Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 428 - The last one

Chapter 428 – The Last One

The last Sun Lianxiang is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and this child and the worry-free Liu Mengmeng cannot be solved by a routine.If such children do not solve their problems at the root, it will be too late to educate them in the future.

In fact, the junior high school stage is the most critical stage for students' character building. As for the education after the age of 16 to the high school stage, it is at most the icing on the cake.The three armies can win the commander, but the ordinary man cannot win the ambition. Confucius emphasized thousands of years ago that a person's character is the most difficult to change.

So how to manage such a girl, Ai Wen also felt a bit of a headache.Wang Xin's kid is also addicted to the Internet. If his WiFi is cut off and his mobile phone is confiscated, he can also change his ways.

But girls' management methods can't be so simple and rude. After all, unlike rough boys, girls' thoughts are more delicate, and an overly simple and rude way is likely to produce greater rebellious psychology.

The education of girls needs to be gradually figured out, and it is even more necessary to start from his surroundings.Society is a dye vat, but so is school.Always stay with excellent people, your mind will be nurtured, and you will naturally become excellent.

Sun Lianxiang's parents couldn't make the right choice to send him to an experimental high school. If they really let him go to an ordinary high school, he might end up being admitted to an ordinary three-year university or a technical school.But after entering Experimental High School, driven by the good students around her, no matter how bad she is, she will have a bottom line.

Especially in class seven, if he wants to do something out of the ordinary, no one will support him, let alone cover for him.When a person comes to an unfamiliar environment with no relatives and no help, he will inevitably rely on the people around him.At this time, his character will become fragile, and the people around him will also have a huge influence on him.

Therefore, the most important thing for Aiwen to do is to throw the child to the cram school.But to his regret, when he rushed to Sun Lianxiang's home, the child was not at home, but went out to play with friends.

What made Aiwen feel helpless the most was that his parents didn't know which classmate the child was going out with... This was very uncomfortable, no wonder the child was raised with all kinds of problems, the parents really didn't care!

This is in line with the current family relationship model. Parents are busy with work and neglect to manage their children, and they don't even know their children's movements.They think that giving their children the best life is extremely important, but they ignore the importance of family education.

But Ai Wen can't say that they are wrong, because there is no good family conditions, and Sun Lianxiang does not have the capital to enter the experimental high school.

In the end, Ai Wen waited for a long time at his home.However, Ai Wen didn't wait in vain. While waiting, he chatted with Sun Lianxiang's parents about education.His parents are both businessmen, and they know all about education: they don't know anything!
So under Ai Wen's big fudge, he was full of confidence in him as the head teacher.Sun Lianxiang's parents attach great importance to education, but they don't know the method of education...but Ai Wen does!So they directly said that the children will follow the teacher's control!As long as you can manage it well, any means will do!

At around seven o'clock in the evening, Sun Lianxiang opened the door of the house.As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ivan sitting on the sofa.His father introduced: "This one is Teacher Ai Wen, Xiangxiang... You have been studying in Teacher Ai's class since the first year of high school."

As soon as she heard the teacher's visit, Sun Lianxiang's mind went blank.This is the end of the high school entrance examination!Why did the teacher of the new high school come to the door?Are all high schools so evil now!
Ai Wen said with a smile: "Hello, classmate Sun, I am your class teacher, Teacher Ai Wen. I came to your home today to see your family environment, and to inform you that in the next vacation Participate in the remedial class activities organized by the class. This remedial class activity is for you to learn new knowledge more leisurely in the new high school. This event is free for the whole process, and lunch is provided. The lunch is specially provided by the Seven Times Restaurant, and you are guaranteed to eat Think two boxes..."

Make up lessons?Meow mia!The holidays have just begun!There are still two months until school starts!why?God!Earth!Which fairy boss killed this hateful head teacher with a lightning strike!

Seeing the distorted expression on Sun Lianxiang's face, Ai Wen felt amused for a while, this little girl is also a talent... The expression on her face is about to break through the limit of human beings!

Sun Lianxiang mumbled and asked, "Teacher, can I not take part in tutoring?"

"Student, no!" Aiwen refused with a smile: "If you really don't want to make up lessons, you can ask your parents to transfer you to another class or another school..."

It's over!impossible!Since the results of the high school entrance examination came out, Sun Lianxiang watched helplessly as her parents dragged their way to go through the borrowing procedures for him.And he spent a lot of money on loan to study in Experimental High School... No matter what, his parents would never let her transfer.As for transfer?His parents are not stupid!How can other classes prepare free supplementary lessons for children?
Such a teacher is definitely a good teacher with a sense of responsibility!It is a blessing in life for children to meet such a teacher!Although Sun Lianxiang's parents don't know much about education, they know how good it is!Aiwen does not seek money, and does not seek profit. It is definitely for the students' benefit to give students extra lessons for free!
If you can't even tell the good from the bad, Sun Lianxiang's parents don't have to do business anymore!Just be cheated and go bankrupt!Businessmen are the most accurate judges of people. They immediately saw that Ai Wen was a good teacher who was indifferent to fame and fortune.

Therefore, it is impossible not to attend make-up classes, no matter how many unwillingness Sun Lianxiang wrote in his heart, it will not work!Now his parents are definitely on the same front as the teacher, no matter how much he resists, it's useless.Hunger strike threat?Just think about it!The one who suffers is myself!Kids these days are smart!
Those who know the current affairs are heroes, since Sun Lianxiang can no longer resist, she can only choose to accept.Oh, what a bad luck!The vacation has just begun and it is over!He didn't know what kind of study career was waiting for him, and he didn't know that the turning point of his life was coming.

Ai Wen left the address of the study room to Sun Lianxiang's parents, and they can drive their children directly to the study room tomorrow.In the process of learning, Aiwen will supervise the whole process.

After all, Aiwen is the children's class teacher. Although the children are already very familiar with the teaching assistants, but without Aiwen's suppression, Aiwen can't guarantee their learning effect.

The self-study room still adheres to the habit of taking a test every day. Only through the test can students know where there is a problem with their knowledge.It will be more targeted where it will not be said.

There is a table in Aiwen's computer, which records all the results of each quiz for each student.These data will be processed and compiled by a dedicated person to form a statistical graph. Whether everyone is making progress or regressing, and how much each person has learned can be intuitively reflected through these data.

Technology has made human life better, and technology has made Aiwen's education more convenient.Embracing science and technology means embracing a more scientific education. It is unacceptable to be conservative. Only by advancing with the times can we always stand on the cusp of the times.

Those who stand on the cusp of the storm are the wavers!Aiwen is going to strive to be a trend-setter in the education field!
(End of this chapter)

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