Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 498--The Desperate Sea of ​​Undead

Chapter 498 – The Desperate Sea of ​​Undead
The toughness of the broken bone frame exceeded the expectations of the people in Anlin City. Ordinary bullets could not leave marks on it. Only shells and magic could effectively kill the bone dragon.

"All flintlock guns switch targets and attack ground enemies! The gunners continue to bombard the undead bone dragon!" The commander quickly issued an order.

As the city lord, Aiwen is the supreme commander in name, but Aiwen is not very professional in such things as marching and fighting.However, there are special military commanders in the city defense army who can command soldiers.

One general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies. Aiwen can usually fool around with major policies, but at this critical juncture, Aiwen will never dictatorship.

With the help of loudspeaker magic, the commander's order was quickly conveyed to everyone's ears.The magic cannon continued to raise its muzzle to bombard the approaching undead bone dragon in the sky, but the flintlock position stopped firing.

The number of artillery on the defense positions of Anlin City is limited. After all, every time this thing fires, it consumes the essence of the past... A round of salvos costs thousands of dollars!
Who pays for the money?Isn't it still the City Lord's Mansion!Alvin gritted his teeth in distress!All this money was earned by Aiwen through hard work!How about how to say that when the cannon is fired, it is golden ten thousand taels!Large-scale operations really consume resources like this!Otherwise, why did the expeditionary army wait eagerly every day for the city lords to pay taxes?War is really expensive!

Although the magic artillery can cause damage to the undead bone dragon, the damage is insignificant to the huge undead bone dragon.It is obviously an unwise choice to continue the bombardment at this time. The best solution should be to send strong people to kill.

Although the Undead Bone Dragon has not yet reached the demigod-level realm, its displayed strength is at least level six.There is only one master above the sixth level in the city, and he is the president of the Magician's Guild.

He is not idle now, he is full of magical fluctuations, and he is obviously chanting a spell to hold back his big move.As expected, the magic he released could kill at least one undead bone dragon in seconds, and the remaining undead ancient dragons still needed to be killed by experts.

"'s up to you! Tender them to death!" He could even pat Mr. Kongkong on the shoulder.

Mr. Kongkong nodded lightly: "Just look at it! The strength of this broken bone frame is not as strong as the bone spirit!"

I saw Mr. Kongkong rushing up to the sky with his flying sword and white clothes fluttering, handsome and unrestrained as if a fairy came to the world.Ju Que Sword became the size of an aircraft carrier under his feet, and the huge undead bone dragon became a younger brother in front of Ju Que Sword.

The Juque sword was divided into eight parts, and the eight flying swords were thrown towards the undead bone dragon like cruise missiles.Although the undead bone dragon is an undead creature composed of old air, the instinct from the body still makes them feel dangerous.

So the Undead Bone Dragon immediately fluttered its wings and changed direction to flee, but the Juque Sword didn't give them this chance.Without letting them escape successfully, they chopped up these skeletons to pieces.

The vanguard of the strange land: the undead bone dragon army, the whole army was wiped out!
The people on the top of the city were also very surprised to see that the bus they took every day had such power.I became extremely at ease in my heart, the flying sword transformed from a bus can actually chop up the super weirdness of the undead bone dragon, and I no longer have to worry about my own safety when riding in the car.

When the undead bone dragon army was wiped out, the eight giant swords flew back to Lord Kongkong's hands.Moreover, there is a shining old spirit dragging on each Juque sword. This is a good treasure... The price of the sixth-level old spirit is quite high. The city's taxes this year can all be reduced or exempted.

This is just an appetizer, and the luxurious feast is still on the way.Undead Bone Dragon can fly, so it comes faster.The large army of the undead army is still eating ashes in the back, and it will take a certain amount of time to travel a hundred kilometers. Even if it is weird, it must pay attention to the basic laws of physics at certain times.

At this time, the observers on the city wall discovered that there was an explosion at the outermost edge of the plant formation.The sound of the explosion came from the potato mine area. When the undead stepped on the sensitive potato mine, the irritable potato mine would immediately explode and blow up the undead on the head.

Aiwen once tested the power of potato mines. The explosion of each potato mine can make the fourth-level powerhouse feel ashamed, and the third-level powerhouse can die without a place to bury him.

The third-level weirdness is considered the backbone of the cemetery, but he should be the first-level and second-level cannon fodder at the forefront.Like the undead blown up by potato mines, they are basically first-class defective products. The function of these defective products is to consume the defensive power and resistance spirit in the city.

Obviously their strategy was successful. A large number of potato mines were detonated, but only a pile of first-class cannon fodder was taken away.Fortunately, the cost of potato mines is not high. With the support of a large area of ​​Sunshine Mushrooms, Anlin City is still capable of not being a large area of ​​minefields.

Only the sound of ping-pong-pong explosions continued, and countless undead were blasted into the sky by potato mines.The soldiers on the city wall also opened fire one after another, aiming at the densely packed undead troops.

"How much does this have to be?" Still looking at the densely packed undead, trypophobia came out.

"Less less than [-]! In addition to the first- and second-level cannon fodder, the number of undead above the third level is more than [-]! And this is only the first attack, and the follow-up undead should be on the way." The mind's eyes cover the battlefield, and the data obtained are much more accurate than those observed with the naked eye.

Hundreds of thousands of undead are densely concentrated on the battlefield, which can really make the soldiers defending the city feel desperate.

The desperate rate of fire of the flintlock is quite impressive, and it is quite good for these temporarily trained soldiers to fire three bullets in one minute.However, they don't have to worry about their aim, because the undead outside the city are too dense, even if they don't aim and shoot indiscriminately, they can still hit the head of some unlucky undead.

There are many types of undead outside the city. In addition to the most basic skeletons, zombies, ghouls, stitch monsters and other advanced units can be seen.Obviously, there are no masters in the formation of the army of the undead, and their only tactic is to rush forward while screaming.

But it is this kind of endless undead sea tactics that makes people feel desperate. Although Anlin City has money, it has limits.Although Mr. Void is brave, his battery life is limited.Although he can kill 9999, he is still only a demigod, not a god.

In this endless sea of ​​undead, demigods are also at risk of falling.

According to news from the front line, several heroic trainees lost their lives in the tense battle on the front line.Fortunately, there is a soul resurrection stone in the headquarters of the expeditionary army, and these heroes can be reincarnated and resurrected in the academy.But their scores in this world are not too high, and after reincarnation and resurrection, they can no longer enter this world through the gate of the world.

For this world, they are already dead... In this trial assessment, their scores will definitely not be too high!

(End of this chapter)

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