Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 390 - Communication and Discussion

Chapter 390 – Communication and Discussion
"Students from No. [-] Middle School brought us wonderful performances. As a courtesy, we also have to perform a show for friends from No. [-] Middle School." Ai Wen said with a smile while applauding.

The members of the brass band of the No. [-] Middle School were very curious about what kind of program the students of Class No. [-] could bring to them. After all, this was a class that was rumored to be an Internet celebrity.Their shots must be all kinds of extraordinary.

Xie Mingjie sneaked up to Ai Wen's side and asked, "Teacher, what show shall we perform?"

"Have you brought all the guys?" Ivan asked.

Xie Mingjie nodded: "I listen to your orders, I'm carrying them all! I'm getting old!"

Ai Wen nodded: "Since they performed the torrent of steel, let's play a folk music version for everyone."

Xie Mingjie hurried back to the team to notify.Under his command, the students in Class [-] began to pick up various musical instruments, and it didn't take long for a folk band to come together.

Ai Wen took out a suona from his pocket and said to Director Liu: "This thing is the soul, and the folk orchestra has no soul without a suona."

Director Liu gave a thumbs up and praised: "Teacher Ai Wen is really versatile."

"Director Liu is absurd, a little skill is shameful." Ai Wen said modestly, and then he walked to the front of the seventh class band and said to the students in the brass band of the third middle school: "It's a pleasure to come to the third middle school, The excellent students have really benefited me a lot. I came to No. [-] Middle School today, and I will give you a folk music version of the Iron Torrent March."

The students in No. [-] Middle School were stunned, the folk music "Steel Torrent March"?Do you have this formula?This combination sounds very good.

Amidst the confused faces of the students in No. [-] Middle School, Class No. [-] began their performance.The opening of the drum in the lobby is solemn and solemn, and the elegant sound of the Tang Dynasty from thousands of years ago is deafening.

Huaxia's lobby drum is dull and solemn, and its tone is like thunder.In the band performance, it plays the role of timpani - it is similar to the timpani of the brass band.

Immediately after, Yangqin and Pipa are cut in.Yangqin can play all the tunes that the piano can play, but Yangqin is indeed not as grand as the king of musical instruments.

When the prelude was over and the official movement began, Ai Wen puffed up his cheeks and blew the suona.Worthy of the title of a musical instrument hooligan, when the suona rang, Wanyue was silent.No one is good in front of suona.

In order to prevent the suona from being too prominent, Ai Wen had to play it with restraint, so as not to make the suona's voice too high and loud.

"It's up, it's up!" a child from No. [-] Middle School muttered to himself.

"Magic! Tete Meow is so magical!" the classmates around him echoed.

"My ears are filled with suona echoes now," a girl said with a mournful face.

"Yes, yes! The kind that lingers on for three days!"

3 minutes is not long, nor is it short.After the performance of the "Steel Torrent March", the three views of the students in No. [-] Middle School were almost shattered.

This unique performance is really impressive.The students of the Brass Band of the No. [-] Middle School estimate that they will never forget the dedication brought to them by the students of the No. [-] Class in the next three to five years.

But there is one thing to say, the acting skills and acting ability of the students in class seven are definitely not inferior to the elites in third middle school.

Do you think this is just a simple mutual performance show?No!Here's how the two schools compare to each other!Ai Wen didn't lose this time, so he didn't get beaten to the ground by Director Liu.

Next, Director Liu took a group of people to visit the gymnasium.The gymnasium of the No. [-] Middle School is very tall, and courses such as basketball, football, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, aerobics, and swimming can be held here.

As expected of No. [-] High School in the provincial capital with a lot of money and wealth, it exudes the aura of local tyrants all the time.

Ai Wen also felt that only such financially healthy schools could cultivate all kinds of elite talents.A school is so poor that it can hardly pay wages, how can teachers have the mind to organize teaching?Do you look at teacher salaries in developed countries?Absolutely jaw-droppingly high.

The salaries of teachers in No. [-] Middle School in the provincial capital are higher than their counterparts in developed countries. Otherwise, why should they delve into teaching and improve their abilities?In No. [-] Middle School of the provincial capital, falling behind means being eliminated—losing teaching qualifications means saying goodbye to high salaries.

"The school basketball team is training over there, and the school basketball team has intensive training time every morning. The sports students in our school form independent classes, which is conducive to the development of education and teaching." Director Liu introduced.

Dividing physical education students into separate classes is indeed beneficial to management, otherwise there will always be fewer people in a class, which will not be conducive to the work of the class teacher.

Director Liu asked: "Teacher Ai Wen, how do the sports students in your school train?"

Aiwen smiled honestly: "We are just an ordinary middle school, and the hardware conditions in the school are not enough to train sports students. However, a large sports stadium has been built near the school. It is estimated that we will start training our own sports students in three years."

"However, our seventh class has been insisting on special physical education." Ai Wen changed the subject.

Director Liu asked curiously: "I would like to hear the details."

"Our seventh class has always insisted on traditional sports training, with morning running time as the main training time. The main training methods are running and traditional martial arts routine practice. If you don't mind, I can show you a show." Ai Wen said modestly.

Director Liu applauded: "Welcome!"

With Ai Wen's order, the children in class seven quickly formed a team, and then formed the usual training formation.

Xie Mingjie shouted the slogan: "The Taizu Changquan is ready!"

"Huh! Ha!" Class [-] students shouted in unison.

The students in class seven shouted loudly, with an astonishing momentum.The sudden battle cry startled the players of the No. [-] Middle School basketball team.

God horse situation?

Director Liu nodded secretly as he looked at the children in Class [-] who were in good spirits and moved in a uniform manner.It is said that there are no worthless people under the prestigious name, and the students in class seven can be called both civil and military!

After finishing a set of Taizu Changquan, the members of the No. [-] Middle School basketball team who had been watching for a long time gave applause.His martial arts are so handsome!It doesn't matter whether you are powerful or not, handsome is the essence!
Director Liu praised: "The martial arts performance of the children in your class is really wonderful!"

"It's all their hard work!" Ai Wen didn't refute, and being able to practice to this level is inseparable from hard work and seriousness.

Next, the students in Class [-] were free to visit the school independently.As long as it does not interfere with the normal teaching order.

As for Ivan and Ms. Grace, they led the teaching assistant team and started the education and teaching seminars with the teachers of No. [-] Middle School.

The leaders of the third lieutenant colonel gathered in the school conference room and waited for Iwen and Ms. Grace to come to the door.The two sides will discuss and discuss the comprehensive quality training of students in the compulsory education stage.

As the saying goes, the more you discern the truth, the clearer you become.Only continuous teaching and research can improve the ability and level of a school.Lying on the credit book and living on the laurels can only lead to being eliminated by the times.

At the symposium, Ms. Grace first made a report, expounding some educational theories in Europe.The school leaders of the No. [-] Middle School have benefited a lot. The Oxford University who was born and raised in England has a master's degree in education, and there are not many in China!
This exchange is a big deal!

(End of this chapter)

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