Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 412 - Slapping face with achievement strength

Chapter 412 – Slapping face with achievement strength

Two months is not long, but it is not short.It has been two months since the start of school, and the children of Class Seven have traveled half of China under the leadership of Ai Wen.As for the remaining half of China, it is the destination for the remaining half of the semester.

At the time of the first two months of school, there is a very important teaching activity, and it is inevitable for Aiwen to ask for leave.That is the midterm exam!The midterm exam is a city-wide unified exam organized by the Q City Education Bureau, and all students in the school district must take it unless there is a special reason.

The results of the mid-term exam are to record the student's growth file. No teacher dares to be sloppy, let alone neglect-if there is a vacancy, the student will be restricted when applying for the key high school.

So Aiwen had to bring the students back to take the midterm exam no matter how bad he was.Anyway, Huaxia's transportation is very convenient. Before the exam, charter a plane to bring the whole class back to the exam room.

In the eyes of most people, the seventh class has spent the past six months on various activities that are not doing business properly.The teachers of other parallel classes are gearing up to beat Class Seven in this mid-term exam.

In the previous exams, Class [-] was the only one that excelled. Now that they haven't attended class for half a semester, the cultural class will inevitably regress.In addition to the good students from Class Seven, the other class teachers feel that they are already capable of fighting against Class Seven.

As for the thoughts of his colleagues, Aiwen has absolutely no idea.If he knew that everyone had swelled like this, Aiwen would definitely teach them to be human seriously.A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, who gave them such courage?
In the eyes of those who don't know the inside story, Class Seven really didn't study very seriously.But my family knew about my own affairs, and Class Seven never let go of their culture lessons on the way.And the learning intensity of their cultural classes is definitely not lower than that of studying at school-they have to pass the test every night before they can fall asleep.

Which class in Class [-] can do the test once a day?It's not Aiwen's bragging criticism--students in Class [-] can now take the senior high school entrance examination!And the test results can definitely reach the level of the whole class!

After sending the students home, Ai Wen also changed into clothes and came to the school to hold the examination meeting.The teachers of No. [-] Middle School haven't seen Ai Wen for a long time, and they still miss him suddenly!Aiwen's popularity is actually quite good, which has a lot to do with his kindness and kindness.

"Oh? Xiaoai is back?"

"Really! I haven't seen anyone for half a semester!"

"Xiao Ai is handsome again!"

Aiwen greeted his colleagues with a smile, and then went straight to the conference room to attend the examination meeting.Sure enough, it was a different semester, the same examination committee——Ai Wen was still the face of being sent to other schools.He felt that he would not want to take the exam in this school before the age of 35.What a sad story!
This time, Ai Wen was invigilating the exam at No. [-] Middle School, and this arrangement almost made him depressed to the point of autism.With so many directly affiliated schools in the city, Ai Wen didn't want to go to the Sixth Middle School to invigilate the exam.It's not that he has any opinion on No. [-] Middle School, he doesn't want to go just because it's far away.

The drive of over an hour is mind-boggling!How good would it be if they were assigned to the fourth middle school invigilator?Strolled for 5 minutes to the place!
But this is not something that Aiwen can choose, so he can only get up early to invigilate the sixth middle school.Moreover, he had to catch the morning rush hour, and his driving experience was not good at that time. Even if he had the driving skills of a car master, he couldn't speed with ease on that kind of road conditions-they were all blocked, and there was no room for you to play at all.

To be honest, Aiwen wanted to stay directly in a hotel near No. [-] Middle School in the past two days - it was more convenient than driving from home to the invigilator!
It was still two days of boring invigilation, and it was really hard for Aiwen to spend two days thinking about the story of the second half of his life!The students have test papers to answer anyway, and the invigilator can only sit in front of and behind the classroom with a blank expression.

Before the results came out, Ai Wen took the students on the road again.Leave the marking work to the teaching assistant team!Anyway, the exams are all done online, so there is no need to stay in Q City to approve the exams!
Class [-]'s mysterious aura, which is so mysterious that it never sees its end, makes the whole school look sideways.It's really awesome. If you don't go to school, you won't go to school. After the exam, you will slip away.

The whole school is staring at the mid-term exam results, and everyone is curious about what kind of grades the seventh class with only 20 people left can get in the exam.Everyone felt that this was the moment when Aiwen fell off the altar, and the boat would capsize if there were too many waves.

Looking forward, looking forward to the results of the midterm exam will finally be announced on the internal website of the education system on the third day after the midterm exam.When the teachers of No. [-] Middle School downloaded the compressed package and opened the file, they were all silent.

The city's class average score list is as follows:
No.1: No. [-] Middle School, Class [-], Grade [-] (No. [-] Excellent Class)
No.2: Class [-], Grade [-], No. [-] Middle School (Second Excellent Class)

No.3: Class [-], Grade [-], No.[-] Middle School
Needless to say, Class 20, whose number of staff has been reduced to more than [-], has directly soared to the top three in the city.Prior to this, the No. [-] Middle School, which was in Class [-], became cannon fodder and stepping stones.

Even the four outstanding classes of No. [-] Middle School, which ranked among the top four all year round, were eliminated by Class No. [-]. The class size of the No. [-] Middle School's outstanding classes is not large, with only [-] students in each class.Class Seven does not have much advantage in terms of class size, and the results obtained in this test are the result of bayonet-to-bayonet.

"Class Seven, it's even more perverted."

"Ivan did not roll over."

"This unscientific."

The head teacher's office of the seventh and eighth grade group was silent for a while, and the nine head teachers who were still in school didn't know what to say at this time.The transfer students from Class [-] in their class were many excellent students who could be ranked in the top [-] in Class [-].But this time, none of the students in Class [-] passed the exam.

This time the mid-term teacher, the students of Class 20 have already monopolized the age list.What's the meaning?From the first of the school year to the No. [-] of the school year, they are all students in Class [-]!

After seeing the report card, the headmaster was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth: "Teacher Xiao Ai did a good job! I wonder if Lao Liu from No. 13 Middle School will pretend to be [-] in the next meeting? The whole No. [-] Middle School was given by Teacher Xiao Ai." Dead! I really want to ask him if his face hurts!"

Director Tang Biao continued with a smile: "Teacher Ai Wen is really outstanding in terms of student management and teaching organization ability! This year's municipal excellent head teacher and municipal excellent teacher must be one of the candidates!"

"It's a pity that we can't keep this kind of talent! When his current class graduates, he will enter the experimental high school to teach." The principal was very reluctant.

Can he give up such a person?As long as Aiwen is around, the headmaster doesn't need to worry about his grades this year.A teacher who can lead the students in the parallel class into the most outstanding top class is a treasure in the eyes of the principal in any school.

But no matter how reluctant he was, he had to let him go, and Addison still had to give him face.Moreover, the director also approved Aiwen's application for transfer, and the matter was ready to be implemented without a break.

This time in the mid-term exam, Aiwen used his grades to fight back against all those who were not optimistic about him, and all those who questioned his foolishness.No matter how sloppy Ivan is, the student's grades are just two words - awesome!

(End of this chapter)

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