Chapter 403
A group of people were extremely surprised, especially the young master Yu, whose expression was extremely embarrassed in an instant.

He heard Qin Feng say that he could go to the sea, and he really wanted to take revenge on Qin Feng in the sea. In his opinion, Qin Feng's most powerful thing is fire attack, which is useless in the sea.

But now he knows that Qin Feng is really not an ordinary fire, it will still burn them in the sea.

Qin Feng didn't care about the shock of the people, but he smiled lightly and said: "Okay, everyone, we're done talking about the business, shall we talk about the trivial?"

"What's the matter?" Several people asked in confusion.

"Just chatting, you finally came here, let's talk, in fact, I don't know why you are clearly a creature in the water, why do you have a human appearance, and are called giant fish clan?" Qin Feng asked curiously.

"'s hard to understand. In fact, we are the human race that retreated to the sea in ancient times. Later, we grew up in the sea, lived with the fish monster clan, and multiplied with each other. Only then did we become the giant mermaid clan." Fish The young master said with some embarrassment.

"Uh... so you are also human?" Qin Feng was surprised.

"Yeah, it's not just us. In fact, many tribes in the sea have human blood. It's just that everyone has become a separate race and doesn't want to admit it. Because of this, everyone actually prefers life on the mainland." Young Master Yu road.

'Then you still want to eat people, isn't that nonsense? 'Qin Feng said depressedly.

"Mr. Qin, this... the former fairy race, which human race didn't eat fish? We have human blood, and we also have fish blood, okay?" Young Master Yu explained.

"This... this is also ha." Qin Feng scratched his head in embarrassment.

He is not easy to say about this matter. In the past, Qin Feng was a law-abiding citizen. Later, his fate encountered a turning point, which changed Qin Feng's life trajectory, and also changed many of Qin Feng's previous thoughts.

Especially after the merger of the Three Realms later, Qin Feng deeply understood that no matter whether it is humans, immortals, demons, or even everything in the universe, they are actually obeying the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest.

So to a certain extent, human beings eat other creatures, or other creatures eat human beings, are all within this law, and there is no way to judge whether it is right or wrong.

But Qin Feng is a human being, so he naturally wants to stand on the human side.

Then Qin Feng chatted about the other races in the sea, but these people looked powerful, but they were not too strong in the sea, and they didn't know much about them.

After chatting for a while, Qin Feng let them leave.

After sending away a group of giant mermaids, Qin Feng built the palace by the sea again, and originally wanted to wait for the giant mermaids to come back.

But the construction was about the same just now, Qin Feng received a call from Yang Meili, saying that several children were sick.

Qin Feng was shocked when he heard that, he just improved the strength of a few children, and how could they get sick based on their physique?
In a hurry, Qin Feng couldn't care about the things here, and hurried back home.

When they got home, Yang Meili was looking at the children at home, and even called some doctors to help them look after them, but the four children were unconscious at this time, and their faces were turning pale.

Seeing Qin Feng enter the door, Yang Meili hurried forward to meet her: "Qin Feng, Qin Feng, take a quick look, what's going on with the children?"

"Meimei, don't worry, nothing will happen." Qin Feng comforted Yang Meili, and then went to the bed, shot a burst of energy and began to observe the situation of several babies.

Seeing this, Qin Feng's brows became more and more frowned, because the children's pulses were normal and their breathing was stable, so they didn't seem to be sick at all logically, but they just didn't wake up at this time.

After careful observation, I saw a faint black aura at the Baihui acupoint on the heads of several children.

The breath was very strange, like a tree with roots, thin strips of energy penetrated into the brains of several children, besides that, the energy was extremely dark.

This made Qin Fengyue look surprised: "Beautiful, when did these babies get sick? Where did they go before?"

Yang Meili said anxiously: "Just at noon today, I heard from their teacher that the kids were digging the soil and wanted to dig some kind of big hole, but then some black monsters flew out of the ground. The bird bit a few babies and then flew away, and then the babies became like this.”

Qin Feng raised his brows; 'A black strange bird?what is that?How big is it? '

"It's only the size of a palm, and the speed is very fast. Only a few children who are close can see it." Yang Meili said with red eye circles.

Speaking of this, she changed the subject: "Qin Feng, you should quickly find a way to save a few children, and you must not let them have trouble."

Qin Feng nodded slightly: "Beautiful, don't worry, nothing will happen."

While speaking, Qin Feng penetrated the energy into the Baihui points of several children, and then began to fuse those energies.

This is not difficult for Qin Feng, but it is really troublesome, because some energy has penetrated into the meridians of the children.

Fortunately, Qin Feng's cultivation base is high enough, and he has the power of a world lord. After a while, he finally pulled out those energies.

And at this moment, the voice of the system followed: "Master, you have absorbed the energy of the cold bird in the underground palace, and triggered the mission to destroy the cold bird."

"Huh?" Qin Feng was stunned: "System, what kind of underground palace cold bird? Do you want to destroy all the groups of this bird?"

System; "Yes, the underground palace cold bird is an extremely dangerous creature, and it is also an invasive species. Its population must be destroyed. Only in this way can they be completely wiped out."

Qin Feng: "Can't this kind of bird be bred or something? Is there a lot of it?"

System; "The number will definitely not be large, because they were transformed by the evil spirit's resentment at the beginning. Later, when the three worlds were separated, the resentment spirit penetrated into the ground and formed this kind of creature. They are usually in a dormant state. Once they meet When humans, or living species, will drive the grievances into deadly places, destroying other species.”

"So powerful?" Qin Feng's eyes almost popped out, he really didn't expect a mere bird to be so powerful.

System: "Yes, so this kind of bird is a species that has absolutely no benefits and will only cause harm. After completing this mission, you can get [-] points."

Qin Feng; "But where can I find this thing? If I can't find it, what are we talking about destroying it?"

System: "Master, it's not difficult for you to find them, you just need to go down to the ground and search with your soul, because since they appear here, their lair must not be too far away."

"After you find them, you can use the soul-breaking technique to disperse their grievances. This kind of creature will naturally disappear, but in order to prevent them from gathering again, you must find the Orb of the Cold Bird, and there will be surprises appearing from time to time .”

Qin Feng's eyes lit up: "Surprise? What surprise?"

System: 'After you find it, you will naturally understand. '

"Okay, I'll take it." Qin Feng responded and took over the task casually.

(End of this chapter)

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