Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 486 – Role Playing

Chapter 486 – Role Playing
After hearing Master Ma's words, Ai Wen suddenly felt enlightened when he changed his mind.In addition to using brute force to deal with weirdness, it also requires a certain amount of wisdom.

The weirdness here is obviously not something that can be subdued by brute force, because the zombie villagers can be resurrected again and again after being knocked out, and the strength of the resurrected zombie villagers is getting stronger every time.

Aiwen is blessed by God, and there is no problem with his own safety.But if the two of them try to kill each other, Master Ma may be trapped here and cannot get out.

So two people need to integrate into the strange place and treat the villagers as villagers instead of zombies.

So the two of them could only pick up their official identities, and came to the busy villagers without knowing what to do.

"Hello, I'm the captain of the second team of the City Defense Army. I was appointed by my superiors to conduct security patrols in this village. I don't know if there are any strange things in the village?" Aiwen played role-playing, pretending that the villagers were not dead, and then gave He assumed the role of the captain of the city defense army.

Unexpectedly, the villagers who should have turned a blind eye cooperated with his performance.The villagers were very happy to see Aiwen: "Welcome to Xiaomi Village! I'll tell the village chief!"

Some people were confused, turned around and whispered to Master Ma: "So this is just weird...I just knocked them all out, but I didn't expect that they wouldn't recognize me when they turned around."

"Otherwise? These weirdnesses should be operating according to certain rules. Only by adapting to these rules can we eliminate the weirdness." Master Ma continued to observe. No matter how many files you read, it is better to practice it yourself. Have some basic understanding of the meeting situation.

Not long after, the zombie villagers happily ran away and came back with their village chief.

"The village chief! These two are the adults sent by the city defense army to conduct security patrols!" The zombie villager pointed at Ai Wen and Master Ma.

The village chief held Aiwen's hand enthusiastically: "Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to Xiaomi Village!"

If Aiwen's eyes can't break the illusion, what he should see is a kind old man holding his hand.However, his eyes can see reality... so what they see is a disgusting zombie holding his hand.

This is very speechless, but he has to play his role well. If the villagers or the village chief find something wrong and break the rules of operation of the strange place, these zombies will break away from the rules and fight against Aiwen.

Ivan can blow them up once or twice, but if they can be revived infinitely, he can only escape in the end.

So Aiwen could only suppress his nausea and showed a professional smile: "This is what we should do... what we should do..."

Thank God for His blessing!Thank you God of Education!
The feeling of being held by a zombie is quite subtle, and Ivan suddenly felt a sense of regret.How wonderful it would be if one's own eyes could not break the illusion!At least I don't have to see such a disgusting scene!
The village chief took Aiwen and the two of them for a long circle in the village, which was the standard procedure for security patrols.But the people who come here are different every year, so Aiwen told them that he is from the city defense army.

In this weird world, it is definitely not normal for a foreigner to appear in your village.No village will admit a stranger of unknown origin.Even if Aiwen pretended to be the city defense army, what he was holding in his hand was a transfer order from the city hall.

Because when the city defense army conducts security patrols, it must have an approval document issued by the city hall.Otherwise, many villages will refuse you to enter...

Walking around the village with the village chief, Aiwen and Master Ma found that everyone in the village had turned into zombies, but they did not find the source of the weirdness in the village: the statue of the shoe god.

This is quite uncomfortable. If you can't find the statue, the weirdness here is almost inexplicable.Because even if you blow them up, they can be resurrected after a purple light flashes.

This is the most disgusting part, soldiers with resurrection skills are annoying everywhere.

The village chief led the two of them around the village and said, "My lords, these places are the territory of the village... If there is anything else that needs to be checked, feel free to both of you."

This is also one of the procedures for the city defense army to conduct public security inspections. They need to inspect every corner of the village for the old atmosphere.Prevent a certain place from being born with natural weirdness due to excessive concentration of old air. If there is a place with excessive concentration of old air, the village will face the embarrassing situation of relocating the whole village.

The old air is just a negative energy field. The city defense army can detect the concentration of the old air by means of instruments, but they cannot make any advance prevention.They can only suggest that the villages whose concentration of old air exceeds the standard should be relocated. When the weird outbreak here is suppressed, they can move back to live.

When the weird texture is suppressed, the concentration of old air here will decrease accordingly.The odds of another eruption of weirdness will drop significantly within a period of time.

After the village chief left, Ai Wen and Master Ma began to exchange information.

"Old Ma, what did you find?" Ivan asked.

Ma Baoguo said: "The memory of these villagers stays before they turned into zombies. Their words and deeds just now are not deceiving. They really don't know that they are dead. So we can't take the initiative to raise this matter... …Otherwise, the rules of the strange place will be broken, and we can only blow them up and refresh them."

Ivan nodded, he also discovered these situations.This is the weirdness of this weird place. A group of zombies who didn't realize that they were dead are really nonsensical.

"Do you want to eat something, my lord?" A villager sent an invitation to the two... Zombie invited you to eat, what is on the table?Aiwen didn't need to think about it, but he knew it was definitely not a good thing!Ordinary people will be confused by the old atmosphere, but Aiwen's eyes can break the illusion!So it is often impossible for him to accept this zombie's invitation.

"That... the superior requested that we cannot accept anyone's invitation to eat and drink." Aiwen added five to five, and pushed all the responsibilities to the superior.It just so happens that the city defense army has this requirement, and it's up to you whether you obey it or not.

The villager returned home with regret and enjoyed a "delicious" lunch with his family.Alvin watched the villagers' lunch through the window.These lunches are weird things condensed from the atmosphere of the past. It is inconvenient to describe in detail what they look like, because it really affects the appetite.

The two continued to search in the village. According to the file, the statue was salvaged from the well in the village, so the well should be the focus of the search.

So the two of them came to the well beside the village non-stop. This well looked very vicissitudes.According to the villagers, it is because of this well that this village is built.This well feeds everyone in the village.

Using thirst as an excuse, Aiwen brought up a bucket of water from the well with a wooden bucket.Through the eyes of delusion, Aiwen can see the old spirit surging in the water.

Did not run away!There is definitely something wrong with this well!Big problem!

(End of this chapter)

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