Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 389 – The Confidence of the Famous School

Chapter 389 – The Confidence of the Famous School

"Teacher Ai Wen, welcome to No. [-] Middle School in the provincial capital for exchanges." Director Liu of the Student Department of No. [-] Middle School warmly welcomed.

Ai Wen also enthusiastically held Director Liu's hands: "Thank you to the leaders of No. [-] Middle School for giving me this learning opportunity!"

"Mr. Aiwen, you are welcome. You are also a well-known young teacher in the compulsory education circle of the whole province. We also want to learn from you in the third middle school! These are the children of the seventh class, right? They are indeed a group of future talents of the motherland. !" Director Liu's words are quite clever, and his words are like spring breeze.

Ai Wen is also a person who can speak well, and immediately backhandedly praised the century-old school history of No. [-] Middle School and the cultivation of talents.He did his homework before he came, and Ai Wen, an outstanding alumnus of the No. [-] Middle School, knew it clearly.

In order to set up a relationship, Ai Wen went around with everyone he knew - he didn't expect that his classmates really graduated from the third middle school.After all, Northern Normal University is a well-known teacher training institution in China, and a large proportion of students in the third middle school will choose their university.

However, the top students of the No. 985 High School will definitely not choose Northern Normal University. Their goal is Ivy League and Qingbei. There is a gap between Wudaokou Men's Vocational and Technical College and Zhongguancun College of Applied Arts and Sciences.

The relationship between people is just like this.Although Ai Wen is not a graduate of No. [-] Middle School, he knows and admires No. [-] Middle School graduates, so we are friends.

There are different skills in dealing with different people.When chatting with people, you have to match what they like. Let’s take for example a friend Ai Wen knew from Dongshan, a province with a big college entrance examination.I can hack Dongshan, but you can’t; I can hack Dongshan, but you can’t. But I hack Dongshan TV, if you hack Dongshan TV with me, we are good buddies!
Less than 10 minutes.Director Liu and Ai Wen became acquainted.Entrusted by the school leaders, Director Liu took Ai Wen and his party to visit the school history museum, various multimedia classrooms, student activity rooms and teaching and research rooms of No. [-] Middle School.Education has never been something to cherish. The core of school development lies in people rather than rules and regulations.

Believe it or not, the teachers in No. [-] Middle School never clock in to and from get off work.People come when they want, and leave when they want.As long as the education, teaching and research activities are not delayed, you can do whatever you like.A word from the principal of the No. [-] Middle School inspired Ai Wen a lot-when a unit starts to pay attention to employee attendance, it means that the unit has begun to decline.It is the most undesirable thing to tie teachers to their posts by checking in attendance. It is necessary to stimulate teachers' self-motivation and motivation from within.

To be honest, the No. [-] Middle School in the provincial capital does not look like a dull century-old school at all. The whole school is shrouded in a kind of vitality.The teacher walks with wind, is able to do things, and never procrastinates.The students also learn from each other, and few of them hang out in groups in the corridors lazily.

During the break, Ai Wen took the students in the corridor to observe the learning status of the students in No. [-] Middle School.He found that many students were relaxing in their own way, but everyone was very quiet and would not chatter in the classroom.It's like elegant gentlemen and ladies dining in a western restaurant!
Director Liu introduced: "The teaching in the No. 2.0 Middle School has entered the era of informationization [-]. The students' desks have built-in tablet computers. When get out of class is over, they can listen to music and browse some current events."

This is very awesome!The hardware of the seventh class is not so advanced!It seems that Aiwen can also consider upgrading the classroom when he goes back. This trip to No. [-] Middle School was not in vain.It is indeed the most wealthy school in the province, and this title is well-deserved!

Seeing Ai Wen's envious eyes, Director Liu took Ai Wen to continue the tour.Walking to the top floor, Ai Wen heard a burst of melodious music coming out of the door: "Director Liu, is this a music class?"

Director Liu smiled slightly: "This is the school's brass band rehearsal, and all schools will participate in the Provincial Games next year. The leading team of our Provincial No. [-] Middle School needs a brass band to support the scene."

"Can you go in and have a look?" Ivan asked.

"Of course!" Director Liu led Ai Wen and his party into the rehearsal hall, only to hear hundreds of students playing "The People's Navy Marching Forward" with various Western instruments in their hands. Relatively unfamiliar, there is suspicion of shaming.

Director Liu explained: "The brass band of the No. 30.00 Middle School has always been maintained in the way of old and new. Every year, the brass band absorbs [-]% of the new students to maintain vitality, which can prevent the brass band from having no members after graduation."

Ai Wen expressed his understanding of this, the iron-clad camp is full of flowing soldiers.The school is a big camp for welcoming and sending off, and it is impossible for any student organization in the school to recruit students for only one class.If this class of students graduates, the student organization will immediately fall into an embarrassing situation where no one is available.

Director Liu walked up to the front and whispered a few words to the music teacher who was training, and the music teacher said through the microphone: "Today, friends from No. [-] Middle School in Q City came to our school to exchange and study. Let us play for friends who came from afar. How about a song?"

The children in the brass band turned their heads one after another, and saw the leader Ivan as soon as they glanced.Many of them know Ai Wen-after all, he is also a well-known actor now.

It is Aiwen's teacher status that the children agree with.All the children in Huaxia are envious of the students in Class [-] having a teacher like Ai Wen.So the children of No. [-] Middle School shouted one after another:

"Hello, Teacher Aiwen!"

"Mr. Aiwen, you are so handsome!"

"Teacher Aiwen! I want to be your student!"

Director Liu said with a hearty smile, "Mr. Ai, I didn't expect you to have so many little fans in No. [-] Middle School!"

"It's a joke, everyone praises it," Ai Wen said modestly.

The students of No. [-] Middle School looked over Ai Wen and landed on the children of Class No. [-].They found many familiar faces - such as Li Guoyao, Xie Mingjie, Li Jinqiong and other familiar faces.

The event that Ai Wen led his students to make a movie has almost become a strange talk in the education circle.What student doesn't relish talking about a movie when it's released?Now that legendary class appeared neatly in front of me, how could the students of No. [-] Middle School not work hard to perform?
So the brass band members of the No. [-] Middle School performed with all their might, and put on a good show for Ivan.A mighty and majestic "Steel Torrent March" was played with the momentum of thousands of troops.

Ai Wen nodded secretly. As expected of a student from No. [-] Middle School in the provincial capital, this kind of spirit cannot be cultivated by a school in a small place.Without long-term training and a lot of stage experience, it is impossible for the No. [-] Middle School brass band to play with such a magnificent momentum.

It can be seen that their children will be more confident after graduation, and their future road will be smoother.This is the benefit of a prestigious school background—otherwise, why the price in the No. 5 Middle School District has risen to more than [-] per square meter?Why would the teachers in No. [-] Middle School be exhausted to death rather than drive them away?The in-service teachers of No. [-] Middle School will get a recommendation for admission every year!

Do you know how much money has been made in the provincial capital for a recommended place for admission? 20!Not two thousand!Twenty thousand!But 20!This is just the recommended quota for admission!If the student's own grades are not good, there are additional conditions.
This is the confidence of a prestigious school!
(End of this chapter)

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