Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 425 - Take it away!

Chapter 425 - Take away!

Looking at the familiar interface, Aiwen couldn't help recalling the happy days when he and his friends were in the world of chariots.

World of Tanks is a very hardcore game, with grand scenes, exquisite picture quality, and diverse gameplay... When the server was launched, it created a hot scene of waiting for ten hours.

As a gold yuan warrior, Aiwen has of course obtained his own qualification for the open beta without deleting files.The Dire Wolf Guild was established during the open beta without deleting files.The boss of the guild is a retired veteran. After retiring from the army, he became a big brother, very respectable.

Ai Wen is the second leader of the guild, and the official position list is written as the second artillery commander.As the Second Artillery Commander, Aiwen's role is to serve as a lubricant for his comrades in arms. When he is in charge, Aiwen needs to be in charge of fighting.

Ai Wen's ability to become the second master is inseparable from his benevolent character and his eloquent mouth.The first leader is the most prestigious in the guild, and his second leader is the most popular in the guild.

And he was also in charge of dealing with the Dire Wolf Guild and other trade unions.So in the world of chariots, Aiwen can be said to have a dense network of relationships.Opening his friend list, it is simply a gathering place for high-end players in World of Tanks.

From top to bottom, the Dire Wolf Guild is a loyal supporter of the concept of caliber is justice. They especially love the familiar thick-skinned and large-caliber tanks. Although the German tanks have higher precision and are more balanced in all aspects, the caliber of the artillery is not powerful enough. It is absolutely flawed.

However, with the increasingly busy work, Ivan has not played World of Tanks for a long time.Now that the eighth chapter has been updated, Aiwen's broken car is the top match of the sixth chapter... In the eyes of players at this stage, Aiwen's broken car is definitely at the level of a classic car.

The memory is almost gone, Ai Wen turned off the game interface, and then helped Wang Xin delete all the games in the computer.

Wang Xin is about to cry, these games are his sweethearts, and now they are all uninstalled by Ai Wen, the hatred is simply irreconcilable!
But he dared not speak out!Without the support of his mother, he didn't dare to roll around in front of Ivan.After all, Ai Wen is a hunk who can break the door with one punch, let alone Wang Xin... Even if the boxing champion comes, he is easy to lie down!

Damn it!Damn it!Damn it!
Ai Wen looked back at Wang Xin who was gnashing his teeth with hatred and said with a smile: "Your good days are over, now change your clothes and prepare to go out."

"Going out? Where are you going?" Wang Xin asked confused.Although he now knows that Ai Wen is his teacher, he doesn't know what kind of medicine is sold in Ai Wen's gourd.

"Of course it's a make-up class! Your hip-pull academic performance is really embarrassing... Although I personally don't pay much attention to cultural class results, you can't be too far behind the big team! Hurry up! I'll give you 5 minutes, otherwise ..." Ai Wen lowered his head and saw a crystal ashtray on the table.

"Oh? The guy still has a hobby of smoking? You have a lot of interests!" Aiwen sneered and held the ashtray in his palm, and then with such force with both hands, the hard ashtray was shattered in Aiwen's hands two halves.

Looking at the neatly broken part of the ashtray, Wang Xin swallowed dryly.

not human!This guy is not human!Is he eight hundred or one thousand?His human skin must be a mechanical skeleton!Otherwise, where does such a great power come from?How else would you break open the ashtray?
It's going to kill me!It's over!Being a student under such a devil class teacher, how can I have a life to see a better tomorrow?

"Boy... Do you want to quit smoking or continue to smoke?" Ai Wen asked leisurely.

"Quit... definitely quit..." Wang Xin stammered.He was so frightened that he was afraid that Ivan would slap him on the head.His skull is really not as hard as an ashtray, nor as strong as an anti-theft door... Ai Wen's punch can really open him!

The soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, the hard ones are afraid of the hard ones, and the hard ones are afraid of the violent ones... Apparently Ai Wen is the most violent one...

Under Ai Wen's glaring gaze, Wang Xin quickly changed his clothes and left home with Ai Wen.After Ai Wen took Wang Xin away, only Wang Xin's mother was left at home looking at the messy big hole on the bedroom door.

I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse for my son to fall into the hands of such a class teacher, but the agreement has been signed, as long as the son is not beaten to death or disabled, they will not intervene.I just hope that Mr. Ai Wen can be a good person and don't break their sweetheart.

She and her husband only have this one child. If Aiwen breaks it, they can only practice the trumpet... Thanks to the country's second-child policy, if the tuba is useless, you can practice a trumpet!Anyway, his family's property is enough to raise a second child. The reason why he didn't have a child is because it is too troublesome to take care of a child.

That's right, the direct reason why many young people are infertile nowadays is that it is too troublesome to bring up children.Before having a child, I was a baby, but after having a child, the family status will plummet.All life must revolve around the child, and it is impossible to sleep well before the baby is three years old.

Ai Wen estimates that in another ten years, national laws will force couples of the right age to have children.After all, people born in the 90s really don’t want to have children, even their own children would find it troublesome... Although there are not many people who think this way, the trend is indeed on the rise.

No way, the cost of raising a child is getting higher and higher.There is nothing wrong with yourself suffering a little bit, but can children suffer?Obviously not!Preschool education class, early education class, enlightenment class... Children are arranged clearly from birth.

It's a good thing, but it's too damn expensive... Other people's children have gone, will your children go?go?too expensive!not going?You can't let your children lose at the starting line!

After Wang Xin was captured by Ai Wen, he was directly thrown into the car by Ai Wen and locked in the back seat.Ai Wen ignited the ignition and walked away. Remedial classes must be made up, and more and more supplements must be made... In Ai Wen's eyes, no student is hopeless.If there are indeed hopeless students, it is definitely a problem on the part of the parents.

Aiwen's education concept has always believed in Xunzi's: at the beginning of human beings, nature is evil.Only through continuous enlightenment can people walk on the right path... This is the true meaning of education. If you don't learn the etiquette, you can't stand. People who don't receive education will never develop.

Don't say that so-and-so became rich without knowing a single word... People can succeed, although they didn't study, they obviously gained experience and mastered skills in society.This is also a kind of education, but it is not taught by a teacher.

Therefore, as long as Wang Xin is not spoiled by his parents, he is also a good young man worth saving.Anyway, he will need to live on campus most of the time in the future, and Ivan has a lot of time to concoct him.

Want to go to school?Not to mention no doors, no windows!One of the seven classes must live on campus!Only when they are locked in the school, they have no chance to cause trouble.Otherwise, according to the temperament of the guys in the seventh class, they would have played various tricks to death.

The floor of class seven must be the highest!If they were arranged on the second floor, these guys would definitely jump out of the window and escape.With their physical fitness, there is nothing wrong with jumping from the second floor.

After throwing Wang Xin to the teaching assistant, Aiwen drove to continue his home visit... There are still two intractable diseases that have not been solved, and Aiwen's thoughts are still not clear.

(End of this chapter)

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