Dad's Super Farm

Chapter 408 Conquering 2 Wins

Chapter 408 Conquering the Second Victory
Zhang Ersheng then told his story again, and Qin Feng finally understood the whole story after listening to his narration.

It turned out that Zhang Ersheng was attacked by Hanniao for the first time much earlier than the children. At that time, he went to his wife's grave, and when he thought of her death, he felt extremely resentful. Any harm done to him only deepened the resentment in his body.

Later, he felt that his cultivation base had improved, and his heart became more and more greedy, always thinking that he could rely on this experience to become the strongest, and then defeat everyone and take revenge on everyone.

This kind of resentment took root in his heart, and he was trained several times for stealing space ginseng in the past two days, he felt that everyone was his enemy, and his heart became more and more distorted.

But this time Hanniao came to him again, and when there were hundreds of them, Zhang Ersheng was excited, feeling that his spring had arrived, and greedily absorbed the energy of Hanniao, which caused a lot of resentment to enter his body later. His own resentment was so deep that he became what he was later.

To put it bluntly, the greater the greed, the heavier the resentment. The mixture of the two caused Zhang Ersheng's psychological abnormality, which is tantamount to mutual promotion.

But such a person needs to be beaten, and after the beating is over, the body's resentment will dissipate, and only then will people be sober and understand the truth.

After understanding, Qin Feng looked at Zhang Ersheng: "Okay, you can follow me from now on, as a follower, I will make you stronger gradually, but you remember, when your mind is twisted again , must tell me, or I will kill you."

After speaking, Qin Feng injected a trace of chaotic fire into Zhang Ersheng's body.

"Yes! My lord." Zhang Ersheng felt a ball of flames in his body, and he knelt down on the ground in fright.

'Get up, go and say something to your parents now, and apologize to the folks. 'Qin Feng waved his hands and said.

"Yeah, I'll go right away." Zhang Ersheng didn't dare to hesitate, got up and went in front of his parents.

Qin Feng ignored him. The reason why he injected a trace of chaotic flames into Zhang Ersheng's body was to intimidate Zhang Ersheng at all times so that he would not betray him, and secondly, he also used the chaotic flames to continuously train Zhang Ersheng. heart and soul.

Only in this way can Zhang Ersheng's will gradually become firmer and clearer.

Zhang Ersheng's parents saw that their son had returned to a normal appearance and did not die. They stepped forward and hugged him excitedly: "Er Sheng, Er Sheng, you must not be confused in the future."

"Yeah, Er Sheng, brother Qin is kind to us, knowing you're dead, and asked Uncle Geng to subsidize us, you...why are you so stupid."

"I don't dare to mess around anymore in the future, and follow Brother Qin to do things well..."

They preached for a while, and Zhang Ersheng kowtowed to his parents several times: "Father, mother, Ersheng will not be by your side all the time in the future. You must take care of yourself. I will follow Brother Qin to find the way I want to go." '

What he said was extremely firm, because in a sense, he is no longer the original Zhang Ersheng. Too much resentment has entered his body, making his soul completely different from before, especially when Qin Feng joined in the battle. The power of chaos even transformed his soul into another person almost completely.

So he wasn't moved much, didn't feel much about family affection, and was only loyal to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng didn't explain much about it. Seeing Zhang Ersheng apologizing to the folks over there, he also walked to Yang Meili's side: "Lili, I'm hungry, let's go home for dinner? We'll look for that cold bird after we're done."

Yang Meili nodded. Just as she was about to speak, a few children spoke first: "Dad, did you just use the martial arts you practiced with your mother at night?"

"Ah? What kind of martial arts?" Qin Feng looked at the children in bewilderment.

The children stared and said: "Dad, why did you forget, didn't you tell us every day that you would practice martial arts with your mother at night?"

"Yes, Dad, you taught Mom all those martial arts, and you must teach us in the future."

"Yeah, next time you teach mom how to practice martial arts, you must let us watch."

Qin Feng blushed when he was told by the kids, he didn't know why the kids suddenly thought of this question.

On the other hand, the women next to him looked at Qin Feng and laughed loudly: "Haha, Brother Qin, just a few kids said that you often practice martial arts with big girls in the middle of the night, isn't it true?"

"You have practiced for a long time, be careful not to spoil your beauty."

"Yeah, why don't my sister-in-law help you someday, haha..."

The women in the village are hot-tempered and speak boldly, but Qin Feng blushed even more because of this: " go home and practice with your head, I only practice with our beauty, she has not yet learned it. "

"Haha..." The women laughed louder when they heard this.

Yang Meili pinched Qin Feng angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about, go home for dinner."

She is really ashamed, Qin Feng is very strong in that aspect, but this is a private matter of the husband and wife, how can I just talk about it, look at the greedy women around, I can't wait to drag Qin Feng home .

Qin Feng reacted and nodded quickly: "Yeah! Go home and eat, eat."

As he spoke, he quickly picked up the babies and fled the crowd.

When the women saw Qin Feng fleeing in embarrassment, they laughed like crazy. Even a group of boys in the village burst out laughing. They really didn't expect that Qin Feng, who is usually wise and powerful, would be tossed like this by a group of women.

The family returned home, and Zhang Ersheng quickly followed.

After returning home for dinner, Qin Feng called Zhang Ersheng to him; "Er Sheng, there are hundreds of those cold birds you mentioned attacking you, do you know where they went after?"

Zhang Ersheng was slightly taken aback: "This... I really don't know about this, my lord, those cold birds and I are actually using each other. They inject powerful resentment into my body, and I can improve my cultivation. And those cold birds use me to infect more people and generate more resentment."

"And when I fell into a state of suspended animation, they left without communicating with me at all."

Qin Feng was depressed for a while when he heard the words: "Fuck, then you don't know any clues?"

Zhang Ersheng was confused for a while, and after thinking for a while, he said, "My lord, I do have a clue, but I don't know if it's accurate."

"Oh? Tell me quickly." Qin Feng urged with bright eyes.

"It's like this, the first time I met those cold birds was in front of my wife's grave, and there was a cloud of black mist rising there at that time, when those cold birds came later, they also flew from that direction , do you think their lair is right around my wife's grave?" Zhang Ersheng explained.

"Huh? It's very possible." Qin Feng's expression was solemn, and then he called Zhang Ersheng, and then called a few children and Yang Meili, and quickly went to Tieguanyin to the grave of Zhang Ersheng's wife.

(End of this chapter)

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