Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 487 – Exploring the Well

Chapter 487 – Exploring the Well
After determining the source of the village's weirdness, Ai Wen and Master Ma decided to investigate the well.

As for the inspection of the two, the villagers said they did not care.Because their actions were part of the city defense army's security inspection, and did not violate the rules of this strange place.

Aiwen didn't know what the criteria for judging the logic of behavior in Weird Land was.But his acting skills are superb, playing a patrolman is simply easy.

As for Master Ma, he is a man whose life is like a play!His acting skills are more proficient than Ai Wen, and the things honed over the years are far more real than just talking on paper.

The water in this well is no longer drinkable, and the concentration of this old air is enough to turn ordinary people into weird.

So Ai Wen knew how these villagers ended up.They should have been drinking water when they turned into zombies. In fact, none of the villagers noticed anything unusual after drinking the water.They also feel that they are living a normal life every day, which is why when Ivan saw them for the first time, they were busy working.

This is their normal life!

There are two ways to investigate this well, one is to jump into the well to explore underwater; the other is to drain the water in the well, and then go down to investigate.

The two of them are already extraordinary people, even if they go into the water empty-handed, it won't affect anything.But the old atmosphere in the water is too thick, it may be quite dangerous to rush into the water.

Normal wells can be drained, but Ivan suspects that this well should not be drained.After all, the things in the strange place are full of all kinds of weirdness.Pumping a well that won't dry is simply a basic operation...

So the reality does not leave room for the two to choose, they can only go into the water to explore this strange place.

When Ai Wen and Ma Baoguo were about to go into the water, the mood of the villagers finally changed.

"My lord! Don't go down this well! This is the source of water for the whole village!" The village chief hurriedly stopped him.

What people said is right, who wants to drink other people's bath water every day!The two living people went down, and there must be a shadow in their hearts when drinking well water in the future.

But now that the source has been found, Ivan doesn't need to worry about these zombies.Although their strength has been raised by two levels after a resurrection, in front of the already four-star Aiwen, the combat power of these zombies is also scum.

This time it wasn't Aiwen's turn to do it, Master Ma knocked down all the zombies in the village with one palm.

"It's much quieter now..." Master Ma sighed quietly, "Teacher, let's go into the water..."

After taking off only their underpants, the two jumped into the ancient well with a plop from the mouth of the well. After two splashes of water sprang up, the village was quickly shrouded in thick mist.A burst of purple light flickered, and the zombie who had been knocked down by Master Ma was revived again. Because Ai Wen and Master Ma were not found, they could only continue to repeat the original labor.

Jumping into the water, the two suddenly found that the water in the ancient well was quite deep.It seems that this well is not ordinary!He is connected to the underground river below!
The water in the ancient well felt chilly, thanks to the fact that the two of them are not ordinary people, otherwise they might have been frozen to death by now.Aiwen felt the water temperature, and it had already reached below zero!It really is a strange place, the freezing point of water is so low!

The two continued to dive, and finally saw the world at the bottom of the ancient well.What made the two feel creepy was that they saw densely packed bones at the bottom of the well.

If the two guessed correctly, these people were the original villagers of Xiaomi Village.

The two communicated through sound transmission, and Ai Wen asked: "If the villagers' bodies are here, what happened to the villagers outside the ancient well?"

"It's a projection! The villagers outside should be zombie bodies condensed from the spirit of the past... No wonder they will be resurrected infinitely! Their corpses are all underground!" Master Ma suddenly said.

Co-authored with them and played two rounds with the projection, thinking about it, I always feel a bit at a loss.It seems that the evaluation of the three-pole weird place here is a bit low, and the weirdness level here is definitely not lower than level five!The reason why it is rated as a third-level strange place may be because the weirdness here will not spread, as long as no one walks here with leisure, there will be no danger.

Even if you go to the village, as long as you don't violate the logic of the weird place, you won't be in danger.

So it makes sense for this place to be rated as a third-level strange place. If you don't provoke the villagers outside, the villagers outside will not do anything to you.

The two continued to go deeper, because their exploration journey failed because they did not find the shoe god statue.The further you go, the fewer corpses of villagers.Finally, in a place where there were no corpses, the two saw a small statue that was only [-] centimeters high...

The size of this thing is about the same as the figurines that Ivan bought for students before, but this thing is not as good-looking as the figurines. The statue shrouded in the strong old atmosphere looks very evil.

Coupled with the fact that it devoured the lives of an entire village, this statue is simply full of weirdness.Aiwen just glanced at it casually and felt that his san value dropped wildly, which shows how crazy these old rulers are.

Master Ma has the Hunyuan Tai Chi body protection, and the san value drops slightly slower than Aiwen.But he also felt the pressure, this is the gaze from the abyss... Master Ma has the aura of a hero, and Ai Wen has the aura of a god.Whether it is heroes or gods, they are the enemies of the Old Ones, and it is already very face-saving for the Old Ones not to travel through space to attack them.

"What happened to him?" Ivan asked, pointing at the shoe god statue.

"This needs to be purified... as long as the old spirit is dispelled." Master Ma said via voice transmission.

Ai Wen went crazy: "I also know about purification! But how to purify this thing! My major is wrong!"

Master Ma said helplessly: "Don't look at me! My major is even more wrong! I'm just an output fighter for self-cultivation! You can't use me as a sacrifice! Young people should talk about martial arts..."

God t Miao d Takede...

In the end, the two of them could only take away the statue of the shoe god. When Aiwen's hand just touched the statue, he remembered the whisper of the old ruler in his ears.Without the blessing of God, Ivan might have gone crazy at this time.

Are the whispers of the Great Old Ones so sweet?Whoever listens to this thing is crazy!
Blessed by God, it is a bug to use something well!The statue panicked when it saw itself being salvaged, so it flashed a large piece of purple light, covering the corpses of the villagers under the water.

After being irradiated by the purple light, the corpses of the villagers under the water moved one after another.One after another, three-star water ghosts were revived by the purple light, and they bared their green faces and fangs and charged at the two of them frantically.

Neither Aiwen nor Master Ma are very good at water combat, and their underwater movements are restricted.Their combat effectiveness has been greatly discounted. On land they are four-star and five-star masters, but underwater, their combat effectiveness may only be three to four stars.

Moreover, after these villagers are resurrected, they will become water ghosts, and the combat effectiveness of water ghosts underwater will have a bonus.After one plus and one minus, Ivan and Master Ma are in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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