Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 426 - Wang Xin's Fantasy Journey

Chapter 426 – Wang Xin’s Fantasy Journey

Two flowers bloomed, each representing a branch. Just as Ai Wen drove to the next cute home, the children in Class [-] expressed curiosity about the new students who were sent in by Ai Wen himself.

Although it is a good thing that all classmates know each other after high school, but such a mediocre entrance to school makes everyone lack a sense of freshness-it feels like I have never graduated from junior high school.

But now that a new friend came, everyone's interest was immediately mobilized.But because the class was in session, none of them dared to break the classroom discipline—but when the get out of class was over, the old people from Class [-] surrounded the new students and asked this and that.

"Classmate, what's your name?"

"Student! Which school did you graduate from?"

"Student! How much did you score in the high school entrance examination?"

"Student! How did the old Aiwen thief catch you here?"

Listening to the questions from unfamiliar students, Wang Xin felt like falling into a den of thieves.What are these people doing?Are you all so familiar?
But in other people's land, Wang Xin can't be too arrogant.His bear is only aimed at his parents, he can't bear it in front of outsiders.Who is not the baby of their own parents?Just you have parents?Just you are a child?

So Wang Xin answered their questions honestly: "I graduated from No. 400 Middle School, and my name is Wang Xin. I didn't do well in the senior high school entrance examination, and only scored more than [-] points."

"More than 400 points? Can't you get into Experimental High School with this score?" Wang Yizhen analyzed, stroking his unnecessary beard.

Wang Erchuan gave him a slap, and then said in a low voice: "Have you never heard of a way called borrowing books at your own expense?"

"Souga." Wang Yizhen nodded with sudden understanding: "Soudao is dead!"

"Don't show off your plastic Japanese." Ye Cihuai said disgustedly: "You just learned these two sentences from the anti-Japanese drama."

"I can do it again." Wang Yizhen yelled dissatisfiedly, but the discordant words were elbowed back by the person behind him before he could say them.

"You all know each other?" Wang Xin asked stupidly. Seeing the acquaintance of this group of people, it is obvious that the friendship cannot be cultivated in a day or two. Could it be that they knew each other in junior high school?

Xie Mingjie came to explain: "We were all in the same class in junior high school. After entering high school, in order to follow our head teacher, we all took the experimental high school."

"It's okay with this special cat? It's impossible." Wang Xin opened his mouth wide. He was stunned by the flea operation of the group of people in front of him.what's the situation?What kind of weird teachers are here?What kind of weird students are they?
Chen Xiaolin glanced at him: "What's impossible? We are all candidates who can pass the exam, but we don't want to go."

Wang Xin is in Sparta—can take the No. 600 middle school but won't go?This is so capricious!You must know that the No. [-] Middle School only recruits [-] students in the whole city, and even if you include non-local students, there will be a total of [-] students. Can you pass the No. [-] Middle School but not go?Let's brag!
Wang Xin grumbled at the teaching assistant who was drinking water and resting: "How much do we charge for making up lessons? The environment here is definitely not cheap!"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows: "Pay? What kind of money? It's all free, okay! Apart from free, there is also food here. Have you heard of Qishidai? Do you know about the family portrait package?"

"Ah? Free? What about the food? And it's Qishidai's box lunch?" Wang Xin felt that he wanted to leave all the shocks of his life behind today. Could it be that the world has changed?It’s fine if you don’t charge for supplementary lessons, but why don’t you take care of your meals?What kind of fairy cram school is this!
Seeing Wang Xin's bewildered expression, Li Guoyao patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Brother, in our class, you have to get used to the local tyrant of the teacher. We haven't figured out how much the old thief Ai Wen in our class has yet. Anyway, with a nine-figure base, he took us to make a movie the year before last, and the investment alone cost [-] million."

"Wait a minute. I remembered, you are the class of Internet celebrities?" Wang Xin suddenly said.No wonder these people look so familiar!He also contributed a movie ticket at that time!
No wonder my devil head teacher is so handsome!It turned out to be the most handsome homeroom teacher in Huaxia, who was said to have nearly [-] million people!
It all makes sense!Such a rich teacher still charges students that little extra tuition?To know that movie's box office is crazy!That movie is solely owned by Ivan!Most of the proceeds went into his pocket!

Wang Xin immediately turned into a little fanboy: "Hey? Did your teacher give you red envelopes after you finished filming?"

"Red envelope? That's not there?" Ding Zituo shook his head.

Wang Xin sneered: "I made so much money and didn't give you a red envelope? You really are a vampire!"

Ding Zituo said quietly: "No, he then took us around the whole of China in a semester. We enjoyed all kinds of luxury in the world. No matter how we saved it, it would cost tens of millions."

Peng Peng added: "Just after traveling around China, he took us to the sixteen countries of Europa for a summer vacation, and held a concert in Vienna's Golden Hall. Although no one bought tickets to see it, they joined in the fun It’s quite a lot, anyway, you don’t need money, just watch a little bit!”

Travel around China?Europa sixteen country tour?Concert in the Golden Hall?Why does it all sound so fantastical?
Like magic, Wang Yizhen took out his mobile phone from his pocket, clicked on the photo and handed it to Wang Xin: "No, this is our group photo at Tower Bridge. This is our group photo at Cambridge. The big foreign Alcoa smiling like a flower is our English foreign teacher."

Wang Xin felt that his worldview was about to collapse. Is this the junior high school life that a middle school student in Q City should have?The students in the imperial capital don't dare to be so promiscuous!People read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles, that is to say, you guys are good-come directly and really!

Looking at the new classmate whose face was full of disillusionment, Xie Mingjie felt that he had to save this brother.What if you die from cha citric acid?

"Don't worry, you can't go wrong with Boss Aiwen! It's your fate to be able to enter this class. I can guarantee that the days with Lao Ai will never be lonely, even if we go to high school, it will be colorful!" Xie Mingjie promised .

At this time, Wang Xin suddenly felt that Ai Wen was not as hideous as he was in the beginning-could this be based on the skill of being close to people?Sure enough, the charm of gold dollars is infinite!It turns out that he is a layman!In front of Jin Yuan, he is just a younger brother!
He quietly asked: "Has Mr. Ai Wen ever practiced? He punched through the door panel at my house. It's made of solid wood!"

Li Guoyao waved his hand with a smile: "Basic operation! Lao Ai's force value is almost maxed out, and he can fight ten of them easily and happily. To tell you the truth, class [-] is now practicing martial arts with the whole class - in our class, you may Can't even beat a girl."

Wang Xin came down in a cold sweat.Is it that scary?I have entered the bandit's den, right?Why do I suddenly have a feeling of no future?There is a kind of jio who eats jujube pills!

Li Jinqiong made a concluding speech: "You will understand a lot of things after school starts. You just need to know that you will have a different high school career in this class!"

(End of this chapter)

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