Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 489 - The mage is better than his own

Chapter 489 – Mage is better than his own
Not all of the nearly two hundred third-level old spirits, Aiwen, were left behind. He handed over a hundred to the logistics department of the expeditionary army.

The brothers who were in charge of the logistics were almost unhappy, they were so awesome!A shot is several million ah!Looking at so many city lords in the occupied area, Aiwen is the only one who can achieve such achievements!
It is indeed a talent sent by my hometown!Although the fighting power is a little lower, but he can make money!For the expeditionary army, the rarity of talents who can make money is definitely no less than that of talents who can fight!

Although the expeditionary army pays more attention to the strong, logistics is also an important part of the world expedition.Without a good logistical support, if the hero goes to the battlefield hungry, it may be a failure in the end.

Of course, the old spirits were not handed over in vain. Ivan used these things in exchange for a large amount of equipment.These equipments are good things officially installed by the expeditionary army, and their combat effectiveness is one star higher than that used by the militia!

With this batch of equipment, the security of Anlin City can be raised to a higher level.Fortunately, these equipment only consume low-level old spirits.Level [-] is a threshold, cities below level [-] have a lot of storage, but once level [-] is passed, the price of old spirits will increase exponentially.

There are always people who can't tell the difference between the spirit of the old days and the crystal of the old days.In fact, the essence of the old days is the crystal of the old days. These are two versions of the same item: this thing is the essence of the old energy, and its appearance is crystallization.Therefore, what the common people call them is the spirit of the old days...

There is no shortage of equipment for the expeditionary army, what they lack is all kinds of high-level old spirits.The third-level old spirit is quite lacking, because many small individual war machines need the third-level old spirit as the power core, and the transport machinery has a greater demand for the third-level old spirit.Because the low-level ones can't be used, and the high-level ones are wasted!Level [-] is the level with the highest comprehensive cost performance!

The remaining old spirits were dismantled by Aiwen and sold to big households in the city.If these big households want to maintain their dignity, they need the spirit of the past, otherwise, what should they drive?
Looking at the millions of dollars in exchange, Aiwen's molars were about to fall out of laughter.Not long after he was happy, the blind woman who had been stationed in the city hall wandered in.She came to Ai Wen with a stack of financial approval forms and said, "These are the areas that need to be invested in urban construction... Would you like to take a look?"

Oops!It's the feeling of heart...myocardial infarction!
Before the money earned is warmed up, he will be beaten as a local tyrant!And in such a reasonable and well-founded way!

Ai Wen's brain hurt, his words almost squeezed out from between his teeth: "How much?"

The blind girl smiled: "Not much, not much...a total of more than 200 million is needed!"


Ai Wen choked in his throat with a mouthful of saliva: "200 million? Are you kidding me? You must be kidding me! Are you going to blow up the city and build a new one?"

The blind girl said flatly: "If you have such an idea, we can try...but 200 million is definitely not enough!"

"Then what are you going to do? This is 200 million yuan, not 200 yuan!" Ai Wen asked, covering his forehead.

"The city needs to build an underground plumbing system. Don't you see that the city is dirty to death? There is no sewer in this city! Everyone's excrement is dumped directly on the street... The main road you usually take is fine, there are city maintainers. Supervision. But have you ever walked into a small alley? The smell inside is absolutely amazing!" the blind woman explained.


Ai Wen thinks about really is such a thing!However, his god's blessing is all-round, and the stench in the city should be filtered by the god's blessing on his body, so he didn't realize that the city's sanitation was so bad.

Aiwen District is generally a relatively prosperous and clean business district.As for Aiwen, a residential area with concentrated residents, I haven't gone deep into it. I didn't expect this city with a population of one million to be so dirty and messy!
So in the end, Aiwen could only agree: "Okay! I approved the money... But our city is located on a plain, and there are no big stones for you to carve pipes. How are you going to do it?"

The blind girl said helplessly: "There is a profession called mage! You can hire two low-level mages to solve the problem satisfactorily! The hands of mages can squeeze the soil into the shape of pipes, and the earth barrier can turn the pipes of soil into pipes. Harder than a rock.

Even when the pipeline is being laid, the mage can directly put the pipeline underground. "

Ai Wen slapped his forehead fiercely: "Why did you forget these people? Sure enough, mages are the primary productive forces in society! A small mage apprentice can act as a small crane! Magic is really amazing!"

No wonder the blind girl wants to apply for 200 million funds!If you want to hire the arrogant Faye to do municipal construction, you really need to spend a lot of money to invite him.There is no magic master in this world who cannot be thrown away by money. If there is one, it can only mean that you have not spent enough money.

Although Mages are rich, they are better at spending money.In Faye's world, knowledge is wealth!If you want to gain more advanced knowledge, you need to exchange for more wealth!So mages are short of money?Lack of money!And quite short of money!

Why are there mages in the city defense army?These mages are not rich enough, so they can only sell their combat power in exchange for huge wealth!

Of course, many families will also recruit mages, but in this way, the freedom of mages will be restricted.It is easy for a mage to live a good life, but it is more difficult to bravely climb the peak of wisdom.

Of course, except that you are the rich second generation, no matter which world you are in, people with money ability are like cheating existences!While other mages are still starving and saving money to buy magic books, you can use your wealth to enter and leave the Imperial Magic Library!That's the difference!
But the price of hiring Mages is indeed expensive!If you look at the price of the earth, the purchasing power of 200 million in this world is enough for me to build a new city in Great China!Do you think the title of infrastructure madman is for nothing?

In this world where productivity is not advanced enough, mages represent the most advanced productivity!So even if he was ripped off, Aiwen could only hold his nose and endure it.

Ever since, the money he earned entered the arms of the Magistrate before he could change hands.too difficult!Really too difficult!It's time to train a group of mages who belong to the City Lord's Mansion!

Why is there so much investment in municipal construction this time?Isn't it because Aiwen doesn't have his own mage?As the manager of a big city, it is only right that he has a few mages under his command.

However, the mage needs to be recruited by himself, and the foreign mage also needs to be paid by himself.The money that Aiwen got was thrown away by the blind woman before he could train a mage... But it doesn't matter if the money is spent in the right place, and the municipal construction is really urgent.Hearing the blind woman's narration, Aiwen also felt that the sanitation conditions in the city were indeed too poor.

In this weird world, the messy environment is a high-incidence area for weirdness.Inexplicable disappearances occur in the slums every year. No one knows which ones are man-made and which ones are caused by weirdness.

If the sanitation of the city can be improved, the old atmosphere that hangs over the city will become thinner and thinner.For the long-term development of the city, Aiwen still gritted his teeth to pay the money!But this further strengthened Aiwen's belief in cultivating mages, mages are better at home!


(End of this chapter)

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