Dad's Super Farm

Chapter 402 Shocking

Chapter 402 Shocking
The speed of Qin Feng's energy was quite fast. Just as the man was about to hit Yang Xiong, Qin Feng's energy had already hit him first, and then a muffled sound came out.

The sound was not loud, but the next moment the person's whole body started to burn, and his body also stopped on the spot.


The people around all exclaimed when they saw it, and quickly retreated to the side.

Only the long-haired man would start screaming with his whole body on fire: " hurts me to death, it hurts to death."

Qin Feng smiled disdainfully: "It hurts you to death, you are right, you rubbish, hurry up and die."

Following Qin Feng's words, the flames on the long-haired man suddenly intensified, and everyone quickly dodged back, and then looked at the long-haired man again, his body suddenly exploded, turning into pieces of coke.

There was a huge explosion, and the people around were all stunned. They looked at the coke that the man had turned into in disbelief. No one could imagine that in such a short period of time, Qin Feng's energy fire could burn people into charcoal. .

On the other hand, Qin Feng put away the flame with a wave of his hand, and turned to look at the group of people opposite: "What do you say? Do you still want to continue fighting now?"

" dare to kill our clansman, are too much." The young master stammered, the previous arrogance was no longer in his eyes.

"It's normal. If you dare to eat humans, I'll kill you two as the lightest punishment. If you still don't want to talk about it, I will burn you all to charcoal." Qin Feng said disdainfully.

"You..." The young murloc master knotted up, then narrowed his eyes and said, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Let's talk in the room, I have a lot to talk about." Qin Feng said indifferently, and went straight into the hall.

Although the group of people looked at Qin Feng's back and hesitated, Qin Feng's voice sounded again: "Don't try to run away. Before the talk is over, I will kill whoever of you leaves."

Qin Feng's words made those people stiffen. They really didn't dare to be disobedient. After all, the two big brothers died so badly. One's head was blown out, and the other was turned into coke. ?
Especially the strange fish that was injured by Qin Feng last time looked at Qin Feng with extremely complicated eyes.

He really can't describe his mood now.

The last time he came here, he was caught by Qin Feng. After he returned, he called his family members to come here. He thought he could take revenge, but now, let's see if they can survive.

A group of people entered the hall, but Qin Feng did not lose his manners any more. He served tea, and then looked at the group of people opposite him and said, "Several, tell me, where do you giant fish clan live? in the water?"

Seeing Qin Feng's politeness, the young master didn't dare to be arrogant again: "We live underwater, have our own palace, and belong to the giant fish tribe."

"Giant fish tribe? What kind of tribe is that? Besides your tribe, are there other fish tribes with the same strength as yours?" Qin Feng asked puzzled.

"Of course, we are only middle-level existences in the giant fish tribe, and we are not powerful at all." Yu Shaozhu said.

"Oh? Are other ethnic groups the same as you? Is it a human face?" Qin Feng asked curiously.

"The higher races all have human faces. Except for the giant dragon race, they don't have human faces, but they are also very powerful and have a lot of resources at their disposal." Young Lord Yu said.

Qin Feng then asked for a while, learning about the ethnic groups in the sea.

And the more he understands this, the more surprised Qin Feng is. According to the words of the young master Yu, the resources in the sea are actually far more abundant than those on land, and the cultivation bases of the underwater groups have improved one by one. Yes, besides that, those ethnic groups are very united, and they have a powerful energy bonus in the sea.

Just like these giant mermaids, although they are already fast enough on the shore, they will become faster and fiercer in the water, which is absolutely incomparable to humans of the same level.

The most important thing is that the giant fish tribe in their sea is just one tribe, and there are many similar tribes, and there are also Neptune, etc., which are even more powerful. It can be said that it has completely formed a world beyond the current land.

After listening to Young Master Yu's introduction, Qin Feng was a little confused: "Since you are so powerful, why do you have to come to the shore to eat people?"

Young Master Yu was asked: "This... This is because of habit. Although we groups are strong in the water, we don't really like staying in the water. We also like land, and we like humans. Life."

"After all, there is a difference between water and land. We just want to try to see if we can defeat humans and have our own territory."

Qin Feng rolled his eyes for a while: "You are really greedy. It is not enough to have a territory in the sea, and you even want to come up to occupy the territory."

But although he was depressed, he didn't think much about it.

If it were him, he would also like to come ashore, breathe fresh air, and enjoy the breeze and sunshine.

Another point is that if these ethnic groups really come up, they can also form a force, and then strengthen the communication between humans and the ocean.

Thinking of this, he looked at the young fish master: "Well, I just heard you say that there is a kind of energy-gathering fish in your sea, right? Can we communicate, you choose some food on land that you like, and we exchange .”

"You want to do business with us?" Young Master Yu asked curiously.

Qin Feng nodded: "Yes, because if we human beings are against you, we will inevitably start a big war. This is completely unnecessary. Now that the three realms have merged, the place is huge. You really want to live on land. It is not difficult. things."

"I am thinking about the common development of everyone, and see if we can increase our exchanges through trade, and then let everyone grow faster."

"This... I can't make the decision on this. My patriarch asked me to take revenge this time. If there is a trade, I have to go back and discuss it." Young Master Yu said tangled.

"Yes, if you think so, I can go to the sea to talk with you and see what else you can trade." Qin Feng nodded.

" can go to the sea? Is it true?" Young Master Yu's eyes lit up instantly when he heard this.

"Of course it is true. Of course, if you think you can take revenge on me, you can also ask your group to prepare, but if you really want to do that, I will kill people and burn you to charcoal when I go to the sea." Qin Feng laughed laugh.

While speaking, he lit a small ball of flames and went out into the teacup.

The water flame continued to burn in the water, but the water cup and the water in the cup burned together.

When a group of people saw this scene, their eyes widened, because the flame that Qin Feng fired was really not big, like a fingernail, how... how could this glass of water not be extinguished?
(End of this chapter)

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