Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 427 - Hardworking people will not be bad in the future

Chapter 427 – Hard-working people will not be bad in the future

"The next family..." Ai Wen looked through the information and found that the remaining two classmates were girls.One was named Liu Mengmeng, and the other was named Sun Lianxiang.

The academic performance of these two children is not very good, but their learning attitudes are quite different.Liu Mengmeng is the kind of girl who studies hard but lacks talent. No matter how hard he tries, he can't get the grades he wants.

In the end, he didn't even get into the Experimental High School, and if it wasn't for his own expense, he wouldn't be able to enter the gate of the Experimental High School.

Sun Lianxiang is the kind who is very smart but doesn't use it in the right place. He is enthusiastic about all kinds of Tanmei novels and beauty bloggers every day... Because of excessive distraction, his academic performance plummeted, and he became one of the few in the second middle school. A student who failed to enter the experimental high school.

For these two kinds of students, Aiwen's educational methods are absolutely different.A good boy like Liu Mengmeng can make great progress just by giving him guidance on learning methods.His poor grades in junior high school were due to problems with his learning methods.

Everyone has a different learning rhythm. If you can't find your own learning pulse, it will be very difficult.If you encounter a teacher who is a little more rigid, it will make you lose interest in learning.

Fortunately, Liu Mengmeng's character is relatively tenacious, and she persisted even on the day of the senior high school entrance examination... However, she was really not good at physics and chemistry, and in the end she had to miss the key high school.

The lack of scientific thinking is indeed a headache, but fortunately, you can choose three subjects to take the exam during the college entrance examination.It's a big deal, let's not choose the three subjects of physics, chemistry and biology!The ruler is short and the inch is strong, so you can't be hard-headed and reckless in learning, but also pay attention to methods and strategies to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses.

Some people don't look back until they hit the south wall, and some even smash their heads against the south wall and don't look back.Ai Wen now only hopes that Liu Mengmeng is not the kind of person who is so easy to post to death... By the way, the name of this little girl does not match her temperament at all!The name is Mengmeng, but her temper is so stubborn.

As for Sun Lianxiang, Ai Wen had to deal with it severely.Aiwen never thinks that those who use their brains well but don't use them in the right place are smart, because if you are really smart, you will naturally use your wisdom where it should be used.

So people who don't study when they are young are stupid... He never believed what the parents of poor students told the teacher: My children are very smart but they don't study...

Often at this time, he would reply: "Why don't children study when they are so smart?"

Reading novels and studying beauty makeup is not a heinous thing... But if you delay your studies because of this, it is too much.These things are just the spices of life, but your life cannot be just spices.

What Aiwen, the head teacher, needs to do is to help him make adjustments so that he can quickly enter the learning state.If your idea is right, but your concept is crooked... Aiwen doesn't mind letting you see what it means to be cared by the iron fist of a teacher.

Don't think that the girl, Aiwen, will leave it alone.The so-called tree does not prune its branches and does not flow straight, and people do not prune.Aiwen's iron fist is really a monster with one punch, and there were girls who were picked up by Aiwen in class seven.

Of course, whether you can do it or not... Persuasion education is very important. Ai Wen's words are actually very clever. In addition, he has studied psychology, and occasionally he can use some psychological hints or psychological hypnosis to help students establish a correct life. view values.

But, hypnosis is a bottom-of-the-box skill, and it should not be used indiscriminately.If a person's deep consciousness is disturbed, there may be situations such as a major change in personality.

This kind of thing is not easy to explain in sociology, because at that time, were you still you?right!After listening to it, I felt horrified thinking about it... So until the last moment, Aiwen never hypnotized any student.

Don't doubt Ivan's hypnotic ability, he really has the ability to subtly transform you into another person now, but you can't find it at all.

Don't think it's impossible, it's science!Hypnosis can let you enter the sea of ​​spirit through sound hints, action hints, etc., and then let you form a certain concept in your subconscious through specific guidance.Then when you wake up, you will act according to this concept.

Huaxia's psychologists who are capable of hypnosis are all registered.Because once this kind of person goes to crooked ways, the damage to society will be enormous.

Fortunately, psychological masters who can do hypnosis earn a lot of money, and they are all big bosses who charge by the minute.As long as you want to make money in a serious way, you can get money faster than grabbing most jobs.

Today's society is under too much pressure, almost one or two mental illnesses per capita.It's just that limited by the size of the disease, many people are unwilling to see a psychologist for psychological intervention.But many high-end people pay great attention to psychological maintenance, so these powerful psychological experts are recognized by the market.

Wild hypnotists like Aiwen are the focus of prevention and control by relevant departments.Although Ai Wen has the certificate of the national second-level psychological counselor, the level of the second-level psychological counselor cannot achieve hypnosis at all.

After physical strengthening, they found that their hypnotic effect also increased significantly.Hypnosis can not only hypnotize people, but small animals can also hypnotize... Many psychology students are afraid of causing uncontrollable damage to the human brain, so they will choose to buy a small rabbit to practice.

If Aiwen is now going to be certified as a national professional hypnotist, it should be possible to take the first-level and second-class certification.Further up is the first-class A certificate. There are less than ten professional hypnotists with a first-class certificate in the country, and there are less than a hundred professional hypnotists with a first-class certificate...

There are less than one hundred first-level hypnotists in the country with more than one billion people, which shows how awesome Aiwen is now.To be honest, with so many strange skills on his body now, any one of them can make his life quite nourishing.

Teacher is just one of the professions that earns the least amount of money for him... If the old father hadn't forced him to come back to be a teacher when he graduated, or Aiwen would have made a name for himself in the imperial capital by now.

Driving his beloved little jeep, Ai Wen arrived at Liu Mengmeng's house smoothly.Liu Mengmeng's family conditions are also good... The economic level of the family that can afford to spend 5 yuan to send their children to key high schools is not too bad.Being able to take out [-] at will proves that his family's savings are at least ten times that amount.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are families who want to send their children to key high schools.If there is, it's really great... But Ai Wen feels that it doesn't make much sense to do so.Because if your family background is not good, but your child is still heartless and does not study, it is useless to say that you send him to a key high school.

When Liu Mengmeng's family heard the teacher's visit, they greeted him with 12 points of enthusiasm.After Ai Wen explained his intention, Liu Mengmeng happily changed his clothes and went to the cram school with him.

If Ai Wen didn't come these two days, Liu Mengmeng was going to find a cram school for tutoring by herself.The stupid bird flies first, and he believes that through hard work, there will be a reliable result.

Ai Wen believes that Liu Mengmeng has this kind of quality, even if his achievements are not obvious now, his road will be smoother as he goes forward.Because the power of a dedicated person is the most terrifying. Although she cannot become an expert in the field, it is extremely easy to become an elite in the field.

Dedicated and hardworking people, the future will never be bad!
This is what Ivan said, there is nothing wrong with it!

(End of this chapter)

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