Dad's Super Farm

Chapter 407 Conquering 2 Wins

Chapter 407
Qin Feng felt pain in his heart, but he had to continue fighting. The two masters punched and kicked the second victory like a ball, and was hit by Qin Feng all over the place. Even later, Qin Feng directly increased the flexibility of the space barrier, There is no need for Zhang Ersheng to go up the attack, he hits the opponent out, and the opponent will naturally bounce back for him to hit.

The people outside were also dumbfounded. Although they had been with Qin Feng for a long time, as the lord of the world, Qin Feng really seldom made a move. Even if he did, he waved his hand. Considerable energy goes out to sort things out.

It was the first time they saw Qin Feng fighting like this, which really made them amazed.

I saw Lin Lin at this moment, like a stickman in that game, performing all kinds of boxing skills and routines non-stop, but Zhang Ersheng kept screaming strangely, but Qin Feng had nothing to do. It can only jump around in space like a ball.

Especially Tian Bao and Jiucheng, who started out practicing kung fu, thought that Qin Feng was only powerful in energy, but now seeing Qin Feng's kung fu, they realized that Qin Feng not only has great energy, but also has a high level of cultivation, and he is also very reasonable in martial arts routines. Broad and profound.

"Hey... Brother Qin is too fierce. He has been fighting for an hour. Why doesn't he feel tired at all?"

"Yeah, the speed is getting faster and faster."

"This stamina is really too strong. How did he do it? I usually sweat for half an hour after practicing."

"It's really too fierce. This time I have seen it. Brother Qin is really amazing."

Everyone was filled with emotion, especially some women even approached Yang Meili: "Beautiful girl, is your Qin Feng's stamina so good when he is usually there?"

"Yeah, how long can he last."

Yang Meili didn't expect to be asked this kind of question, her pretty face flushed with embarrassment for a moment, and she stammered, "Basically...about the same."

The women were very envious when they heard it: "Oh, big sister, you are so blessed, you must not torment the dead."

"My family only takes about ten minutes, you are doing well."

Yang Meili was even more ashamed when she heard it, but the children blinked their eyes and said: "Mom, what are they talking about, don't you practice martial arts with your father at night, don't you practice in the middle of the night?"

"Yes, Mom, is it true that Dad said he taught you a lot of martial arts? Have you learned all of Dad's martial arts by practicing every day in the middle of the night?"

"Mom, can we take a look next time, we often can't sleep after you practice for hours."

The children were talking nonsense, and a group of women laughed instantly when they heard it: "Puchi... Children, you can't learn this martial art, your mother has to learn it by yourself."

"That's right, big sister, tell your aunt quickly, what are you practicing in the middle of the night?"

The women teased Yang Meili, and Yang Meili couldn't lift her head in embarrassment.

She is usually the manager and takes care of some people, but in the village, everyone is used to making troubles, so it's hard for her to explain.

I could only keep my head down and not speak, but the more this happened, the more envious the group of women became.

Only Zhang Ersheng's parents and his close relatives were a little worried in the audience. They have already seen Zhang Ersheng's mutation. This is definitely not the old Zhang Ersheng. ?

Seeing the appearance of the two old men, Tian Bao and Shi Geng comforted him: "Old Zhang, don't worry, Xiaofeng's men are sure, and Er Sheng won't let anything happen."

"Yeah, if he really wanted to kill Ersheng, he wouldn't have to work so hard. I'm afraid he would be killed with one move."

"That's right, Xiaofeng said before that he must transform the resentment in Er Sheng's body. Only in this way can the resentment in Er Sheng's body be eliminated, and it is possible to save him."

The two old men didn't dare to say any more, they could only nod their heads in response.

At this time, Qin Feng in the isolated space didn't know what was going on outside. He started to feel a little tired, but later he became interested, because this was the first time he used various moves so happily, which made him feel excited. A lot of experience.

He has fused the souls of many masters before, and he knows kung fu routines and various techniques, but usually the energy is too strong to use them at all, and now there are great signs of mastery through battles.

At the same time, in this kind of battle, Qin Feng found that the combination of speed and strength converges into an attack, which seems to be not weaker than energy release to some extent.

Especially with the blessing of physique, if you really want to get close, those practitioners with such energy may not necessarily be able to win.

So he simply calmed down and started the fusion training of various routines and techniques.

Compared with Qin Feng, Zhang Ersheng was much worse. He began to think that he was blessed with powerful soul power and could easily crush Qin Feng.

But now he understands that he can't do it at all. Qin Feng is much stronger than him in terms of speed and strength.

In this way, his resentment slowly began to transform. At first, it turned into boundless anger, which became faster and faster, and then gradually turned into fear, so that he could only resist.

And I have to say that this powerful blessing of resentment is still very effective. It not only increased Zhang Ersheng's strength a lot, but also increased his physique a lot, which made him able to accept attacks non-stop.

The two sides fought like this for three or four hours, and Zhang Ersheng couldn't hold on any longer. The resentment in his body had completely turned into fear, and scars began to appear on his body.

Qin Feng looked at him, and even in the fight, he drove a trace of chaotic energy into Zhang Ersheng's body, using the power of chaos to refine the energy in his body.

Finally, after another day, Zhang Ersheng's soul power was completely refined and returned to orthodoxy. Zhang Ersheng stopped attacking, but shouted: "I'm convinced, I'm convinced, Brother Qin, don't fight anymore, I'm done."

Qin Feng stopped, and stepped on Zhang Ersheng: "Hehe, what's the matter? You don't want to control others? Don't you think God is unfair to you?"

"No... I don't think so anymore." Zhang Ersheng said tremblingly.

The resentment in his body has been completely wiped out by Qin Feng now. Although his strength has been improved compared to before, his mind is completely awake.

Qin Feng looked at him and smiled slightly: "Hehe, Zhang Ersheng, no one in this life will be smooth sailing. There are difficulties to overcome and things to solve. You can't be psychologically distorted, let alone hate the world. It's useless. "

"Yes! I know Brother Qin. I will never dare again. I will be a good person." Zhang Ersheng said firmly.

"Well, tell me now, how did you get attacked by that cold bird from the underground palace, how many cold birds from the underground palace attacked you, and why did your resentment explode?" Qin Feng asked seriously.

Zhang Ersheng smiled bitterly: "Hehe, the cold bird of the underground palace attacked me once a few days ago, but that was when I went to visit my wife's grave. When I hated this world so much, the cold bird of the underground palace attacked me. I don't feel anything at all, I just feel that I seem to be stronger..."

(End of this chapter)

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