Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 385 – Cultural Journey

Chapter 385 – Cultural Journey

Another unexpected home visit made the students in Class [-] startled.Aiwen has always been a blockbuster if he doesn't make a statement, and now his home visit with such a big fanfare obviously has important things to announce.

As a result, there was a lot of discussion in the class group, and everyone was guessing what amazing move Boss Aiwen had made.Some people think that this is just an ordinary home visit; but some people think that there must be a big conspiracy here.

When Aiwen walked into the first student's home, the class group was completely blown up.

"I'm hooked! We won't even go to class next semester, and Boss Aiwen is going to take us on a walk across the country."

"Damn it, this is a big deal!"

"Why do I have a bad idea in my mind?"

"Comrades, please calm down. Every decision made by Lao Ai is a good thing for us."

"But can our parents agree? My parents can't bear to see me for half a year!"

"From Lao Ai's point of view, if our parents don't agree, we have to transfer to other classes, even gods can't keep you."

"No! I won't go to another class even if I die! What's the point of life after leaving Class Seven!?"

Aiwen's home visit was not smooth, because some parents refused to let their children follow Aiwen for more than half a year because they were worried about their children and did not agree with Aiwen's methods.After all, for most parents, children's main job is always to learn.Now that my child's grades have improved so much, it is obviously not beneficial for my child to be tossed about by Mr. Ai Wen.

Next, Aiwen counted the list of students whose parents refused to sign the consent statement.There are more than 40 students in the class, and the parents of [-] students chose to reassign their children to the class.

The principle of redistribution of classes is still fair, just and open, and the school came forward to conduct an open lottery.Parents draw lots in person, and the children in the class they draw will enter that class.

The teachers of other classes welcome the students of Class [-] to study, because they have been taught by Ai Wen for a year and a half, and the grades of the students in Class [-] are far ahead.In the report card of the final exam of last semester, the class rank of class seven is already approximately equal to the top [-] list of the whole year.

You must know that No. 90.00 Middle School has performance rewards for the senior high school entrance examination. As long as one more person in the class can be admitted to a key high school, the head teacher and the subject teacher will have different amounts of rewards.[-]% of the students in the seventh class are good candidates from key high schools. As long as they don't relax, they will definitely get a pretty good result in the senior high school entrance examination in one and a half years.

In the end, there were only more than 20 students left in class seven.Aiwen will take these more than 20 students on a study tour across the country. From the big waves to the sand and gold, these more than 20 students can be regarded as Aiwen's disciples in the true sense.

Confucius has 72 disciples but only 40 sages. There are more than 20 people who just entered the seventh class, but now there are only more than [-] left.It has to be said that this is a very regrettable thing, because these fifteen children lost the opportunity to follow Aiwen to enjoy the more beautiful scenery under the intervention of their parents.

Therefore, parents' decisions are sometimes not all correct.Mom and Dad sometimes keep talking about being good to you, but in the end they push you into the fire pit and make you miss the opportunity.Maybe this is the destiny of life!

In fact, more than 40 people in the seventh class really wanted to travel with Aiwen.However, there are very few children who really dare to resist their parents.When children and parents have conflicts, it is usually the children who give in. After all, they do not have full behavioral capacity yet, and their life planning also needs the help of parents.

On the day when the students returned to school, the students in class seven returned to the class they were most familiar with.Looking at the little friends who were about to leave, the children who stayed in Class [-] cried bitterly.Everyone's heart is full of reluctance, they are classmates, they are friends, they are brothers and sisters.And they still have to face the parting for more than half a year, and they can't help crying when they think about it.

Ai Wen was also quite uncomfortable, but the decisions he made would never be changed, let alone shrink back because of some parents' ideas.He has had enough of being locked up in the mediocre education model on campus, and he wants to explore a way to make students go higher, faster and more stable.

Regarding the itinerary, he has already planned it.Among them, the most important places are the top universities in various regions.This includes both junior high school and university.Visiting other people's junior high schools can meet better peers; visiting first-class universities can stimulate a stronger learning motivation in the heart.

And it's not that they don't study on the road. Aiwen gave everyone a tablet computer, and they will learn freely through online lectures and online teaching during the journey.No matter where you don't know where to order, so easy!

The combination of traveling thousands of miles and reading thousands of books is the focus of Ai Wen's exploration this semester. He knocked on the doors of various top middle schools through the contacts he accumulated in college.The leaders of these top middle schools were also amazed that a teacher would make such a crazy move, so they opened the door of convenience with full of curiosity.

Aiwen's contacts in the education field are quite strong. Even if his own face is not good, the leaders of some famous schools will give his teacher Lao Jin a face.The graduates of Northern Normal University are a fairly united group, and it is very normal for one party to support all parties in difficulties.What's more, Aiwen can be regarded as a relatively well-known alumnus, and the wild reception he opened in the imperial capital is also well-known in the alumni circle of Northern Normal University.

Basically, no school will reject Aiwen and his students, and Aiwen is not in vain. He will conduct educational exchanges with the opening school as a master of education.He didn't lead the team alone, Ms. Grace would also visit with him.If Aiwen's master's degree in education from Northern Normal University is not enough to hold up the scene, Grace's master's degree in education from Oxford University can also support the scene.

Grace, a foreign teacher, is very affordable. In addition to being able to practice foreign languages ​​for students, he can also serve as a stepping stone for Ivan. He can be called a model tool man.Ms. Grace is also happy with this, because she can follow Aiwen all over China's top compulsory education institutions, and can have a more comprehensive understanding of China's compulsory education situation.This was the opportunity he had dreamed of, something he had never dreamed of before.

So this is a win-win model, whether it is Ivan or Ms. Grace, they both get what they want.Aiwen wanted to bring his students to the world, and Ms. Grace wanted to understand the rules and methods of compulsory education in China. The two hit it off and cooperated seamlessly.

The preparation time left for the students in class seven is only three days, and when the school officially starts, Aiwen will take them on a school trip.This is a great attempt, an unprecedented cultural journey.I don't know what kind of challenges await them on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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