Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 391 – Teacher Absinthe with a Good Heart

Chapter 391 – Teacher Absinthe with a Good Heart
After a day of communication, Ai Wen has a deep understanding of the word "famous school".A rich school is not necessarily a famous school, but a famous school must be very rich
The teaching and scientific research level of No. [-] Middle School is among the best in the country. Even the imperial capital is not necessarily stronger than No. [-] Middle School in terms of basic education.It's not that Aiwen has never been to the imperial capital - last year he followed up with a full-fledged education conference.In terms of vision, Aiwen is also one of the best among young teachers in China.Ai Wen's judgment is basically the truth, and the No. [-] Middle School is really good at the exam.

Candidates from the No. [-] Middle School and High School always have a familiar feeling after taking the college entrance examination-I have done this question and I have done this question. Why have I seen so many questions?

This is an important result of digging deep into the exam. The candidates of the No. [-] Middle School have good review direction, and the school teachers have a high accuracy rate of betting questions.As for bribing the people involved in the investigation, the No. [-] Middle School is not yet so capable.However, the No. [-] Middle School often invites famous teachers with experience in producing papers to come to the school for seminars, teaching and research, and pays a large amount of announcement fees.

This is an operation within the rules. If this is also considered a violation, the "May [-]rd" sold on the market should also be listed as a prohibited item.What the tester said before the college entrance examination was against the rules, but his behavior during the college entrance examination was reasonable and legal.

What's wrong with me introducing the experience of producing papers to others?If you have the ability, don't ask me for papers again!Huaxia's top education experts say that there is not much, and there is a lot less. As long as you understand these people's questioning patterns and preferences, it is easy to bet on the college entrance examination questions.

This is also the reason why the market for simulation papers and review materials produced by No. [-] Middle School is so hot-it is really effective after you buy them and study hard!Isn't the college entrance examination all about getting higher scores than others?You and I are about the same level, but I carefully study the types of questions that may be tested in the college entrance examination. If you review blindly and aimlessly, then my final score must be higher than yours!

As for the High School Affiliated to Normal University that I visited in the afternoon, it was like Ai Wen showed what a leading role of a famous teacher is.Ai Wen personally listened to a class in the High School Attached to Normal University, and he was mesmerized.This is just the level of an ordinary teacher in the High School Attached to Normal University - in the No. [-] Middle School, he can already become the leader of the teaching and research team!
As a communication, Aiwen can't show timidity either.He taught a Chinese class with seven classes of students.In this class, the seven classes of teachers and students cooperated tacitly.Aiwen's lectures are also simple and profound, and the research is in-depth.The most valuable thing is that the knowledge of the students in Class [-] is very rich, even if Aiwen spreads to the horizon, they can still catch it.

The teachers of the High School Attached to Normal University gave Ai Wen a lot of valuable advice after listening to the class.As a young teacher, Ai Wen's teaching level is definitely over the top.On the whole country, there are few young teachers who can surpass Aiwen in teaching, but Aiwen's classroom also has shortcomings.

no one is perfect.The teachers at the High School Attached to Normal University gave Aiwen valuable suggestions.This exchange has greatly improved him personally - if people don't go out, it's easy to get stuck in their old ways.Communicating with better people will make continuous progress and development.

The children in Class [-] made more or less new friends in the No. [-] Middle School and the High School Attached to Normal University.Modern technology is so advanced that space is no longer the shackles of friendship.The end of the world is close to each other, which can be realized through technology.We are all in the same province, so if we really want to make an appointment, it’s just a matter of taking the high-speed rail!

Aiwen's address book also has a lot of contact information for colleagues in the provincial capital. The more friends the better, the more friends, the more roads!The peer relationship in the education industry is still very harmonious.

Back at the hotel, the students in class seven started their culture lessons.Ai Wen carefully summarized what he saw, heard and learned that day.Ms. Grace is also carefully sorting out her research report. She feels that she is getting closer to a doctorate in education. When her trip to China is over, she can go to Cambridge to apply.

Foreign college students seldom study in this school for postgraduate and doctoral studies. They hope to experience different academic atmospheres in different universities.Their teachers also encourage their students to go out, and they cannot grow up under the protection of their own wings.

After sorting it out, Aiwen sent a video application to his wife.The bored Chen Yanzi really hasn't fallen asleep yet, she is lying lazily on the boat like a charming cat.

"Husband~ miss me?" Chen Yanzi asked innocently.

Ai Wen smiled and said: "No way! Of course I miss my daughter-in-law who is as beautiful as a flower! As the saying goes, it's like three autumns after seeing each other."

"I always feel that you are driving, but I have no proof!" Chen Yanzi always felt that Ai Wen's words were weird.

After a while, Chen Yanzi, a silly girl, finally came to her senses—see you?Isn't this driving a train in Hongguoguo?I still suffered from being uneducated!Aiwen is a cultural person after all, how could he be so dirty?

Seeing Chen Yanzi's distraught appearance, Ai Wen laughed loudly: "Are you busy recently?"

"Every day is about the school. The new campus has started to enroll students. I have to keep an eye on the teaching situation of the new teachers." Chen Yanzi complained: "It's hard to start a business, and it's even harder to keep a business! I really want to fish!"

"If you can't, just find a professional manager! If you can't, put your art school in my group, so as to save you from busying yourself." Ai Wen suggested.

Chen Yanzi said stubbornly: "I don't! This is a foundation that I have worked hard from scratch to little by little. How can it be said that if it is annexed, it will be annexed?"

"Then don't be afraid of suffering, don't be afraid of being tired—it's all your choice." Ai Wen was helpless.

"When are you coming back? I want to eat your cooking!" Chen Yanzi asked coquettishly.

Ai Wen shrugged: "Don't talk for half a year. If you want me, you can come to me at any time! It's just a flight!"

"Wait until I get past this stage! I'll play with you when the branch school gets on track!" Chen Yanzi said happily.

Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi chatted for a while, then ended the call and took a rest.At this time, the transcripts of the teaching assistants were also sent over.How can it be so easy to be a teacher?Learning is like sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat!Ai Wen is the guy rowing behind. If he relaxes a little bit, the results of Class [-] will inevitably decline as a whole.

After summarizing, Aiwen began to plan the next itinerary.Although he has already formulated the general itinerary framework, the specific itinerary still needs to be adjusted by Aiwen himself during the itinerary.He tries to avoid invalid itineraries, and he wants to ensure that students earn, think, and make progress every day.

Tomorrow's itinerary was planned by Ai Wen long ago - after all, some exhibition halls need to be reserved in advance, and it is easy to be turned away if you go there temporarily.In this kind of place, Aiwen will usually contact you in advance, otherwise sometimes they really don't have enough manpower to receive you.

There are two places to go tomorrow - the Provincial Museum and the Provincial Memorial Hall.Visiting the provincial museum is to broaden horizons, and visiting the provincial memorial hall is to strengthen the education of patriotism.

At any time, teachers must clarify their historical mission: to train qualified socialist builders and successors for the party and the country.This sentence is very interesting-what is the builder?What is the successor?We all know which is good and which is bad!Aiwen's goal is to make his students become successors rather than builders.
Aiwen is well-intentioned!
(End of this chapter)

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