Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 419 – Rough Point Control

Chapter 419 – Rough Point Control

At this time, Aiwen, who was suffering from a headache, took Xie Mingjie to find a cold drink shop to sit down, and now he wanted to find out what these guys did.If you want to die, you have to die clearly. This time, Aiwen was tricked by his students to the point of bleeding.

"Teacher, we have made a clear plan before the exam... We can basically achieve single-digit scores in science subjects. Therefore, we are the best in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. Others For subjects, we only do multiple-choice questions, and only do the questions that we can do correctly. As for Chinese...we choose to give up all the subjective questions, because the Chinese test is a test of performance, and it is easy to get into No. [-] if you fail the test. "Xie Mingjie briefly introduced their point control methods.

Damn it!These bastards don't even write Chinese test papers!Is this the rhythm of death?
Ai Wen simply estimated their scores, math [-], Chinese [-], English [-], physics [-], chemistry [-], politics [-], history [-].

If all the students in Class Seven can get this score, they will definitely not be admitted to No. [-] Middle School.Moreover, with this grade, he would not be able to enter the key class in the experimental high school, and could only enter the parallel class.

This also posed a huge problem for Aiwen. It would take a lot of favors for him to gather these more than 20 children.

Thanks to the fact that Experimental High School was the place where his father had cultivated for most of his life, it was almost catching up with Aiwen's family base.Moreover, the classification of high school is different from that of junior high school. Senior high school is not compulsory education, and can be ranked according to grades, and some students can be transferred to the corresponding class through reasonable means.

It is a certainty that Aiwen will teach in Experimental High School, and he will also be the head teacher of a class.Aiwen can choose the list of students in this class by himself before the school starts.Of course, Ai Wen, the students who entered the key classes, couldn't get involved. He could only choose from the students in the ordinary classes.

This is why the students in Class [-] dare not even enter the key class of the experimental high school.Only when they become students in the ordinary class of Experimental High School, can Aiwen use his authority to gather them together.

Forget it, since the matter is done, there is no need for Aiwen to get angry, let alone settle accounts after the fall.Students don't want to leave themselves, and they try their best to control their scores. This is the feeling that came out of the three years.Since they don't want to be separated, what's the matter with Aiwen taking them for three years?
In fact, Aiwen also has a little expectation in his heart. He really wants to see how brilliant the children he has personally brought up for six years can achieve after the college entrance examination.The person he knows the most is Xie Mingjie, because Ai Wen saw a corner of Xie Mingjie's future through the settlement of time and space, and he became a billionaire at a young age.

The process of waiting for the grades is tormenting, and the children in Class [-] are full of anxiety.Their score control was done by concealing their parents. Their parents were still thinking that their children would be born in the key classes of the No. [-] Middle School. They never expected that these scumbags would choose to degenerate into the experiment. Normal class in high school.

If parents were allowed to choose between the key classes of Aiwen and No. [-] Middle School, a considerable number of parents would choose the latter.Entering the key class of No. [-] Middle School means that the future can be expected, and the [-]st and [-] universities are at your fingertips.But following Aiwen to study is not necessarily the case. Aiwen is quite rich and has a very novel educational concept, but no one can say whether the children will have a bright future?
This is still the case in this era, where everything is inferior and only studies are high... Just like the father of a certain horse emphasizes in every speech that he values ​​ability and not academic qualifications, but on the other hand, when his own company is recruiting, it does not want famous universities...

Therefore, academic qualifications are still quite valuable in this era, and having a diploma with high gold content can really make you stand out among your peers.Of course, it doesn't mean that students who graduated from ordinary universities are not capable... It's just that the current HR is more realistic than the other. Without a reliable degree as a stepping stone, people don't even have the idea of ​​​​looking at you.

So during the period of waiting for their grades, the children in Class Seven were very tormented.Because they are also afraid of some mistakes. If someone is unlucky and doesn't even get into the experimental high school, it will be embarrassing... Obviously they have the grades in the high school of the first middle school, but they failed to enter the second high school... That kind of feeling is simply worse than It's worse than death!
This is also their overthinking. If there is a child who is not admitted to the experimental high school due to an operational error, Aiwen will use the rest of the class funds to send him to the experimental high school to enter his class for borrowing.Experimental High School has a drug rehabilitation system, and the annual tuition fee is not high, which is about [-]...

Of course the children don't know these things, they only know which school they are admitted to, and they rarely know about these internal operations.Just when the children in class seven were in panic all day long, the results of the senior high school entrance examination were finally announced.

What is most anxious at this time is not the children, but their parents.They are now eager to know their children's grades, is it good or bad?Is it high or low?Whether it's a mule or a horse, you have to take it out for a walk!

The delay must not be delayed, because Ai Wen gave the student's admission ticket number and the password to check the grades to the parents.Parents can directly check their senior high school entrance examination results without going through their children.

If you don’t check, you don’t know. If you check, you will be shocked!No. 27 of the seventh class of junior high school from top to bottom, from the beginning to the end, no student exceeded 560 points.The grades of the whole class fluctuated around [-] points strangely, and the highest score of the whole class exceeded the lowest score of the whole class by [-] points.Such a small difference in scores makes people dumbfounded... this?What is this operation?
When the results are announced, of course some people are happy and some are worried... The math teacher, physics teacher, chemistry teacher, and biology teacher in Class [-] all smile.Can you believe the full score of the whole class?A huge high school entrance examination bonus is already beckoning to them!
But their liberal arts teacher looked sad.The politics teacher, history teacher, and English teacher looked at the report card of Class [-] and felt skeptical about life.There must be ghosts here!Especially the history and politics teachers, the average score of these two subjects in Class [-] is only [-]!This is not their usual performance at all!

As for their [-]% average Chinese score, they have been ignored by everyone... The average Chinese score of Class [-] is only [-]?It's like a joke!Have you never heard of the average writer in class seven?When did the average Chinese score of these guys drop below [-] in the usual test?
So the liberal arts teachers came to Aiwen who was sitting in the office and drinking tea calmly. When Aiwen saw the colleagues who came to him, he knew what they wanted to say.There is no way, the students in Class [-] did not handle the matter properly this time.

Sure enough, you can't do things well if you don't have a hair on your mouth. You can also control points if you want to play, but you have to explain it to the teacher first, and the teacher will help and support you from a technical point of view.The behavior of class [-]'s deception this time was really bad, and in the end it was the class teacher who wiped their ass for them.

What a crime!Sure enough, what the seniors said is correct: I killed people in my previous life, and I will teach Chinese in this life!Don't admit to killing someone, teach Chinese on duty!

(End of this chapter)

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