Chapter 392 – Visit
When visiting the museum, because Ai Wen and the others were visiting in a group, the museum sent a young lady who explained the whole process for them.Laymen look at the doorway, and experts watch the fun, and no one will answer that even if you kill the museum, there is nothing to gain.

Just like Aiwen traveled before, he likes to listen to the tour guide of the senior group the most.If you don't listen to the historical stories and cultural allusions of those landscapes, flowers and birds, they are just ordinary scenery.But once there are historical allusions, it becomes a cultural treasure.

After the concentrated visit, the children began to visit freely.Aiwen chatted with the young lady who was the guide.The lady guide is very curious about Aiwen——now is the time when the students of the Eight Classics are in class, why can this teacher lead the students to the museum?

After chatting, the young lady found out that the handsome teacher in front of her turned out to be the internet celebrity teacher who took the students to make a movie at the beginning of the year!As expected of the most handsome teacher in Huaxia!The appearance is really good!
"Miss, are you working here or doing an internship?" Ivan asked curiously.

The lady guide smiled sweetly: "I am a student of the History Department of the Provincial Normal University, and I chose to come to the Provincial Museum as a guide during my internship."

Ai Wen nodded—there is nothing wrong with students from the history department coming to the museum for internships, and students from their Chinese department still go to newspaper offices!These are relatively matching units.Not all the senior internships of teachers majoring students have to be completed in school, and the school will also provide a number of non-teaching positions for everyone to experience.

"Are you still used to it here? The job of a museum guide is hard, right?" Ivan asked.

"It's actually okay. Our guides only need to receive group tourists who have made an appointment in advance. We don't need to receive individual tourists. They can use the app to scan the code to learn about the history of each cultural relic." The young lady pointed to the top of the glass window QR code channel.

"And our museum has launched an online visiting mode - visitors can enter the museum through a VR panoramic helmet. During the period of China's great closure, the number of online visitors to our museum exceeded 10." The lady guide said proudly.

"Is there any hope of staying here after you graduate? After all, it is also a public institution. Salary and benefits are also guaranteed." Aiwen asked curiously.

"It's really boring to be locked here every day. I don't want to find a job for the time being after graduation. I wandered all over the world, and then found a place I like to settle down. Find a job I like in a place I like, so that life can be happy Feeling." The young lady said with a longing look on her face.

Aiwen didn't comment on her thoughts-there are so many college graduates these days, it's not so easy to find a job you want.But it is the time when young people are innocent, and it doesn't matter if they have dreams to chase after them.

If all young people started Buddhism right after graduation, the country of Huaxia would not be full of vigor.Aiwen found that many people of the same age seem to be depressed-this is not a state of survival of two people, but a temperament of collective existence.

This is a very vigilant social phenomenon. When young people lose their passion for struggle, the whole country will enter a kind of premature aging.If you don’t believe me, take a look—those who go for a walk in the park or dance in the square are all elderly people.What are young people doing?work overtime!work overtime!work overtime!

The malice that this world gives to young people is too great, and the burden of life is overwhelming for young people.Post-[-]s often laugh at themselves as middle-aged—but in fact they are born out of the anxiety that middle-aged people have.

In the post-urbanization era, young people enjoy the benefits brought by social development, but also taste the bitter fruit brought by the money society.The social atmosphere is like this, every young person is looking at money and making money.

Aiwen hopes that the young lady commentator can always maintain this kind of innocence and vigor, instead of entering the workplace as soon as she graduates and being beaten by the society.Ai Wen was trembling and walking on thin ice before he knew that he was a rich second generation. He can only say that money can really strengthen his courage.With hundreds of millions of wealth behind him, Ai Wen dared to stride forward.

To be honest, if Ai Wen was a child from an ordinary family, he would never dare to take such a big risk to engage in educational practice and educational theory experiments, let alone take his students to see the world.With the money, Aiwen has the confidence to take a step back--if there are students who have accidents on the road, Aiwen can use the money to calm things down.

Parents want to make trouble?Let's calm down first, do you think 100 million is enough?Not enough let's add more! Feel free to mention within 500 million!If you really want to file a lawsuit and make things worse, you may not even get this amount!If the court is allowed to judge according to the division of responsibilities, it may end up paying hundreds of thousands of dollars!

When I went to the provincial memorial hall in the afternoon, the atmosphere was not as good as in the morning. After all, Huaxia was bullied by the great powers a hundred years ago.Although the heroes staged all kinds of epic stories, it is an indisputable fact that they were beaten.

Aiwen brought the students here to visit because he hoped that the children would take China's revival as their mission.If you want to be a qualified successor of socialism, you must have family and country feelings.People who think about their own small family and small interests all day long cannot achieve anything.Only with the world in mind can you reach the top.

Facing the century-old history of struggle, the children in Class Seven have received great spiritual baptism.How can there be a home without a country?The troubled times a hundred years ago showed children what it means to be a dog of peace rather than a person in troubled times.

But how can the years be quiet?It's just that someone is carrying the weight forward!Without the guardians of China to protect the motherland, how can there be peace and security in the country?Through Yang Peng's relationship, Ai Wen got in touch with comrades from the provincial military region.Ai Wen wanted to take the children into the barracks to visit and feel the spirit of the People's Liberation Army up close.

After carefully confirming the identities of Aiwen and his party, everyone except Ms. Grace can enter.However, the video recording of the whole process of the cameraman needs to be under the supervision and management of the staff - before leaving the camp, it is necessary to check whether the video data is compliant.

If it weren't for the great face of the younger brother, Aiwen really wouldn't be able to come here!So Ai Wen asked Yang Peng out for a meal that night.Yang Peng usually lives in the provincial capital, after all, no one can stand living in a ravine all the year round.Although the resort is picturesque, it lacks popularity!You will suffocate if you stay there all the time!

Tonight Yang Peng had a dinner, so it became Yang Peng invited Ai Wen to dinner.Who is not please?The relationship between Ai Wen and Yang Peng really doesn't have to be so clear!
The meeting place was a well-known restaurant in the provincial capital, and the cars parked at the door were all luxury cars starting at 50.The Xiaodouding shared car driven by Aiwen is a joke when it is parked in the parking lot.But everyone is a quality person. Although Ivan thinks it is funny, no one really steps on him.

In the novel, the plots in which the rich second generation provokes you if they don’t like you are all made up.He is a rich second generation and not a brain-dead!The rich second generation who can inherit the family business are all quite wealthy guys.Even if they look down on you from the bottom of their hearts, it will make you feel like a spring breeze.

Why offend people when there is no intersection in the future?It must be known that when a man is angry and blood is splashed for five steps, he still has a lifetime of glory and wealth to enjoy. Why provoke people for no reason?

(End of this chapter)

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