Dad's Super Farm

Chapter 415 Bird Attack

Chapter 415 Bird Attack
I have to say that this negative energy can really affect others, especially those two guys who are cursed, their voices are like ghosts in hell, and their bodies are on fire again. This scene is really spectacular and the impact is too great. big.

Let a group of people believe it or not!
After a while, the patriarch Yu Lian took the lead to step forward: "Qin Feng, stop quickly and let my son and grandson go."

"Let them go?" Qin Feng raised his eyebrows; "What the hell do you think I'm letting go? I'm here to talk about trade. Besides, your son and grandson are already half dead. If you let them go, you can only be a fool." It's better to be burned to death than trash."

", Qin Feng, as long as you let them go, I can discuss cooperation and trade with you." Julien said anxiously.

He is really a little scared now. He has never seen Qin Feng's methods before, and the sneak attack just now proves that Qin Feng has helpers, they can't find them at all, it's too dangerous.

Seeing his begging, Qin Feng pondered for a while: "Fuck, why did you go long ago, your eldest son Yu Feng is unlikely to live, and now he is burnt out, and you don't even call out if you don't listen to him." Yet?"

"Your two grandsons can still be saved, but they can only be trash, because my sky fire burned not only the body, but also the soul."

While Qin Feng was speaking, the flames on those people's bodies quickly gathered together, and then turned into a ball of white light into Qin Feng's palm.

But when everyone looked over, they were surprised. They saw that Yu Feng, who was still alive and kicking just now, had been completely reduced to a mass of ashes. When the wind blew, the ashes were scattered all over the place, not even his soul was left behind.

Even his two sons were injured all over their bodies at this time, showing signs of being damaged.

After seeing the faces of several people clearly, everyone was silent. They used the same method to describe their feelings, but felt that Qin Feng was like a god of death, ready to reap their lives at any time.

The patriarch Julien was also dumbfounded at this moment: " burned my son Yu Feng to ashes?"

"Yeah, didn't I just say that? Your son has lost his mind and soul, and now I can't save it even if I want to." Qin Feng shrugged innocently.

" are too much, Qin Feng, we were just trying to test you, but you are so ruthless, do you really think we have nothing to do with you?" Julien said coldly.

"Huh?" Qin Feng raised his eyebrows: "What? Do you still want to continue to make trouble? Let me advise you, you must control it, otherwise, you will really regret it. Now you just died a son. If you continue to make trouble, you may be in danger of exterminating your family."

"Hehe, Qin Feng, are you threatening me? Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Julien sneered, then took out a ball and waved it.

As he swung the ball in his hand, there was a violent shock around him, and then waves of energy began to fly to the surroundings.

Julien's tone also became colder; "Qin Feng, I have activated the clan protection array now, and I tell you that you will definitely die today."

"Uh...why are you so naive? A mere water array is useless to me, but your people are about to have an accident." Qin Feng said indifferently.

'What?My people? Julien was stunned for a moment, and the others around him were also stunned.

"What did you say? Qin Feng, you also arranged someone outside?"

"Impossible, how many people can you Tema bring here, and still pose a threat to our tribe?"

Qin Feng looked at the appearance of a group of people, and smiled lightly; "Hehe, don't you believe it? It doesn't matter, you will understand soon."

"What do you understand?" The group of people were even more confused.

And just at this moment, there were bursts of screams from outside; "Ah... what is this, what is this?"

"Ah! Go away, where did the strange birds come from at this time, and why are there so many of them?"


The screams were endless, and then a big mermaid man rushed in quickly outside: "Report... Patriarch, Patriarch, it's not good, just now a large number of strange birds appeared and hurt people, and they have already killed several of our people. As many as a dozen people were injured."

"What?" Julien was shocked when he heard it: "You...what are you talking about? How many strange birds are there?"

The man stammered: "Patriarch Hui, I... I can't count them, there are about tens of thousands of them, and the speed is so fast that we can't guard against them at all. There are... a few people in the tribe were directly gnawed into skeletons gone."

"What? Tens of thousands of them, gnawed into skeletons?" Julien's face turned pale, and he sat on the chair directly: "Come here, kill me, kill all those strange birds, kill me."

He roared angrily, and several people around him instantly stood up and wanted to go out.

But at this moment, Qin Feng spoke again: "Patriarch Yu, don't worry, aren't you sending people out to die now? They found tens of thousands of birds, how do you know there are no more birds?"

Julien was so angry when he heard this: "Qin Feng, you despicable villain, did you do anything, tell me, what did you do?"

"What did you do? Didn't you arrange a large formation? I just want to tell you, don't think that I can't do anything about you in the water. If you really mess up, your people will suffer, and even your family will be exterminated. "Qin Feng shrugged his shoulders.

Julien was even angrier when he heard the words, but then he became a little dissatisfied: "Hehe, Qin Feng, don't think that you are so strong just by getting a few birds, I don't believe that my 10,000+ tribesmen can't deal with your tens of thousands of broken birds .”

Having said that, he turned his head to look at the leaders of his guards: "Let me go and order everyone to catch birds with all their strength."

"Yes! Patriarch." The leaders ordered, and rushed out of the hall with a dozen people.

But just as they left the main hall, a group of black birds suddenly hit them, and then surrounded them with lightning-like speed.


Birds chirped, followed by the screams of the dozen or so people: "Ahh..."

After waiting for a while, the group of black birds flew away like dark clouds, and the dozen or so people who rushed out had all fallen to the ground, and their bodies were already as black as ink.

Seeing this situation, everyone in the house stayed there, looking at the dozen or so guards on the ground in disbelief, not believing at all that they would become like this in such a short period of time.

What kind of birds were the flock just now?Where did it come from, why did it suddenly attack a dozen guards?
And most importantly, where are those birds now?How many more?
Everyone was inexplicably shocked, and Julien glared at the reporter just now; "You...Didn't you say that those birds are outside? Why did they come here now?"

The man shook his head vigorously; "Patriarch, no, that's not the flock of birds outside. Those birds are faster, bigger, and gray in color. These are all black, definitely not the same kind."

"And those birds eat people, but they don't turn people black."

Julien was taken aback when he heard that: "What? You said it wasn't those flocks of birds. This... is this the second kind of bird?"

(End of this chapter)

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