Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 401 - Ivan, you are not human

Chapter 401 - Aiwen, you are not human
PS: Because a certain number is unlucky, we skip directly to Chapter [-].

The main training content on the first day was housekeeping and queue exercises.Because the children's training time is only ten days, a lot of training can only be tasted, and there is not enough room for expansion.Otherwise, according to the rules of the boot camp, the queue alone would be enough for the children to drink a pot.

This time the military training is more of an experience, allowing the children to see how the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army train and eliminate the children's sense of mystery about the military camp.At the same time, this military training can plant a seed for the children to yearn for the military camp.When they graduate from high school or go to college, they can choose to join the military.

Some of Aiwen's classmates signed up to serve in the army for two years when they were in college. After returning, Aiwen almost didn't dare to admit that both his mental outlook and physical condition were completely transformed.In the past, that guy gave people the feeling of being lazy, sleepy and lifeless.However, after two years of training, he has become down-to-earth and vigorous.As soon as he returned to school, he became a good boyfriend in the eyes of the girls, and even solved his personal problems.

Although there are more girls than boys in Normal University, the girls are still very energetic!If you really can't catch their eyes, they'd rather have lilies bloom than cheapen you.Therefore, every year in Normal University, there are poor children who graduated from solo mothers. Although Aiwen is not among them, he also knows several.

Sometimes, Ai Wen also persuaded them to join the army.Go to hone your will and come back. There should be a huge change. The young lady of the Normal University still has a longing for Brother Bing, but there are still not many people who listen to Aiwen, because Aiwen himself did not go to serve as a soldier!

But they didn't even think about it, does Aiwen need to be a soldier?He is the man at the top of the love food chain!Alvin's ex-girlfriend can form a reinforcement company!
The children are in good condition, and Ivan is quite relieved about this.After ten days, the students should be able to make a lot of changes.With the consent of the leader, Aiwen asked the photographer to take a lot of footage of the children in training.The leader said that as long as some sensitive things are not filmed, as long as the material after shooting is reviewed by the security officer, it can be disseminated.

In order to alleviate the pain of missing the parents, Aiwen often uploads some recent developments of the children.This is what he should do as a class teacher. After all, he abducted all the children, and the parents should be worried.

But the parents were stunned when they could see what their children looked like after they changed into camouflage uniforms.Teacher Ai Wen really has great powers, and he can take students to the military camp to participate in military training!It's much better than those summer camp organizations that sell dog meat!

However, some parents still worry about the living conditions of their children.Did you sleep well?Are you full?Have you regressed in your studies?These are the things that parents worry about!
For this reason, Aiwen uploads the children's daily test results and test papers to the cloud disk space on time every day, and parents can check them at any time if necessary.Every student has their own cloud disk space, and parents can only inquire about their children's study and living conditions.

The parents were very relieved to see the various materials uploaded by Aiwen.So Aiwen's circle of friends can always see parents in various shows:

Today, my child went to study at No. [-] Middle School in the provincial capital and benefited a lot...

My child did well in the exam today, gratifying to congratulate...

Aiwen is easily swiped by his parents as soon as he swipes his Moments, so he usually doesn't play with his mobile phone.Especially in military camps, personal communication devices are to be handed in.Not only the children's mobile phones, but even Ivan's mobile phone is also placed in the equipment storage.

Rules are rules, and Aiwen must follow the rules and regulations.Therefore, Aiwen has also kept the radio communication silent for ten days. If there is something to ask him, he can contact the reception. The staff in the reception will find Aiwen to communicate.

But Aiwen doesn't have any important business, and parents won't call Aiwen because of lovesickness.Because Ai Wen had already explained to the parents before the military training: During the ten days of military training, mobile phones will be handed over.In other words, no one could find him in these ten days!
The children are in military training, and Ivan is also in military training.His training subjects are not the same as the children's training subjects.He trained with the third reconnaissance company of the third company commander, and the training subjects were far more and more complicated than those of the children.However, the third company commander is very optimistic about Aiwen, because Aiwen's physical fitness is simply too strong.It looks delicate, but it can really fight!

During the hand-to-hand combat training, the commander of the third company sent the best soldiers of the third company to PK with Aiwen.The two of them passed less than fifty hands, and the scout elite was brought down by Aiwen.

This result shocked everyone's eyes. Who would have thought that a gentle teacher would easily kill the detective tiger?
"Old Liu? Did you make a big deal last night? Billions or something! Otherwise, why did you just pull it off today?" A veteran who was at the same time as him laughed.

Liu Tienan smiled wryly: "It's not that our army is too incompetent, but that the enemy is too powerful! If you refuse to accept it, you go!"

He joked about his veteran moving his arms: "I come and I come, I don't believe it, the fighting we have practiced for several years is not as good as a teacher?"

The third company commander held back his laughter and didn't speak, just silently watched his soldiers go to deliver their heads.Ai Wen has practiced professionally. He practiced martial arts routines when he was a child, professional Sanda in college, and visited famous teachers to learn traditional martial arts training methods after graduation... His kung fu is comparable to the king of soldiers, and ordinary scouts can't compare with it .

So Ai Wen calmly cleaned up all the dissatisfaction of Sanlian, and directly established his name firmly.As a result, he got another nickname: Killing Teacher!To be honest, Ai Wen refused in his heart, and it didn't matter if he was a teacher... The teacher said that he was a teacher if he was vulgar.But what about the deadly teacher?No matter how it sounds like a gangster, it is not aggressive or cool at all.

Can't you find someone with a bit of culture to give him a nickname?It really is terrible to have no culture!

Ai Wen smoothly integrated into the third reconnaissance company, and no one dared to underestimate Ai Wen.His skills are here, if you are not convinced, just practice it!Aiwen's iron fist is used to reason with everyone!Convince people to understand?
In other training subjects, with his super learning ability and strong physical fitness, Aiwen absorbed various skills like a dry sponge thrown into the sea.In less than three days, Aiwen's various training results rushed to the top ten of the entire company!
This result once again shocked the entire regiment, and the regiment leader was so angry that he almost threw his hat off: "What are the soldiers of the third company doing? Can a teacher be ranked in the top ten of the entire company? Is it shameful?"

But the third company commander is suffering!Ivan is not human!He is a scourge in human skin!Let's not talk about strong physical fitness!But such a guy's learning ability is also frighteningly strong, and he can basically complete any training subject just by passing his eyes.

Is that human being?Please be human!
(End of this chapter)

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