Dad's Super Farm

Chapter 416 Demon Warrior

Chapter 416 Demon Warrior
Julien looked at that subordinate in disbelief, and felt so depressed that he was about to vomit blood. Tens of thousands of birds suddenly appeared in his tribe to hurt people, and they didn't know where they came from.

Fortunately, he sent people out, and so many strange birds appeared here again, what's going on?What's going on.
The subordinate who reported also shook his head blankly: "Patriarch, this is indeed the second kind of bird, but I really haven't seen this kind of bird appear before."

"You..." Julien Ting was furious, kicked the man away, and then turned to look at Qin Feng; "Qin Feng, is it you, is it your fault?"

Qin Feng nodded sincerely: "Yes, didn't I tell you earlier, don't make you anxious, don't send people out casually, you don't believe it yourself, now something happened, how can you blame me?"

"You bastard, how on earth did you bring these birds in? What the hell is this?" Julien exploded angrily.

Qin Feng innocently shrugged his shoulders: "Don't shout, don't shout, in fact, this is normal, you should know that I am engaged in planting and breeding, it is normal and logical to carry some birds with you, isn't it? "

"Actually, I still have a lot of species that I breed. I can let you see them when I have time, so that you don't think that after years of cultivation in the sea, you will be invincible on the mainland. In fact, this idea is really naive."

"I think it's too easy to kill you, but I don't want to kill people, I just want everyone to talk about trade."

What he said was the truth, because of the invasion of space creatures, several accidents had happened before, from the space ghost snake at the beginning, and later the space golden silkworm, the phantom bird, and the cold bird that he had just subdued.

The first thing to appear outside was the empty bird. Qin Feng let a clone use the space to release the empty bird, gave them the energy to avoid water, and launched an attack on the giant mermaid.

And at the door just now were countless cold birds transformed by his other avatar using the power of resentment.

What he wanted was a complete threat to this giant fish family, because when Julien manipulated the formation just now, he had already felt the change here.

It seems that everyone here is going to attack him, and countless array eyes have already started to aim at him.

In this case, he is not afraid, but in order not to go on a rampage, deterrence is the best way. Not only can these people be afraid, but they can also stop their attacks.

Seeing Qin Feng's confident look, Julien felt a little lost, and gritted his teeth and said, "Qin Feng, you said you didn't want to kill our people, but now you have killed so many people outside, and you even killed the eldest son in front of me." And a dozen guards, is this what you said you didn't want to kill?"

Qin Feng smiled lightly: "Hehe, don't worry, your eldest son deserves to die, because he attacked me, I can't sit still, but your dozen or so guards, they are not dead."

"What? He's not dead?" Julien was slightly startled, and someone beside him hurried forward to observe.

But after sniffing a few people, they shook their heads.

Julien stared at Qin Feng angrily; "You still said that they are not dead, they are not breathing, and their body energy has stagnated, is this what you said they are not dead?"

Qin Feng nodded: "Yes, they didn't die in the first place, but well, they are no longer your clansmen, but turned into resentful mermaids, and will soon become my subordinates."

"Resentful mermaid?" Those people were all startled, and Julien said in disbelief: "Fart, Qin Feng, what the hell are you doing, my people can't betray me."

"Haha, is that right? That's because you haven't met me. I'll show you the birth of the resentful mermaid now." Qin Feng laughed loudly, and then cast a curse, killing the souls of the dozen or so guards. Can all come together.

Then, looking at the dozen or so guards, he moved his fingers slightly, then sat up straight suddenly, his eyes widened.


The mermaids were all taken aback, and looked at the dozen or so guards in disbelief. A few of the close ones even shouted, "Hey, Yu Jiu, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you?"

"Yeah, Xiaofei, what's wrong with you? How did it happen?"

But the dozen or so guards ignored them at all, but their eyeballs suddenly turned scarlet, and then they all came to Qin Feng: "See my lord."

"Well, get up, guard the door for me, and kill anyone who dares to go out." Qin Feng waved his hand indifferently.

"Yes! My lord." A dozen people responded quickly, and then drew their long swords from behind.

And this time everyone was even more shocked, because they found that not only were the guards in the ten directions as black as ink, but their eyes were as red as blood, and even the long swords in their hands were black. The fog was thick, like a dozen demons from hell, probably at its peak.

The most important thing is that the cultivation base of these dozen people seems to have improved too much, and there is still a boundless murderous intent released from their bodies.

This made them really incomprehensible. The dozen or so guards who could appear in this hall were all their direct disciples, and some of them were Julien's grandsons, nephews, and cousins.

Now these people have become Qin Feng's subordinates, and they seem to have incomparable loyalty to Qin Feng. This...what the hell is going on?
And Qin Feng looked at the appearance of a dozen people, and he was also extremely satisfied.

Previously Zhang Ersheng was mutated by Hanniao's attack, and later Qin Feng dispelled his grievances and returned to normal. These dozen or so guards are actually the same reason. Blended into one.

However, Qin Feng did not undo their resentment, but used the resentment to improve their cultivation.

This is the way Qin Feng can control others now, because after the merger of the three realms, all creatures will upgrade and their souls will change, and his previous control skills can no longer be used.

But it is possible to control the resentment power. He has integrated the power of resentment god. As long as the creatures transformed by resentment power infusion, they will completely become his slaves.

And he himself didn't expect that the guards blessed by this resentment would become so powerful. It's really great. If he uses resentment to create a demon army in the future, he doesn't know what effect it will have.

While thinking, he also turned his head to look at Julien: "Patriarch Yu, now you understand, they are really not dead, and they have become stronger in a sense, but they are really no longer you clansmen, or no longer purely your clansmen, but my loyal subordinates."

"As long as I want them to kill anyone, they will never resist, and they will go forward. I will name them Demon Warriors now. What do you think of this name?"

The corners of Julien Ting's mouth twitched: "Qin Feng, you... you are so despicable, let me tell you, my people no longer obey me, I would rather let them die than let them be your slaves."

Qin Feng shook his head and chuckled: "If you let them die, they won't be able to die. They are not as powerful as before. If you don't believe me, you can let them try."

(End of this chapter)

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