Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 411--Score Control Plan for Class 7 Students

Chapter 411 - The Point Control Plan for the Seventh Class Students

In the end, Ai Wen couldn't stand Chen Yanzi's pitiful eyes, so he finally accepted Aunt Long's invitation.

How much is your image worth in front of your wife?Anyway, no matter what kind of Aiwen Chen Yanzi has seen, no matter what kind of Aiwen Chen Yanzi likes, and her husband and idol performing on the same stage is simply a joyful thing for Chen Yanzi.

So, Aiwen and second-hand Qiangwei exchanged contact information.The agent will contact Aiwen about the starring role in the concert, and the agent will talk to Aiwen about the appearance fee.

Aiwen doesn't have an agent, what kind of agent does he need for a poor teacher?He doesn't attend any business events, nor does he rely on the entertainment industry to make money. What he needs more is actually an administrative assistant.However, these chores can be handed over to the teaching assistants, and the existence of the teaching assistants is to help Aiwen.

It was already late at night after licking the skewers, and Aiwen found a substitute driver to drive the two of them back to the hotel in the night car.Tomorrow Chen Yanzi will go home to continue working, and Ai Wen will also take the students to start the next adventure.

Every place has different scenery, and the city of H has a rich historical and cultural heritage. Here, Aiwen will take the children to visit many historical landscapes.Let the students know what it means to take history as a mirror through this time-traveling historical experience.

The visit in city h will be very interesting, because the children can't see such a scenery in city q at all.In the following studies, children will focus on learning about history.This way of learning is the same as the children of Shrek Academy in Douluo Continent who go to practice in a mimetic environment. The feeling of taking history lessons in historical and cultural attractions is simply picturesque.

What kind of family and what kind of conditions can students enjoy this kind of treatment?It's like p in VIP!

After the three-day vacation, the parents also returned home to continue their lives. After all, they all have families and jobs, and they have already used up most of their annual leave for the three-day vacation.

However, the three-day vacation is also very worthwhile for parents, because they can see that their children are really growing.This kind of improvement and progress is visible to the naked eye, and it feels like a small bamboo shoot has grown into a towering green bamboo.It's really admiration for Shibie for three days!
Ai Wen also felt that the children in Class [-] were much stronger, and their self-reliance ability had also improved significantly.The only headache is that these guys are used to stacking tofu cubes. Even in a hotel, they have to turn over the flat quilt on the bed and fold it into tofu cubes before leaving.

When the hotel aunt was cleaning the room, her mind was buzzing... What's going on?I only heard that the hotel room was destroyed in a mess, but I never heard that the quilt in the hotel room was folded into neat tofu pieces!

This can be regarded as a harmless little obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Ivan will not specifically say this.It is a good habit to keep the house clean and tidy at all times. If it weren't for the parents who have been with the children these days, Ivan would even go to check the bed.

It's not okay not to check the bed, because maybe some naughty child will sneak out of the hotel in the dark.If any accident happened to them outside the hotel, Ai Wen would take huge responsibility.It's not that Aiwen can't bear the responsibility, but that all accidents will be accompanied by great pain.For the safety and healthy growth of the children, Aiwen must strictly abide by the safety barrier.

Including the children's diet, Aiwen will choose a healthy and hygienic hotel.He can take his wife to the snack street to eat and eat from scratch, but he will never take the children to eat those messy things.Although the shops on the snack street all have health management certification, it's really hard to say whether those things are nutritious or not.

The children are growing their bodies. If eating such nutritious things all day leads to slow or over-development of the body, Ai Wen, the head teacher, will be guilty of great crimes.The children can't eat the caring breakfast, lunch and dinner cooked by their parents, and the head teacher can only do their best to ensure the healthy growth of the children in terms of food.

Parents also know this well, because the children will explain the day's itinerary to their parents in video before going to bed.Parents know what their children are eating, and if they don't even let the video, the parents will definitely complain about Aiwen angrily.

Never think that the relationship between teachers and parents is so harmonious. The relationship between people is always so delicate.Sometimes they are comrades-in-arms united together, and sometimes they are enemies standing opposite.Therefore, Aiwen has always maintained full respect for parents, but he will also severely criticize some unscrupulous parents.

Of course, there are no shameful parents in Class [-] anymore.Those parents who do not support Aiwen and do not understand Aiwen have already transferred their children to other classes.Only the pitiful [-]-somethings were left in Class [-], and a dozen or so students could never return to Class [-].

There are also some parents who are whimsical, thinking that their children can be transferred to class now, and they can transfer their children back to Class [-] after Aiwen brings the students back.This is definitely thinking of wanting to eat farts. How could Aiwen open the door of the class again and let the parents screen out the children he personally screened out?When Aiwen took the children around, the children in Class [-] far surpassed their peers in terms of vision, knowledge accumulation, and behavior.Therefore, Aiwen will never let those students who have transferred classes transfer back.

Although it sounds cruel, it is the reality.If you don't grasp the opportunity, the opportunity will leave you forever.If you didn't step on Aiwen's broken ship, you will lose this qualification forever.

Aiwen did not position himself as a simple teacher, but as an engineer and magician who shaped the souls of students.What he pays more attention to is not the students' studies but the shaping of the students' healthy personality.If you study well, Class [-] will not gain any special status. The reason why Xie Mingjie and Li Jinqiong’s class monitors and class assistants are respected by the whole class is not because they study well, but because their personality charm can win the admiration and respect of the students. .Admiration and respect is their confidence to manage boys and girls.

How do you say something?Don't be afraid that the boss will study well, but I'm afraid that the boss will control the points!In his spare time, Ai Wen will organize the cadres to study the direction of the senior high school entrance examination.Aiwen's career path is already very clear. After graduating from graduate school, he will enter high school for teaching activities.

At this time, the children in class seven had already taken the senior high school entrance examination, and how to collect them to form a class again was a headache for Aiwen.And the high school he went to work in was not a key provincial No. [-] middle school, but a key experimental high school in the city.

Although they are both key high schools, the No. [-] Middle School has a much larger platoon than the Experimental High School.According to the level of the children of the Seventh Group, half of the students can be admitted to the key classes of the No. [-] Middle School, and half of the students can be admitted to the parallel classes of the No. [-] Middle School.As for failing to enter No. [-] middle school, that is definitely a fantasy.

But a problem arises. If all the members of Class Seven are admitted to the No. [-] Middle School, Ai Wen will be transferred to teach in the Experimental High School, which means that Ai Wen will no longer be able to lead these students to the end.After a meeting and discussion, Class [-] made a unanimous decision: Give up the No. [-] Middle School and take the experimental exam for all members!
As for how to operate, this is more difficult... Xie Mingjie and Li Jinxiong analyzed the score lines of the high school entrance examination over the years among the cadres, and they determined a relatively reliable number: as long as all the students in the class pass this number, they will all be admitted to the experimental high school .

As for how to divide the classes after being admitted to the experimental high school, it depends on how Aiwen operates. It doesn’t matter whether the high school is sunny or not. As long as Aiwen is strong enough, he can definitely bring the students of Class [-] together again to form a brand new group. class.

This is very powerful!Small Class Seven reunited in Experimental High School, just thinking about it makes me happy!

(End of this chapter)

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