Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 497 – The Battle

Chapter 497 – Going to War

The information brought back by the scouts is very important. If the strange place outside the city is an oversized cemetery, Anlin City still has a chance to protect it.

Because the weirdness born in the cemetery usually takes physical attacks, if this is a regular place, the whole city will have a headache.

However, the danger brought by the strange place in the cemetery is not small. This kind of strange place will continuously produce undead like a necromancer... After a certain number of these undead gather, they will attack the city.

As a strange place above level six, the level of undead creatures born in this cemetery is obviously not too low.There should be first-level and second-level miscellaneous soldiers, but there may also be fourth-level and fifth-level elites.As for whether there are super undead of level six or seven... Aiwen is hard to say, but if there are demigod level undead, the city is indeed in danger of being destroyed.

Before the army of the undead attacks the city, the city still needs to build some fortifications against the undead.Under the leadership of the official mage, the mage apprentice went to the outskirts of the city to set up a defensive position.For example, various firepower bunkers, such as various oily muddy ponds... This kind of muddy pond filled with oil is simply heavenly against undead creatures.

Undead creatures are slow and brainless. When they encounter a muddy pond, they will plunge their heads into it and then come out.If they walk into a muddy pond full of grease, they crawl back out with sticks of combustibles.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. Although a large amount of combustible material will launch a brave charge, once it is ignited, it will be burned quickly, leaving only the old spirit in place.

In order to fight against the undead, the whole city has entered a state of emergency mobilization, and many young and strong volunteers have boarded the city wall to defend their homes.The city is their only home, and ordinary people cannot survive in the wilderness where weirdness frequently occurs.The least popular thing in this world is to live in seclusion, because you may disappear after a long time in seclusion.

In this world, seclusion is synonymous with suicide.So when the city is broken, the first to suffer must be ordinary people without cultivation.

The City Lord's Mansion has prepared weapons for these people to defend the city. Although the flintlock muskets from the expeditionary army have an extremely slow rate of fire, their attack power is very powerful.This kind of weapon may suffer a disadvantage in the field, but it is very advantageous in the defense of the city.Especially when the enemy is a pair of undead with no brains, once the flintlock has a numerical advantage, it may also bring victory.

Just when everyone is united as one and united as one.Little Melissa came to Ivan with the big orange cat in her arms: "Teacher, teacher! I can summon new things again!"

Why?Regarding Little Alisa's summoning ability, Aiwen has always adopted a stocking attitude.Because his big orange cat is enough to protect her, as long as little Melissa has the ability to protect herself, Ivan will not be too worried.

Unexpectedly, little Melissa brought her a new surprise. He came to Ivan with a big box in his arms.

"You summoned... a box?" Ivan asked, scratching his head.

Like Melissa opened the big box, then pulled out a card from it and slapped it on the ground.I saw a magical six-pointed star summoning circle flashing on the ground, and then a thick, half-human-tall plant appeared.

This plant has an obvious cartoon style, because Ivan has seen this thing before: pea shooter!Especially those big eyes that are not commensurate with his body shape, staring straight at Ivan is a bit creepy.

So before the undead attacked the city, little Melissa summoned the Plants vs. Zombies card?Because in a short period of time, Melissa summoned Ice Shooter, Watermelon Pitcher, Machine Gun Shooter... This is obviously a complete set of cards.

Aiwen asked: "Can cards be summoned infinitely?"

Little Melissa shook her head: "Sunshine is needed to summon plants. Now I have summoned these cards that were stored in the box before. If you need to summon a large number of plants, you need to plant sunflowers on a large area. And the time the plants exist is There is a limit, only one of each plant can last for a long time, and the rest can only last for a month."

A month has been pretty good too!If these plants that can defend against zombies are planted outside Anlin City, the city will definitely be impenetrable!

Little Melissa is really a treasure girl, he changed the defense status of the whole city in Summoned Beast alone.You must know that the position formed by these plants is equivalent to a fully automatic attack position, which can be defended without even stepping out.

Little Melissa said again: "The annoying thing about this world is that there is not enough sunlight, so if you want to collect sunlight energy, you have to grow sunshine mushrooms. But sunshine mushrooms can't produce sunlight energy as fast as sunflowers..."

Aiwen laughed and said: "The speed is not enough for the two of us to get together! The advantage of mushrooms over sunflowers is that they can be planted on the wall! If sunshine mushrooms are planted on the inside of the city wall, the sunlight generated will be enough to support the plant positions outside the city wall!"

Thinking about it like Melissa, I think what Ai Wen said makes sense!So, the little girl bounced around and carried the orange cat to the position outside the city.

With Fat Orange's protection, the little girl's safety is absolutely safe.As long as there is no attack from the seventh-level demigod, the orange cat can kill all invading enemies.If someone reaches out his hand miraculously, Lord Kongkong will tell him why the flying sword is so sharp!
With the help of the cute plants, Anlin City is now impenetrable.Anlin City covered by automatic firepower is as strong as an iron barrel, and even a fly may not be able to fly out!

After a week of tense nerves in the whole city, the scouts finally found scattered undead creatures on the outskirts of the city.Before these undead creatures could get close, they were smashed into pieces by the sky filled with peas.

These undead are happy before they die, because they are first frozen and then roasted...Made!driving again...

The war was about to break out, and the defenders of the city came to the city wall one after another, ready to open fire at any time to meet the enemy.Just after everyone put on a defensive posture, a huge dragon chant came from the sky.

"I'm knocking! Undead bone dragon!" Ai Wen's brain buzzed, no matter what cultivation system he was in, things that had something to do with the word dragon were super troublesome.Whether it is the five-clawed golden dragon in the east or the large lizard dragon in the west, the starting level of life is level five...

The most cheating thing is that these guys can fly!The dragon's flight definitely does not rely on wings, because the wings of the undead bone dragon can't go for a ride at all, but they still fly like an old dog.

I saw seven undead bone dragons lined up in the sky, which should be the vanguard of the attack on Anlin City.Ai Wen didn't get used to it, and gave an order: "All fire!"


It doesn't matter what it is, as long as there are long-range attacks, they smash at the undead bone dragon.

But the hardness of the bone frame made by the old air is absolutely leveraged. Except for magic and shells that can cause limited damage to the tiger-headed dragon, the raindrops of bullets hit the bones without any scars.

This is very embarrassing for him!
(End of this chapter)

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