Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 384 - Ai Wen's Surprising Decision

Chapter 384 - Ai Wen's Surprising Decision
Time is always so irresistible, the pleasant winter vacation has passed in a blink of an eye, whether you are willing or not, you have to go back to work to face it.

"It's so annoying, I don't want to go to work!" Ai Wen hugged the quilt early in the morning and hummed.

Chen Yanzi was annoyed by Ai Wen: "Boss, can you please let the little girl sleep peacefully? Besides, you are a teacher! What if you don't go to work as a student?"

Ai Wen said lazily: "It's damn job burnout again. I really don't want to go to work at this time...but I can't resign after resigning. It's so uncomfortable to think about it."

Chen Yanzi asked, "Why can't you resign?"

"This is the high expectation that my father placed on me, and if I can't get the title of senior teacher, I have no right to inherit the family property. My father is a wolf, and he really won't give a dime if he doesn't give it! I would rather donate to a charitable foundation than bring me a dime! So my husband is hard! I am also working hard for the title of senior teacher! I am for our future!" Ai Wen explained painfully.

Chen Yanzi sneered: "After all, you are lazy!"

"It's not laziness, it's job burnout! Being an ordinary teacher can no longer satisfy my pursuit of excitement!" Ai Wen explained in this way.

"So?" Chen Yanzi asked in confusion.

"So I'm going to get ready to do something..." Ai Wen said quietly.

"Then you go do it! Why do you interfere with my sleep?" Chen Yanzi kicked Ai Wen down: "Get out! Then interfere with my old lady's sleep and let you sleep in the study!"

Ai Wen put on his pajamas disheveledly and walked into the bathroom to wash up. Half an hour later, Teacher Ai Wen made his debut again.

The new semester begins with a new start, and the new Class Seven must have a new look. Ai Wen has already given the children in Class Seven a winter break to rest.What awaits them next will be Alvin's violent storm.

Come to your senses, boy!If things go wrong, there must be monsters. Teacher Ai Wen gave you a winter vacation. Obviously, the next semester will not be peaceful!
The new semester begins, teachers return to school a week early, and students are still in a happy holiday.As the class teacher, Ai Wen called teachers of various subjects to discuss the teaching of this semester in advance.

Ai Wen had arranged the self-study content for the students of Class [-] before the winter vacation, and he required the students of Class [-] to preview all the new lessons of the entire junior high school before the school started.As soon as the students return to school, Ai Wen will use the mock test questions of the senior high school entrance examination to test their self-study results.

Although junior high school has just passed halfway, Aiwen requires his students to enter the review stage of the senior high school entrance examination at this time.The teachers of various subjects were stunned by Ai Wen's rhetoric. They had seen the class teacher crazy, but they had never seen one as crazy as Ai Wen.You dare to let the children review for the senior high school entrance examination in the second semester of junior high school, are you thinking about farts!

"Facts speak for themselves. The children in Class [-] will use their grades to tell you what makes the impossible possible." Ai Wen said confidently, but other teachers were still suspicious.Years of educational experience told them that this matter is completely impossible to accomplish.Students' learning is passive. Let students learn actively in advance, even if they do it, the effect may not be good.

Although Ai Wen's ideas are wild and unconstrained, but the students in Class 7 have really fulfilled his requirements, and the teachers in charge of the class will also be overjoyed.Entering the high school entrance examination review in advance means more time to experience refinement. As long as there is no problem with their IQ, one year is enough to train scrap iron into an elite.

However, Aiwen's next words shocked the teachers: "This semester, all the classes in Class 7 will be suspended. I plan to take the students of Class 7 to visit and study all over the country. Read Wanjuanshu It’s better to travel thousands of miles, I want to take the children to see a wider world and let them meet better peers.”

"Ms. Ai, are you crazy? The principal will definitely not agree to your request!" Mathematics teacher Wang said in a very puzzled way. He really couldn't understand what Ai Wen wanted to do.

"As long as the parents of the students agree, the principal should not have much opinion. The main reason why education cannot go out of the campus is safety issues. I can guarantee the safety of students and bear all the risks of crisis. The principal will agree to my request. What's more, Class 7 The original intention of the establishment of the school was to serve as an educational experimental class, although the pace of reform is a bit big, but the future of Class 7 will be infinitely brilliant." Ai Wen explained sincerely.

To be honest, the teachers in class were buzzing after hearing what Ai Wen said.If students are left out of class for a long time, the knowledge in their minds may be gradually forgotten over time, and without a lot of practice and review, the knowledge level of students will plummet.This is why the more children play off-road, the better they learn.

"Don't worry, students will use their free time for self-improvement and learning. Taking them out of the campus does not mean leaving the books and the classroom. Life is full of classrooms. As long as you have a studious heart, you will no longer have any problems in the senior high school entrance examination." Ai Wen reassured .

The teachers are still full of infinite worries, after all, they have never encountered such a wonderful thing as Ivan in their years of education.Having such a head teacher on the stall doesn't know whether it's a blessing or a curse, although Class 7's grades are now among the best in the city, and even far ahead in the whole school.But no one knows whether the results of Class 7 will be maintained after such a toss by Aiwen.

However, it is not Ivan's character to be timid before fighting. He is a person full of challenging spirit.Therefore, no matter how many hardships and risks there are ahead, Aiwen will still choose to toss resolutely.Life lies in dying, young people don't even have the courage to die, isn't it premature aging?
Grades are important, but Aiwen thinks that the future development of the children in Class 7 is also very important.The educational ideal in his heart is to make his students look like dragons. It is not enough to reach the top in Q City. He also wants his students to become the top talents in the country.

The stage is as big as the heart. If your students are only stuck in the corner of No. [-] Middle School, and their vision is only trapped in the small place of Q City, then how can these children talk about family and country feelings when they grow up?Have you ever seen how the world cherishes the world?Therefore, Aiwen has devoted himself to his educational ideals.

As for whether the parents of the students agree or not, Ai Wen himself doesn't know.So he plans to make a third home visit before school starts. This time he will reach a consensus with all the parents, hoping that the parents will agree with Ivan's crazy plan.

However, everyone has their own ideas, and Aiwen's educational philosophy will not get the approval of all parents.If there are parents who can't be persuaded anyway, Aiwen can only reluctantly give up and transfer this student to another class through the school leaders.

Class 7 must be Ai Wen's words, and any ideas that go against the spirit of Class 7 cannot exist.If your parents don't trust me, then we can get together and get separated. It is fate to meet, and we should break up peacefully.

There is a song that is not sung like this. Breaking up needs to be decent, no one needs to say sorry.The same is true between teachers and students. If you don't agree with my educational ideals and educational concepts, it is better to break up and say goodbye early.

(End of this chapter)

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