Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 393 – The Big Family Yang Peng

Chapter 393 – The Big Family Yang Peng
Ai Wen himself didn't feel much - face is really important when people are floating in the rivers and lakes.But now he has passed the stage of using external materials to cover himself up, and has entered a higher level.So he doesn't care what others think of him - he is not in the same circle, and he can't talk to the same level when chatting.

The friends who can get together with Yang Peng are basically either rich or expensive. In college, except for Ai Wen, the backgrounds of the four Chinese young masters are unfathomable.The reason why Aiwen can be related to their friendship with Jinlan and Aiwen's character ability is a kind of talent investment-they are optimistic about Aiwen's future.

Just like Liu, Guan and Zhang are sworn brothers, if the three brothers are all trash, they probably don't like each other, how can they support each other to create the great cause of Shu Han?Although Liu Daer is just a small businessman who weaves straw sandals, Zhang Fei, a pig-killer and local tyrant, can see that this gentleman is beyond words-this is talent investment.In ancient times, the wealth of straw sandal weavers and pig butchers was simply too different.

The people who came to Yang Peng's game tonight were all the most prestigious young people in the provincial capital.It is said in the humble room inscription that there are great scholars in talking and laughing, but that is what Bai Ding said if he does not communicate.There are hidden classes in this world, and the accumulation of wealth and rights is required to move to a higher class.Otherwise you can only see the sky and the world at the lower level.

Although many people are touting how the entrepreneurial tycoon started from nothing, but with the stability of the society and the improvement of the rules, the myth of the common people gradually disappeared.Brave men who are poor and white can no longer break through class barriers, and people with no background can at most enter the middle class by relying on education-no matter how high they are, it is impossible.

The old saying that three generations cultivated a noble is not for nothing, it has been verified generation after generation.Unless you are a time traveler, the Chosen One, or someone who loves luck.If you don't have that kind of destiny, you can only struggle honestly and steadily.

In terms of background and family wealth, Aiwen is still qualified to sit in this room.Ai Wen didn't know how much wealth his own father had in his hands.Maybe only the mother who is an accountant knows well-maybe Lao Ai himself doesn't know.

However, the figures that Ai Wenming knew on the surface were already quite scary - how much is the real estate certificate of thousands of Pengcheng worth?Goosebumps all over your body just thinking about it!Among other things, how much cash flow can these properties bring in if they are rented out for a month?It is quite uncomfortable for this cash flow to hit any company!
According to Lao Ai's personality, such a large sum of money must not be deposited in the bank for nothing to wait for inflation.He must have other industries outside. As for what kind of industry Ivan is not clear.Anyway, supported by such a huge cash cow, Addison has enough confidence to support any industry.

Yang Peng hugged Ai Wen warmly after seeing him, and the two brothers hadn't seen each other since they parted ways in the resort.Then he took Ai Wen to introduce to his friends: "This is my fourth sworn brother--Teacher Ai Wen Ai! Now the Internet celebrity teacher who is very popular on the Internet is him!"

Those who know Yang Peng well are the younger generation, and they usually like to pass the time on the Internet.So I also heard about Mr. Ai Wen who was a hot search some time ago.They didn't expect that a little internet celebrity teacher was still young master Yang's sworn fourth brother!

You must know that Longpeng Group is one of the largest large enterprises in the whole province, and the background of the people who can sworn brotherhood with Young Master Longpeng is simply unfathomable.No one wants to offend such a person, so everyone's attitude is very warm and kind.After getting to know him for a while, Ai Wen received a lot of business cards. This kind of occasion is similar to business communication, and everyone carries business cards with them when they go out to distribute them at any time.

Ai Wen's obvious identity is still a teacher, so there is no need to print a business card.Which teacher have you seen hand out business cards when you have nothing to do?Those who open cultural schools are not counted, that kind of teacher is closer to a businessman.

Everyone is still very curious about Aiwen. A teacher can spend hundreds of millions to lead students to make movies.And it's not the kind of low-priced literary film, but a special effects action film with hot scenes and expensive frames.Guys, thinking about the exquisite post-production still makes people excited.

So Aiwen began to sit there with the young masters bragging and criticizing, Aiwen's eloquence is an expert level evaluated by the system!Telling stories and fooling people is absolutely reliable. It didn't take long for these people to introduce Ai Wen as their confidant.

Who made Ivan understand too many things!Whatever you chat with Aiwen, he can carry on smoothly, whether it is economics, finance, science, agriculture, sports, music, art... No matter what the field is, Aiwen can chat with you.

Ai Wen is not flattering because he doesn't know anything, he really understands--a daughter is easy to get, but a confidant is hard to find.So the friendship between Ivan and these sons is getting better and better.What is friendship?You play with me, and I play with you to build a friendship.

Why is it so hard to have friendships across classes these days?I talk about art with you, and you talk about salary with me. How can we chat happily?If you don't talk speculatively, even a small friendship will gradually fade away.Unless your vision and your knowledge reserve can break the barriers of class, otherwise you should not think about holding your thigh.

All in all, this dinner was quite interesting.Although Yang Peng was the initiator, the core of the conversation at the dinner was Ai Wen.This is the skill. It is the skill to make people follow you unconsciously in the chat.

After the meal was over, Yang Peng sent an invitation to Ai Wen: "Fourth, do you want to watch the next game with me?"

"Yo~ there's still a show?" Ivan asked curiously.

Yang Peng flicked the car key: "How about drag racing?"

Alvin: .
"Brother, you guys." Ai Wen showed a bitter expression, how could he play with a bunch of boys who drive sports cars as a driver of a shared electric car?

"This thing is dangerous!" Ivan hesitated.

Yang Peng chuckled: "The private track will definitely not interfere with public transportation."

Or the young masters of the provincial capital can play!They pooled their wallets for a piece of land, and then created various terrains to drive.They play their own game and don't bother public transportation.As expected of the second generation growing up in the new era, their consciousness is extremely high!

And according to Yang Peng's introduction, they didn't play high-speed road racing, but field competitions similar to cross-country rallying.Because the speed cannot go up, the danger is not great.At least it is much safer than those wilderness rallies, and the controllability of their own field is much higher.

After parking the shared car back to the return point, Ai Wen got on Yang Peng's big G.Cars and sports cars must not be used for off-road play, as those things cannot get out after entering.Everyone drives off-road, pickup trucks and other high-chassis muscle cars, which are the cars that men should play.

A pony like Neptune is not suitable for this kind of scene, after all, that thing is really delicate.

When he arrived at the place, Yang Peng went to the garage and rummaged for a long time before throwing Ai Wen a car key: "You drive my Lumao first, if the grade is not enough, you can take care of it."

Aiwen hesitantly: "What nonsense? I still drive a Wrangler now! A big family is a big family, and it's a road cat!"

(End of this chapter)

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