Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 387 – Travel thousands of miles every day, read thousands of books at night

Chapter 387 – Travel thousands of miles every day, read thousands of books at night
The first stop of Ai Wen's trip with the children was the rural primary school in Sandaogang Village.Aiwen wants his students to see how happy his study life is.Happiness can only be obtained through comparison. If you are soaked in a honey pot for a long time, you will not be able to perceive happiness.

When the children of class seven saw such a dilapidated campus, their hearts were filled with shock.It turns out that there are still such dilapidated schools in the world. They have only seen such backward places on TV.Now that they really walked into such a campus, they realized that the environment of No. [-] Middle School is so superior.

"This is a rural school, and all the children who study here are from the village. Their classrooms are dilapidated and their learning environment is backward, but their academic performance is among the best in the town." Ai Wen said Introduced.

Countless thoughts arose in the hearts of the children, and thousands of words turned into a single sigh in the end.Having lived in the city for more than ten years, they really can't imagine that their peers in the countryside live such a life and go to such a school.

Lunch for the group is settled in the school cafeteria.It is said to be a cafeteria, but it is actually just a shack with a big pot on it.The teachers at the school will take turns cooking, and the students bring their own lunch boxes to the cafeteria to get food and meals.As for the taste, it is quite hard to describe, but for these children, eating a hot meal at school is already a great happiness.

If they are allowed to eat at home, their parents or grandparents will not have time to cook for them during the busy farming season.The meal time of rural people is not fixed at all. Sometimes it may be three meals a day, but more often it is only two meals a day.

The rough food made the children in Class [-] feel hot, but when they saw the children who were younger than them eating delicious food, the children in Class [-] did not spit out the unpalatable food, but I chose to swallow it.Compared with Qishidai's exquisite box lunch, the deliciousness of this rural lunch is simply far, far, far away.

After spending half a day here, the hearts of the children in Class [-] have undergone countless baptisms.They no longer had the same joy as when they just walked out of the school, and they had a heavy thought in their hearts.

Students at this age should also learn to think. Just as Premier Zhou aspired to study for the rise of China when he was young, Ai Wen should also subtly strengthen the belief of students and let them know why they study.And let them learn to cherish, don't take good conditions for granted.

The gratitude education on the first day was quite successful. Aiwen and the others had prepared some gifts to pass on to the students through the teachers here before their arrival.The children in Class [-] also formed a deep friendship with the children in the village primary school.Children's friendship is pure, without any interest, and the shelf life of such friendship will be longer.

Under the leadership of Ai Wen, the children of Class [-] left Sandaogang Village and got on the bus to the provincial capital.On the way to the provincial capital, Aiwen sat in the car and exchanged his experience of the visit and study with the students.

Experience learning can get more experience through mutual communication in the brain, and the time on the road is not used for children to play games and sleep.Aiwen needs to strike while the iron is hot, let the children understand more truths, and let them grow faster and more.

After arriving at the hotel, the children of Class [-] had a delicious buffet.The food standard at noon is much worse than that at night. The big pot rice in the countryside is really not delicious. If everyone is hungry at noon, I really can’t eat it.

With a full belly, Aiwen brought the children of Class [-] to the conference hall of the hotel.Most of the big hotels in the country will provide free meeting rooms and conference halls for consumers who come in groups.After the equipment was debugged, the children of Class [-] ushered in today's learning time.

Do you think you don't need to study if you take it out of school?hehe!childish!

The children in Class [-] need to learn more!Harder!Deeper!Why do you think Ivan brought out all the teaching assistants?Wouldn't it be better to take care of the children with ten professional nannies?These teaching assistants are the teachers on the road for children!Although they will take a lot of video lessons, there will also be teachers offline to help them solve their worries.

Do you know about double-teacher education?This is an educational method that many training institutions will use.It's just that the school cannot implement this kind of education method because of the incompatibility of management methods and resource sharing, so the children are not familiar with this teaching method.

But Aiwen is an old gun in the education industry. As long as it is a teaching model that can be named, Aiwen can say one, two, three, four, five.During the period when the children were not in school, dual-teacher education was the most suitable teaching method for these children that Ivan could think of.

The daily schedule of the seventh class is basically to travel thousands of miles a day and read thousands of books at night.The time spent during the day needs to be made up at night, but the lover will not let them stay up too late, and most children can guarantee to fall asleep before nine o'clock in the evening.If you don't fall asleep, it just means you have insomnia!
Therefore, it is impossible for parents to worry that their children's grades will decline.The online classroom teachers selected by Aiwen for the children are all well-known education experts in China.Aiwen spent a lot of money on online classes alone. After all, China's first-class educators are concentrated in private companies.Everyone wants to make money to support their families!

The daily intensive study time is about two and a half hours, and the remaining half hour is taken out for quizzes.The content of the study has not been implemented through the exam, and Ivan does not know how well they have mastered it.The assistant teachers will arrange quizzes according to the learning content of the day.These quizzes will be sent to students online, and students only need to answer on the tablet.

Aiwen is not an educational philanthropist either. He pays teaching assistants so much every month to make them work hard.If you can't do this little thing well, what use is Aiwen asking you?There are so many normal universities in China, and these normal universities have so many fresh graduates every year, and there are always suitable talents among so many fresh graduates.

Generally speaking, China's job market is becoming saturated.A job with a lot of money, little work, and good benefits like Aiwen's is simply a hot spot. These teaching assistants of Aiwen are all recommended by the instructors of various majors. If they do not perform well, these The director will be embarrassed to see Aiwen in the future.

The teaching assistants need to work harder at night. After the children rest, they need to mark the papers online, and finally summarize the results to Aiwen.Aiwen will use these data to analyze each student's learning situation and learning attitude.Aiwen can know whether you are progressing or regressing. If you are really unreasonable, Aiwen will kindly ask you for an appointment.

The students in class [-] trembled at Aiwen's cordial interview. Aiwen usually wouldn't do anything with students, and students in class [-] seldom suffered from flesh and blood.But Aiwen's broken mouth is simply too demonic. As long as you don't repent, Aiwen will buzz in your ears like a monk, buzzing...

And Aiwen's patience is very good, he will always take you by his side and kindly buzz in your ears... When you admit your mistake and decide to change Aiwen will let you go.

This kind of spiritual pollution is far more tormenting than physical pain, because you don't even have the chance to resist.If you want to overturn the table, you have to weigh whether you have the strength, just as Aiwen is a soft persimmon, just pinch it casually?He can make you cry with one punch!

(End of this chapter)

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