Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 388 – Journey to Famous Schools in the Province

Chapter 388 – Journey to Famous Schools in the Province

Although the children have left the campus, the morning exercises of class [-] have not stopped.Next to the hotel that Aiwen settled on is a large park with a very elegant environment and very fresh air.The square in the park is enough for everyone in Class [-] to do morning exercises.

Aiwen's teaching assistants didn't participate in the morning exercise, and Aiwen wasn't Huang Shiren's trick of crowing in the middle of the night, so it was his wish to let the teaching assistants sleep a little longer.In fact, Ai Wen slept later than the teaching assistants, because after the teaching assistants sent the transcripts to Ai Wen, Ai Wen still needed to make a summary.

However, his physical fitness is close to the limit of human beings, and it is not a vital matter to sleep a little less every day.

The content of the morning exercises in class [-] is still the practice of traditional martial arts. The children in class [-] know that traditional martial arts are not used to beat people, but to exercise the body and cultivate one's morality.If you really want to learn a skill of self-protection, practicing Sanda is definitely better than practicing traditional martial arts.

As for why he should practice traditional martial arts, the opinions of the seventh class are unanimous... because he is handsome.The fights are too disharmonious. These days, all those who are brave and ruthless go in, while those who practice traditional martial arts and somersaults are all angry at a certain sound.

As a result, a group of young children with very different styles from those who practice Tai Chi appeared in the park near the hotel. They wore martial arts uniforms and practiced boxing.

Aiwen didn't participate in it, he just walked back and forth like a superior with his hands behind his back, and if he found someone whose movements were not standardized, he just kicked lightly, and the boss had a very strong temperament.

An old man came over curiously and asked, "Are you from the provincial martial arts team?"

Ai Wen shook his head: "These children are just ordinary lovers."

The old man with a wisp of beard: "The young people are humble. These children's fists and feet are quite organized. It looks like they have been trained professionally. The junior class of the provincial martial arts team is at this level!"

Aiwen glanced at the old man in surprise, and said to himself that this old man has a pretty good eye!

"Hey, nowadays not many children will choose the good things passed down from our ancestors, and more parents send their children to some kind of taekwondo class to kick wooden boards." The old man sighed and sighed: "They are all good children ah!"

Ai Wen thinks this is really a man with a story, but now is not a good time for chatting, it is best to avoid casual conversations when meeting by chance, and Ai Wen is not a gossip person, so he has no interest in asking the truth.

After the morning exercise, the children of class seven went back to the hotel to wash up and have breakfast.The hotel that Ai Wen booked is not low-grade, and he can enjoy three buffets in the morning, afternoon and evening when staying here.

After the meal, Aiwen started today's journey with everyone from Class [-] and the accompanying team.The grade of the school I visited today is much higher than yesterday's. After all, this is a provincial capital, a place with a higher level of education development than Q City.

If you want to visit, you have to visit the best ones. Aiwen chose two schools in the provincial capital to visit.In the morning, they were going to the No. [-] Middle School in the provincial capital, and in the afternoon, their destination was the High School Affiliated to Normal University in the provincial capital... The High School Affiliated to Normal University for short.

These two middle schools are the top middle schools in the province, and it is an indisputable fact that No. [-] Middle School in Q City is half a grade lower than these two middle schools.

Today, the children in Class [-] are not empty-handed, they all brought their musical instruments.After all, it is an exchange and study visit, so it is really impolite to bring a child to the door with both hands empty.If you can perform a show or something, the meaning will be very different... This is to build a bridge of cooperation and friendship between the two schools.

The most commendable thing about Provincial No. [-] Middle School is their professional teaching and research team.Teachers at No. [-] Middle School in the provincial capital can basically reach the level of per capita millionaires as long as they have worked for ten years.This has nothing to do with extra-curricular supplementary lessons, and the level of one million per capita is their legal income.

According to the relevant regulations on the management of public institutions, royalties from teachers' published books are reasonable and legal income.Provincial Capital No. [-] Middle School can bring huge income to the school every year just by publishing professional books, reference books, teacher's teaching plans, and exercise books.

If other people's schools want to save some money, they can only save money constantly, but Shangcheng No. 50.00 Middle School has become rich through their own efforts.Of the royalties earned every year, the school leaves 50.00% for development.Including the improvement of teachers' welfare, the development of teacher training, the development of characteristic education, etc... The remaining [-]% will be awarded according to the participation of each teacher.

Therefore, the salaries of the teachers in No. [-] Middle School are the lowest part of their income structure, and most of their real income comes from the royalties of the teaching and research group.The money is in place, hard work is not a problem, and scientific research is not a problem.

When the school embarks on a virtuous circle, it becomes inevitable to become the leader of education in the whole province.

This development model was developed by No. [-] Middle School in the provincial capital for more than [-] years.Especially the establishment of the brand, which requires generation after generation of teachers to prove it with their achievements.If the third middle school entrance examination in the provincial capital overturned the college entrance examination, their income would drop off a cliff in the second year.

As for the High School Attached to Normal University, they have the strong background and solid backing of the Normal University in the provincial capital, and they are the best in the province in terms of teaching staff.Therefore, in the competition for the high school and college entrance examinations, the High School Affiliated to Normal University has always been able to compete with No. [-] Middle School in the provincial capital.

Ai Wen was able to take the students into these two schools for a visit, relying on the relationship between classmates.The reputation of Northern Normal University is higher than that of Provincial Normal University, so his classmates can enter this super-first-class key middle school to teach after graduating from undergraduate.

It just so happened that Ai Wen had acquaintances in both schools.Through the matchmaking of acquaintances, Aiwen established a relationship with the two schools.There is no destiny in the world, all because I have money.If the school leaders really don't give face, Aiwen can open the door of convenience for the two schools by spending money.

What's more, Ai Wen came here in the name of an exchange study visit, and his class is also a well-known class with Internet celebrities.Even among the students of the No. [-] Middle School in the provincial capital and the High School Affiliated to Normal University, none of them had experienced such a big scene of making a movie in junior high school.

Including Aiwen himself is also well-known in the education circles across China.A teacher who can become a top Internet celebrity and lead students to make a movie can definitely be called an alternative.The most amazing thing is that Ai Wen's grades in Class [-] are quite good, which is what surprised his colleagues in the education field.

Therefore, for various reasons, the No. [-] Middle School in the provincial capital and the High School Attached to the Normal University opened their doors to Ai Wen and Class Seven, and welcomed them from afar.However, the teachers and students of the two top middle schools are full of arrogance.If the students in class seven were just a bunch of idiots, they would definitely be despised.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the bus full of Ai Wen and his party stopped at the gate of No. [-] Middle School in the provincial capital.The director of the student department of the No. [-] Middle School went out to greet him. Although Ai Wen was young, he was also the director of a school. If the No. [-] Middle School didn't want to be rude, it had to send out a director of comparable rank to greet him.

No way, this is the rule of doing things.If you want to hang out in the circle, you have to abide by the rules of the circle.No matter which industry is the same.

(End of this chapter)

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