Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 418--Five Thunders

Chapter 418 – Five Thunderbolts
How can class management be so vigorous?It's always more trivial things. He snatched me a pencil, and I took her an eraser, which can become the fuse between the students.Children are actually so naive, no matter how good their grades are, they are all so naive.

Class [-] of the third year of junior high school went straight to the state of not hearing anything outside the window and only reading sage books.Nothing happened in the various large-scale activities in the whole school, so the third and seventh classes of junior high school, which were independent from the top floor, became the most mysterious class in the whole school.

Rumors abounded about the fact that everyone in Class [-] and [-] was like a dragon, that Class [-] and [-] was handsome, and that the teacher in Class [-] was a big devil.Many students in the second grade of junior high school are still deeply impressed by the seventh class of the third grade. After all, the seventh class was so dazzling back then.

Although the current seventh class hides the front in the sheath, it will definitely blind countless people's eyes when the day of the senior high school entrance examination.Of course, what Ai Wen didn't know was that when the real senior high school entrance examination, the results of Class [-] would break his glasses.

Their score control skills have been honed to perfection, as long as they are within their ability, they can get as many points as they want in the test.The average grades of the seven classes are all within the cut-off marks for admission to the No. [-] Middle School, and it is extremely easy for the whole class to take the Experimental High School if they want to drop a grade.

There are only more than 20 people in the seventh class, and the fluctuation of grades has almost no effect on the city's admission score.Moreover, admission to No. [-] Middle School is based on the scores of candidates. No matter how many candidates you take in the school, as long as your grades do not meet the admission score line, No. [-] Middle School will not accept you.This is where the province's focus lies.

The admission method of the experimental high school is different. After the admission of No. [-] middle school, the experimental high school will give each school a fixed amount of admission according to the number of junior high schools in the jurisdiction.In other words, as long as you rank within the quota of the school, you can be admitted to the experimental high school.

Therefore, the score control of the students in class seven does not need to be too fine, as long as they do not reach the first middle school score line, and then rank among the best in the school.As long as these two requirements are met, the door of Experimental High School will be completely open to them.

Aiwen's promotion to Experimental High School is a certainty. The transfer order has been discussed with Addison, and Aiwen himself agrees.The students in Class [-] are about to graduate, so it doesn't make much sense for him to come back and bring a group of junior high school students.It's better to go to high school and happily lead a group of older students.

The bigger the student, the more perfect the world outlook and outlook on life.Taking care of junior high school students still has the feeling of taking care of children, but high school students can already sit there and chat with you about their outlook on life and values.Aiwen has been teaching junior high school for six years, and there is no big challenge for another round. It is better to go to high school and bring out a group of strong people who shocked the whole province.

Aiwen doesn't know where the students in his class heard the news, and he doesn't even know how much surprises the students in his class will give him during the high school entrance examination...or he is still alive Fully taking his students to review before the senior high school entrance examination.

Although the general review of the third year of junior high school was full of boring, the children in class seven were full of energy when they thought of continuing to follow Ai Wen to the world after being admitted to high school.Although this kind of enthusiasm is a bit off, there is always nothing wrong with hard work!

Finally, amidst much anticipation, the senior high school entrance examination came quietly.Ai Wen, as a teacher in the third grade of junior high school, is not allowed to participate in the invigilation of the high school entrance examination.This made Ai Wen very happy, and finally he was not required to take the invigilation for an exam!So happy!
Ai Wen, who has participated in the invigilation of the high school entrance examination all the year round, knows how difficult it is to invigilate the exam at this time. From the beginning to the end, you come earlier than the students and leave later than the students, and you can't do anything, which is quite boring.Teachers with weaker psychological adjustment ability are even prone to depression after taking the invigilation of the middle school and college entrance examinations.

However, although he does not participate in the invigilation, as a teacher in the third grade of junior high school, Ai Wen needs to send for the exam.Most of the students in No. [-] Middle School took their exams in No. [-] Middle School, so Ai Wen had to wait at the entrance of No. [-] Middle School for the whole time... As for the students who were scattered to other schools, Ai Wen said that he could not help.

Fortunately, the students in Class [-] are all taking the exam in No. [-] Middle School, so they will see Ai Wen's handsome smiling face as soon as they leave the exam room.In order not to increase the pressure on the students, Aiwen will never ask the students how they answered when they leave the examination room.

Ai Wen didn't ask, and the students wouldn't take the initiative to tell him.Because the price of lying to Aiwen is too high, the crime of lying in class seven is no less than skipping class.Being caught by Aiwen, it is the kindness of the teacher not to shed a layer of skin.

Seeing that Aiwen didn't ask about his grades, the students in Class Seven breathed a sigh of relief.It's really great, if Boss Ivan really asks, they really don't know how to answer.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The final test results of Class 1 will definitely surprise everyone.After all, in a class that dominates the city's average score No. [-] all the year round, no one can get into No. [-] Middle School during the senior high school entrance examination.At this time, someone will definitely come forward to question Aiwen's ability, and some people will even question the grades of the students in Class Seven.

Is there any collective falsehood here?Are there any unspeakable secrets here?The wall fell down and people pushed it, and the drum broke and the drum was beaten by thousands of people... How many people will fall into trouble for how brilliant Aiwen is during this time.

Fortunately, his transfer order has been completed, otherwise his plan to advance to the experimental high school might have been interrupted.What Experimental High School needs is a famous teacher, they don't need a hypocritical person who relies on false grades to support their face.

However, Ivan still doesn't know these things at this time, and he is still happily standing outside the examination room waiting for his students to leave the examination room.

After the last subject was over, Xie Mingjie walked up to her with a complicated expression and said, "Teacher, our grades this time may not be very good..."

Ai Wen raised his eyebrows: "The exam questions are difficult this time?"

"It's not difficult at all, it's not even as difficult as the tenth simulation paper..." Xie Mingjie denied.

"Could it be that you made a mistake on the answer sheet?" Ivan continued to ask.

Xie Mingjie still told the truth: "Teacher, after we heard that you were going to be transferred to Experimental High School, we all wanted you to continue to be the head teacher after entering High we gave up taking the No. I kept my scores down all the time. No one can pass the score line of No. [-] Middle School..."

When Aiwen heard this, his head buzzed, and he felt like his world was spinning.These grandsons have endured for three years, so they are holding back their big move here!God!Could this be the legendary backstab from a pig teammate?Do these unlucky kids dare to be simpler?
"Student Xie Mingjie, the high school entrance examination results have nothing to do with which high school you get admitted to... If you don't want to go to No. [-] Middle School, you can fill in the experimental high school directly when filling out your volunteer application." Ai Wen said depressedly, covering his face.

Xie Mingjie was confused: "What? This is also okay?"

"What's wrong? As long as you have enough grades, you don't have to go to the No. [-] Middle School! You're cheating me! I also worked hard to train you for three years, and you little white-eyed wolves just changed hands and pushed me into the pit of fire! "Aiwen was really speechless at this time, he had a premonition that a huge storm was sweeping towards him.

So sad, mushrooms...

(End of this chapter)

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