains and Forests", the chubby little tiger almost crushes her.Ai Wen is also a ghost, able to draw such unscrupulous pictures with the charm of traditional Chinese painting techniques.However, it is also very interesting for young people to hang such a pair in their homes. This is the personality of young people.

As soon as Ai Wen is on vacation, he will change jobs to become Chen Yanzi's full-time driver.Fortunately, Chen Yanzi is the principal herself, so she doesn't have to worry too much about working hours.Moreover, the main class time of their educational institutions is in the afternoon, and few students come to study in the morning.

So Chen Yanzi usually goes to work after lunch, and doesn't leave work until after ten o'clock in the evening.She still insists on taking a dance class and a yoga class-this is not because she is open to money, but because she can maintain her physical condition by taking classes.

To teach others to dance and practice yoga, you have to demonstrate the movements yourself.What's more, taking classes with a group of people is more interesting than practicing hard in the dance studio by yourself.If the craftsmanship does not improve, it will degenerate, just like Aiwen-you let him not give lectures for a year, and he will feel a little numb when he goes to the podium again.

Ai Wen also supports Chen Yanzi's idea of ​​not losing her basic skills, no matter when she eats, she can't lose her skills.Chen Yanzi started her career from the dance class, and she herself is the signature of the art school - if she becomes a ball, the students will subconsciously feel that the art school is unreliable.

Chen Yanzi has always wanted Ai Wen to open a martial arts class in the art school, and she has seen how powerful Ai Wen's martial arts are.My husband's level is definitely not comparable to that of a certain treasure country, he has real kung fu.Moreover, Aiwen can also play Sanda, and taking a Sanda class can also attract many students.

Ai Wen never let go—just kidding, he is usually busy enough, and he will make trouble for himself by opening a martial arts class?Why bother!Isn't the Ai family short of money?Why put so much pressure on yourself!
So Chen Yanzi has always been very regretful, if her art school opened another martial arts subject, the school's teaching breadth could be improved to a higher level.Chen Yanzi is a woman with a strong sense of professionalism, otherwise, how could she turn a small dance class into the leader of art and cultural education in the entire Q City in just five years?
In terms of professionalism and enterprising spirit, Xianyu Aiwen can't compare with his wife at all.Aiwen is not a business material!This has a lot to do with the family environment - the Chen family is a family of merchants, and Chen Yanzi grew up watching her father work hard in business since she was a child.And what about the Ai family?Under the deliberate concealment of the elders of the Ai family, Ai Wen grew up in a teacher's home. Every day he saw his parents leave work regularly to accompany him, and his life has been happy and happy.So Ivan loves life more, and career is just the foundation of life.

This is also the reason why Aiwen still lives a salty life after knowing that he is a rich second generation-in his concept, it is enough to have enough money when it is used, and more is just a number.Only life is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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