Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 490 – Happy Life

Chapter 490 – Happy Life
When the money was in place, the reconstruction of the underground sewage pipes in the old urban area of ​​Anlin City started in full swing.

Faye is worthy of the name of the first productive force. When they are fully fired, their work efficiency is very good.

The pipeline laying process is fairly simple:
The official mage first released the first-level magic fossils into mud to soften the ground, and then ten apprentice mages used the hands of the mage to dig out the softened soil from the ground.After the soil was dug out, the official mage cast the shaping spell to turn the soil into the shape of a pipe, and then another official mage took over and cast the mud-to-stone spell on the soft pipe to make it hard.

Before laying, special craftsmen will carve Hunyuan Taijiquan spectrum on the pipe.It would be superfluous on Earth, but in a world where memories are everywhere, carving Tai Chi scores on pipes is meant to suppress evil spirits.

This is the conclusion reached by Aiwen and Master Ma after research.Dark, airtight, turbid... These are all adjectives that belong to sewers, and this kind of place is definitely a high-incidence area for weirdness.In order to prevent the natural accumulation of strange qi, in order to prevent the outbreak of serious strange incidents in underground pipes, the city hall finally got a solution after many demonstrations and experiments: engraving Tai Chi manuals on underground sewage pipes can effectively dissolve the old evil spirits. gas……

This kind of behavior is the same as Chinese people posting couplets at the door during the Chinese New Year.It's just that what the Chinese drive away is the Nian Beast, and what the Tai Chi manuals carved in the underground pipes drive away are the notes of the old rulers.

Aiwen doesn't know the principle here, but Aiwen is not a scientist, so he doesn't need to understand it so thoroughly, as long as the method works.

The laying of the sewer pipe network is progressing very smoothly, and every resident has a sewage outlet at their doorstep.Residents' toilets can no longer be dumped anywhere, and excrement must be dumped into designated places.

Anyone who dares to violate it will be executed directly.In troubled times, heavy codes should be used. Aiwen, the city lord, is as stable as an old dog, and there is nothing wrong with the strict laws.

The treatment of sewage is also an extremely troublesome thing, and it will definitely be cursed if it is directly discharged into the downstream city of the river.And this sewage is rich in a lot of nutrients... On the earth, these things are good farmyard manure!

Ai Wen felt that it was a pity that these "treasures" were discarded, and it would be a good thing if the waste could be used.

Finally he thought of one thing: a digester!As for the biogas digester, this thing is definitely a treasure among the Chinese people.In the process of rural transformation, dry toilets are definitely a headache.Later, people designed biogas digesters to turn waste into treasure after centralized treatment of excrement. Biogas can be used to make fire for cooking, and fermented biogas slurry can be used to fertilize fields.

A city with a population of one million emits an astonishing amount of excrement every day.So Aiwen needs a huge biogas digester, or several super-large biogas digesters for centralized treatment.

Biogas is a very clean and non-polluting energy source if it is used well, but if it is not used well...a safety accident occurs...that thing will become a super powder keg.

There have been biogas digester explosions in some rural areas. When the explosion happened, the destructive power was not too great, but the things that popped out were hard to describe... Look carefully... Is there a picture?
However, although there are dangers, as long as the biogas tank is far away from the city, the danger can be minimized.Moreover, the biogas can be used to generate electricity, and super-large biogas digesters can provide enough energy for power plants.It is unrealistic for the generated electricity to provide all the electricity for a city with a population of one million, but it is indeed possible to supply the city lord's mansion and its subordinate units.

Don't think there is no electricity in this world, it actually does!It's just that the old days can provide greater energy output, which is far better than electric drive in terms of convenience.

Just like the war machinery of the expeditionary force, if it is pure electric output, the daily power consumption is simply astronomical.The expeditionary force will spend at least half of the land to build power plants...

However, the application of electricity in the civilian field has already begun, and electric lights have become popular.As for more advanced electrification products, there are still no... Because the common people are poor, and because of the endless weirdness in this world, the common people's ability to accept novelty items is very weak.

The previous Anlin City also had a power plant. I don't know why there are few fossil fuels in this world.Coal, oil, and natural gas are all very scarce materials.Imagining the development of the fossil energy technology tree like the earth is definitely a fart!

Despite the lack of fossil fuels, the world can generate electricity.Hydroelectric power, wind power but the technology exists, because the principle of power generation is quite simple: electromagnetic induction!

Biogas power generation is definitely a new power generation method for the world, and the heat energy generated by biogas power generation can also be applied in other fields.When winter comes, the biogas power plant can centrally heat the city.

Of course, a few biogas plants are not enough to provide central heating to a large city with a population of one million.However, the changes are carried out bit by bit. Sooner or later, Anlin City will reach this state of life.

This series of ideas will be implemented by a blind woman. He is now the chief executive officer of Anlin City, and he is responsible for all government work in Alin City.

It feels good to have professionals. If Aiwen is allowed to handle these complicated government affairs by himself, even if he scratches his hair bald, he can't handle it well.After all, he had never done this kind of work before, and he was just a poor teacher before.

Although it is said that he seeks his own government in his position, the city lord Aiwen is more of a mascot.But he is the one who is involved in major events in the city, such as making money, dealing with other organizations...

The city is getting better day by day, and Aiwen has time to be lazy.His favorite thing to do is to sit on the roof of the City Lord's Mansion and bask in the sun.The City Lord's Mansion has been rebuilt, and it has been rebuilt to be taller, bigger and more majestic.

With the vision from the earth, Aiwen of course designed the Santo's Mansion quite well.Don't think that the buildings in the other world are low, they are just civilians!With Faye's help, even if Aiwen wants to build a Tower of Babel that can pierce the sky!

However, repairing that thing is a bit taboo, and the meaning is not good... Although the Tower of Babel cannot be repaired, Aiwen's city lord's mansion is still tall and majestic, and he used all the money left from selling the Old Days Crystal to build the house. Otherwise, it would be hard to say that it would be hard to talk about the place where people rubbed against the fighter union all day long.

With the new City Lord's Mansion, Aiwen became a salted fish again.He will never go out to mess around again until the money is spent, and the city's development has entered a virtuous circle, so the existence of his City Lord's Mansion is not very meaningful.

The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the city is prosperous and healthy.And with the popularization of Tai Chi for the whole people, it is rare to see strange appearances in Anlin City.

This is a happy life!

(End of this chapter)

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