Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 400 – Military Training

Chapter 400 – Military Training
The sun rises and all things are renewed.The harsh whistle sound woke up the students in Class [-] from their beautiful dreams.

When the children gathered together with sleepy eyes, they found Ivan standing among the piles of clothes.

There are as many camouflage uniforms as there are hills behind Aiwen. This standard camouflage uniform is exactly the same as the training uniform in the barracks, except that the only thing missing is the epaulettes and name tags.

"Well, from today onwards, you are all new recruits. The one standing next to me is Squad Leader Li Zongliang. Squad Leader Li is an experienced scout. He has been in the army for eight years. He has excellent military skills and political thinking. Outstanding. In the next ten days, he will be your training instructor..." Ai Wen introduced to the children of Class Seven.

Squad leader Li Zongliang straddled in front of the students of Class [-] majesticly, like an indestructible mountain.Although his military rank was not as high as that of the first instructor in class seven, their instructor Liu was only an officer who graduated from a military academy, and his military skills could not be compared with front-line veterans at all.There is a sequence of hearing, and there is a specialization in the art industry.The professional skills of the eight-year-old sergeant major far surpassed that of the cadres in charge of command.

"Hello, students!" Li Zongliang greeted the children in class seven: "Welcome to the green barracks. Although you are not qualified recruits, I will train you according to the requirements of recruits. During the ten-day military training, you have to go through internal affairs training, queue training, physical training, tactical training, chemical defense training, shooting training, bombing training and other subjects..."

The children in class seven suddenly looked bitter.too difficult!Too bad!They knew that Ivan, the old silver coin, didn't hold back his ass to them!Sure enough, after performing a party in the camp, I put myself in it!

God!Ten days!And these ten days of military training are different from those at school!Their food, clothing, housing and transportation must be in the camp!And the training subjects are much, much more than entering the military training.It's not that they haven't watched TV dramas, and the training for recruits into the army can be called an initiation ceremony to hell.

They are not afraid of the queue training. They stand at attention and take a rest, turning around in place, saluting and saluting, and running at a straight pace.As long as you regain a little bit of state, you can get through perfectly.

But other training subjects sound very uncomfortable, such as physical training.This includes 5000-meter cross-country, 100-meter sprint, leapfrog, pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, long jump...Physical education is not so exciting!Although Aiwen has undergone more than a year and nearly two years of physical training, none of the children in Class [-] knows whether they can survive this physical training.

As for shooting training, it is the expectation of most boys. Which boy did not have a toy gun when he was young!Even toy guns can't satisfy these children, and some parents will buy their children cannons... But, how many people can have the precious experience of actually touching and shooting guns?If you go back and brag with your friends, this is definitely a very important talk!

Although shooting training is not all live ammunition shooting, there are also boring theoretical parts such as decomposition and combination, aiming exercises, etc.However, the children are still full of expectations.To be able to hold the wooden warehouse of my dreams, even if I am exhausted, I am willing!

As for girls, there is one more hygiene training subject.The content includes emergency first aid on the battlefield: hemostasis, first aid, head bandaging, eye bandaging, fracture bandaging, etc...

Who said women are inferior to men?In this place, women are used as men!Sometimes female soldiers have more responsibilities than male soldiers!
Squad leader Li Dongliang quickly got into shape. He immediately organized the students of class seven to change into their clothes and stand in formation.They lined up neatly in two columns and followed him to the collective dormitory arranged for them by their superiors.

The dormitories in the barracks are very large, and it is not uncommon for a dormitory to accommodate a dozen people.The 20-odd people in the seventh class only need two large rooms to accommodate them.Boys and girls live separately. In order to take care of the lives of the girls, the girls also have a female life instructor seconded from the health team to manage their internal affairs.

After allocating the beds, the instructors started the first day of military training.The internal affairs of our Huaxia army can be called the best in the world. Good internal affairs are a good medicine to maintain combat effectiveness.While the children were watching, monitor Li Zongliang unfolded a quilt.

"The folding of our quilts should be square, with edges and corners. All surfaces are flat. The standard is: flat square, side octagonal. Mosquitoes land on splits, flies land on slippery. The position of the quilt About one punch away from the end of the bed, and [-] centimeters from the edge of the bed. The bed sheet should be folded in and completely flattened without wrinkles..." Squad leader Li dictated the essentials of the action while demonstrating.

After a while, a quilt that can cure obsessive-compulsive disorder was completed from his hands.The children in class seven felt their scalps go numb.This... is this still a quilt?It feels like what he stuffed inside is not cotton but cement!How can a good quilt be folded into bricks?
Seeing the nervous expressions on the children's faces, monitor Li Dongliang comforted him: "The new quilt is not required to be folded to the extent that I am. The reason why my quilt can be folded like this is because it has been sorted out for many years, and many folds are folded. There is no more cotton wool. The new quilt is too fluffy, and no matter how you fold it at the beginning, you can’t achieve this effect. So I don’t ask you to do what I do, but you must complete all the essentials of the action! I will give you 10 It takes only 10 minutes to make the bed, and [-] minutes later I will conduct an acceptance inspection. Students can help each other, and if you have any technical questions, you can always ask me.”

Li Zongliang also knows that the requirements for junior high school children cannot be stuck like recruits, after all, they are still some time away from adulthood.You have to pay attention to methods when you do your work. If you go to the dark without hitting the south wall and don't look back, it is impossible for Li Zongliang to work here as a soldier for another six years.

After the breakup, the children wrestled with the sheets and quilts on the beds.The fluffy and fluffy quilt is too far away from the square tofu cubes.No matter how they toss, the quilt will at most turn into a limp cotton bag, and the angry children will smoke from every opening.

"I don't believe it! Why can't this crap be rolled flat?" Ding Zituo made a big font on the bed, and pressed hard on the quilt.

Don't tell me, Ding Zituo's pressure made the fluffy quilt much firmer.When it was folded again, some edges and corners appeared on the quilt.Seeing this, other students followed suit one after another.Some unfolded the quilt, and some sat on it after folding the quilt.The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing its ability.

Ai Wen smiled gratifiedly when he saw this scene.No matter what difficulties we encounter, don't be afraid, just face him with a smile. The best way to eliminate fear is to face fear.Persistence is victory, come on Ollie!
(End of this chapter)

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