Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 399 – The True Love Show

After returning to the regiment headquarters, Aiwen found the students in Class [-] who were rehearsing the program in the activity center.He grabbed monitor Xie Mingjie and asked, "How is your training going?"

"Everything is going well, don't worry!" Xie Mingjie patted his chest and assured: "Our classmate will definitely not lose the chain, just watch!"

With Xie Mingjie's guarantee, Ai Wen was relieved a lot.It seems that the children in Class [-] have also grown a lot, and the tempering during this period has also made them more courageous. Before that, they really didn't dare to go on stage without Aiwen's guidance.

Looking at the program list, Ai Wen felt that the children had really grown up.Come to the military camp to show condolences, and the program of the performance must be suitable.It is inappropriate to perform a show that is too fancy.Of course, the current fighters are all born in the 90s and 00s. They are more familiar with many Internet cultures than children, and they are more slick with many hot memes.

Of course, serious programs are also essential.For example, the chorus of military songs, such as the performance of military music.Although the musical instruments they brought are all national instruments, what is national is the world. Using folk music to play the famous march has a special flavor.

So today's finale program is still the folk music version of "Steel Torrent March", after all, this song is the most appropriate at this time.Audiences who are accustomed to the military music version will feel an inexplicable sense of joy when they suddenly listen to the folk music version, especially on the Pozhan.

Aiwen must participate in this show. If there is no suona playing, this performance will have no soul.

Ai Wen chuckled: "Why do you include me in your show? It seems that it's time for me to cultivate a successor suona player!"

However, the current training is not in a hurry, so Aiwen has to perform on stage today.However, as the head teacher, Ai Wen also felt that he should share the joys and sorrows with the students.To be honest, it’s not righteous for me to throw the children down to play with guns in the afternoon, and I can make up for it by performing with them.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, the officers and soldiers of the whole regiment brought their own small benches and prepared them in the big training ground. On the stage of the training ground, a banner saying "Warmly welcome the teachers and students of the No. [-] Middle School in Q City to come to express their condolences" was hung on the stage of the training ground.Now everyone pays attention to the situation of fish and water between soldiers and civilians. It is also a good story for Aiwen to bring the whole class of children to express condolences.

The hosts of the party are still the principal and deputy monitors of class [-], Xie Mingjie and Li Jinqiong. They are now the golden partners of class [-]. As long as there are any large-scale activities, they must be the hosts.

The first program is the opening dance "Ten Sending the Red Army Away" brought by Chen Xiaolin and her friends.The dance was choreographed by them on the spot in the afternoon. Because the joint practice time was too short, they could only perform in the form of dance drama.Although there are fewer neatly drawn movements, dance dramas can contain more profound emotions.

Moreover, the dancing children are all dancers, their body language and movements are very professional, and the officers and soldiers in the audience watched with tears in their eyes.What a show, what a kid!

Next is the song "For Whom" by Xie Mingjie and Li Jinqiong.This song is a tribute to the soldiers who fought against the flood on September [-]. In order to sing this song well, Li Jinqiong listened to many versions of different interpretations.

Singing and dancing alone is not enough. Wang Yizhen and Wang Erchuan brought the officers and soldiers their own cross talk show.There are a lot of jokes about the barracks in the cross talk, and the soldiers have empathy in the joy.

The show was going on in an orderly manner. Although the preparation time was very short, the children in Class 20 tried their best to make the show run flawlessly.Thanks to their rich stage experience and super psychological quality.Even if there are thousands of spectators sitting in the audience, he is still as stable as an old dog.Singing, dancing, skits, cross talk, magic... Although there are only 20 people left in Class [-], these [-] people are all talented, and it is more than enough to put together a party with rich content.

In the end, the students from Class [-] copied various musical instruments and came to the stage to perform in an ensemble posture. Ai Wen also turned from the audience and jumped onto the stage to join the camp of the performance.

The instructor looked at the suona in Aiwen's hand and was amused, but he didn't expect Aiwen to have this ability.In the early years, relying on this suona, Aiwen had enough capital to run wild in the countryside, and it was impossible to leave him for weddings and weddings.

With the renaissance in Northeast China, the magical suona once again dominated the music scene.All kinds of music can't escape the adaptation of the suona version. Once it is mixed with suona, it can't escape the style of red and white weddings. It doesn't sound like music from the world at all.

Since the last military parade, the Iron Torrent March has been deeply engraved in the hearts of every PLA.However, the interpretation of the folk music version brought by Class Seven is full of subversion.However, the grandeur has not been erased, the high-pitched suona seems to pierce the dark light, and it has a fighting spirit.

The whole show lasted for nearly two hours, and the officers and soldiers were fascinated by it.There are quite a few teams that come to the army to show condolences, especially the comrades of the art troupe will send such a performance every year.But don't forget, tonight's performance is supported by more than 20 children who are not yet grown up and are in junior high school, which is very commendable.

At the end of the performance, the leader of the troupe walked onto the stage and shook hands with the children of Class [-], and then everyone took a group photo, and the publicity officer used the camera to freeze this scene forever.

The children will not go back to the hotel tonight, they will rest in the guest house in the camp.Just when the children were about to disband and go back to the house to rest, Ivan announced a notice that made the children feel desperate with a smile:

"I have already negotiated with the leaders of the camp. In order to express our gratitude for your wonderful performances, the leaders agreed to give our class a ten-day military training. For these ten days, you are just recruits and soldiers, and the regiment will send veterans to train you. It's all pediatrics, and if you do well, you'll get two shots at the target."

Hearing this, the frustration on the children's faces disappeared without a trace.Isn't it just military training?Who is afraid of whom!Just do it!
After calming down the children's emotions, Aiwen walked into the office of the group leader to express his gratitude.This matter would definitely not be possible without the support of the leader, and even with Yang Peng's face, it would not be easy to do.

The group leader said with a smile: "The children really brought us a lot of surprises today! If these children were not too young, I would have thought that the comrades from the art troupe would come to express condolences again! Teacher Ai, yours The students are all good! If they become soldiers in the future, I can recommend them to the art troupe."

"Thank you so much!" Ivan really had the idea of ​​sending the students to the military camp for two years.

How do you say it?I regret being a soldier for two years, but I regret not being a soldier for a lifetime!Ai Wen missed the opportunity to enter the military camp because of the glitz of the university. If he had to choose again, he would resolutely sign up for the army in his junior year.

Two years is nothing to a long life, but if you have this extraordinary experience, it will definitely have countless positive influences on your future life.

(End of this chapter)

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