Chapter 44
Fan Qiang came from a liberal arts background, and almost never studied physics when he was in the first year of high school.

At that time, I chose liberal arts because I was not good at physics.

Fan Qiang remembers the first three physics exams in the first year of senior high school, and none of the 100-point physics test papers exceeded 30 points.

Since then, I have been doing liberal arts homework in physics class, or simply sleeping on the table.

The physics teacher concentrates on spitting and talking about his bullshit, even if the students sleep for a whole class and don't raise their heads, he doesn't care.

After narrowly passing the exam, I bid farewell to physics.

Unexpectedly, I will be a physics teacher after many years!
As for music, in addition to singing the national anthem, Fan Qiang can also sing two songs, "Smiley Face" and "Forgetting Love".

There are some other songs that I like to listen to, but I just can't learn them.

As for the numbered notation, I know that 1234567 is pronounced as Dolaimifa Solasi in turn.

But after messing up the order, I was completely dumbfounded. I slowly read the roll call with my fingers, and it is possible to read it, just like a child babbling...

Today at Jinghu Junior High School, Fan Qiang specially came to pay homage to Lin Feifei as his teacher, and wanted to catch up on his junior high school physics knowledge.

I haven't touched it in junior high school physics for several years, and I almost forgot it.

There is no rush to teach music class, anyway, it is a sub-class, so it doesn't matter if you go to self-study at that time.

After hearing Fan Qiang's purpose of coming today, Lin Feifei immediately took out the physics textbook for the second year of junior high school and prepared to explain it to Fan Qiang.

But there was not even a stool in the room, and the bed had collapsed.

Fan Qiang suggested to go to Lingnan High School together. He has already been allocated a house with better conditions.

Lin Feifei was a little hesitant, and he wanted to be assigned to Lingnan High School, but now that he failed to go, he felt a little disgusted with Lingnan High School.

Moreover, I bumped into my former teacher several times during the summer vacation, and I told people that I would be assigned to Lingnan High School. Now I blush when I recall what I said at that time.

How would you explain this if you bumped into an acquaintance today?
Fan Qiang thought that Lin Feifan thought the distance was too long: "Take my motorcycle there, and I'll take you back after dinner. My parents have gone to the county seat and won't be back until tomorrow. I asked my sister to cook some dishes. The three of us It’s very comfortable to eat together.”

You can go for a ride on your new motorcycle, and you can have dinner with Fan Feilin!
With such a beautiful thing, I am willing to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire.

Why not go to Lingnan High School?

When you see acquaintances, you are afraid of a ball!

It's not that he did anything shameful.

Normal college graduates should have been assigned to junior high schools.

Lin Feifei immediately changed his attitude and said bluntly, "Okay, let's go to Lingnan High School together, but you have to tell your sister to cook dinner early, and I will be back before dark."

Fan Qiang was very happy, and threw the Jianlibao bottle out of the window: "Okay, I'll call my sister right now. Where is your school's phone number? Let me borrow it."

"Oh! It's the village committee over there, you can't throw it around like this." Lin Feifan looked at the health power vase in the flower bed outside the window and felt something was wrong.

"The village committee is an idiot! If I live here and throw things out every day, your Jinghu junior high school is in tatters, and it's not fair for them to make it magnificent!"

Fan Qiang snatched the Jianlibao from Lin Feifan's hand and threw it out of the window.

This time the force was greater, and the bottle fell on the concrete floor with a "bang" sound.

Lin Feifan complained: "I haven't finished drinking yet!"

"Uh, if you want to drink, I'll buy you a box next time." Fan Qiang said.

The two health power bottles lying on the ground are out of tune with the surrounding environment and look very eye-catching...

Lin Feifan said: "There is a telephone installed in the principal's room. Let's go together. I just happened to tell the principal about this bed."

The two came to Principal Shi's room, planning to go to Lingnan High School after the phone call.

Although he had a lot of complaints about Fan Qiang being seconded, Principal Shi was still very enthusiastic. He not only made tea for Fan Qiang, but also said that Jinghu Junior High was short of Chinese teachers, and that Fan Qiang was welcome back to Jinghu Junior High to work at any time.

Fan Qiang smiled, with disdain in his smile: "I probably won't come over. Principal Xu said that he will help me with the establishment next year."

Hearing Fan Qiang talk about Xu Fusheng, Principal Shi suddenly became angry, and said with a straight face: "Xu Fusheng only knows how to brag. The teachers seconded by our school from the primary school have worked for seven or eight years, and the Education Bureau has not changed. The nature of the establishment. If Xu Fusheng helps you solve the establishment next year, my surname is Xu! The few people who were seconded before, the establishment is not placed with us?"

Including Fan Qiang, six teachers from Jinghu Junior High School have been seconded by Lingnan High School.

With a cold face, Fan Qiang turned his head to look outside the door, not bothering to talk to Principal Shi.

If it wasn't for the urgent call, he would have left immediately.

Fan Qiang knew the situation of Jinghu Junior High School better, and looked down on the principal of this declining school from the bottom of his heart.

The atmosphere was a little gunpowder, Lin Feifei signaled Fan Qiang to make a call, and reported to Principal Shi that the bed was eaten by termites in order to change the subject.

Principal Shi said that he would go and have a look now.

Out of sight, out of mind, he just didn't want to stay here.

Shi Yuming has always had great opinions on Xu Fusheng. Since he became the principal, Lingnan High School led by Xu Fusheng has not only recruited a large number of students who should belong to Jinghu Junior High School, but also frequently recruited talents from Jinghu Junior High School.

Jinghu Junior High School was in a slump, and Shi Yuming believed that it had a lot to do with Xu Fusheng himself.


After Principal Shi left, Fan Qiang called home.

Lin Feifan persuaded Fan Qiang not to be angry.

Fan Qiang said calmly: "I'm not angry! It's normal for him to be so irritable. I'm on secondment. He hasn't smoked a cigarette, so he's naturally very annoyed."

Lin Feifan smiled and said, "Headmaster Shi is actually quite a good person. He feels very sorry for losing such a good talent like you."

"Come on, don't fool me! You don't know how to teach the class, and you are talented? In Lingnan High School, I am no shit!" Fan Qiang was very annoyed when he thought of what happened in Lingnan High School.

I thought that after entering high school, I was a high school teacher, but I didn't know that I was still teaching junior high school, not the subjects of my major.

Faced with the physics that he doesn't know anything about, Fan Qiang is very heartwarming.

He saw the attendance plan of Lingnan High School today and realized that teachers who teach high school are treated completely differently than teachers who teach junior high school.

The class fee for high school is twice that of junior high school.

Fan Qiang was seconded to work in Lingnan High School, just for a name, without any benefits, on the contrary he was discriminated against there.

During the meeting at Lingnan High School today, Fan Qiang found that the teachers in those high schools were too aloof, and their high-spirited appearance was annoying to watch.


I made two phone calls in a row, but no one answered.

"My sister may not be at home." Fan Qiang hung up the phone.

Lin Feifei was a little disappointed: "Let's go, go straight to your room. We'll just finish Chapter 1 today. We'll talk about the rest later. I'll come back earlier, so I won't go to your house for dinner."

"It's okay, I can find her, I'll call her BP machine." Fan Qiang dialed the manual paging station and told the service desk to notify the other party to call back the call.

Less than 2 minutes after hanging up the phone, the phone rang.

"Hey, Feilin, you go home earlier..." Fan Qiang picked up the phone and spoke immediately, and suddenly he frowned, "What? I''s...who are you looking for?"

It wasn't my sister's voice on the other end of the phone. The other party asked who Fan Qiang was. Fan Qiang felt that there was no need to introduce himself, so he simply asked the other party who he was looking for.

Fan Qiang listened for a while, then called Lin Feifan: "Looking for you."

"Looking for me?" Lin Feifan was taken aback. He had just been in Jinghu Junior High School for less than two days.

Who is this?Also called the school.

Lin Feifan picked up the phone and put it to his ear. After listening for a while, his expression became serious...

After Lin Feifan hung up the phone, Fan Qiang asked, "Who is looking for you?"

Just now I only heard Lin Feifei answering "yes", "ok", "ok", "yes", etc. Fan Qiang didn't understand the meaning.

Lin Feifei was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "...well, an acquaintance has something to do with me."


(End of this chapter)

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