20 years of teaching

Chapter 45 Part 1

Chapter 45

At this time, Fan Feilin was in the dormitory of Lingnan Central Primary School, with her newly assigned teacher Liu Huihui.

Lingnan Central Primary School, a school with a history longer than Lingnan High School.

The school is located in the middle of the old street in Lingnan Town.

The pavement of the old street is only three or four meters wide. It is hard to know when the whole street was built, at least it was during the Qing Dynasty.

On the old street, the difference between Lingnan Central Primary School and other merchants is that the school gate is moved five or six meters behind.

In the beginning, the school gate was on the same level as the neighbor's business, but later the number of schools increased. In order to take into account the safety of students entering and leaving, the school gate was moved back a certain distance to form a buffer zone.

The width of the buffer zone is about six meters. After entering the school gate and walking about four meters, the field of vision suddenly widens. This is a garden-style school. The tall trees look like they have grown for a long time, and the rows of teaching rooms are antique.

There is not a single teaching building in the school, because the Education Bureau and Lingnan Town have reached a consensus to move Lingnan Central Primary School out of the old street, and plan to move it to a place with convenient transportation and wide roads.

But this matter has been mentioned for several years, and there is still no conclusion on where to move, and no funds for the relocation.

The plan to relocate has only had adverse effects so far, and Lingnan Primary and Secondary Schools have completely stopped infrastructure construction.

In the process of implementing Pujiu this time, Lingnan primary and secondary schools did not build a teaching building, but only renovated and reinforced the old houses.

Liu Huihui, who was newly assigned to Lingnan Primary School, was not disappointed by the simplicity of the campus. She felt very lucky to be assigned to Central Primary School.

Newly assigned teachers like her are usually assigned to village primary schools. Each village primary school is located in the location of each village department. The size of each village primary school is different. There is a shortage of teachers and the teaching conditions are very simple.

Some primary schools are equipped with only three or four teachers, and some primary and lower grade students share a classroom, and the entire school has only a few houses.

In terms of job assignment, Liu Huihui's family did not find any connections, and they could not find any connections, so they were assigned by the Education Bureau.

Because Liu Huihui is a general subject teacher, she can take any class. It just so happens that the Central Primary School is very short of people, and the only person with household registration in Lingnan Town who returned to work this year is Liu Huihui, so she was lucky to be assigned to Lingnan Central Primary School.

Fan Feilin graduated a year earlier, and this year she became a first-grade class teacher. She brought her own Chinese, and the school assigned her a new mathematics teacher, Liu Huihui.

This kind of collocation is considered the top configuration in Lingnan small and medium-sized.

Although Liu Huihui has just been assigned, and Fan Feilin has only been working for a year, the teaching experience of the two is still insufficient, but compared to the teacher configuration of other classes, they are still much stronger.

The teaching team of Lingnan Primary and Middle School is even weaker than that of Jinghu Junior High School. Most of the public teachers are very old and close to retirement age.

In addition, there are some private teachers, some of whom have become full-time teachers, and some of them are still not formally established.

These private teachers are very serious and responsible in their work, but their academic qualifications are very low, and almost all of them have only attended junior high school. It is difficult to reach a certain level of teaching, and the teaching methods are simple and uninnovative.

Lingnan Primary and Secondary School arranges two people to cover all the teaching tasks in one class. Usually, the young ones will be paired with the old ones, and the regular army will be paired with those who have no establishment.

Two young normal graduates cooperate to lead a class, which has never happened in Lingnan primary and secondary schools.

What's more, both of them are beautiful women, enthusiastic about work, aggressive, and able to mingle with students.

Being young and having a good image is a huge advantage for the profession of teachers, so that at least it is easy to be liked by students.

When students love a teacher and have a good impression of this teacher, even if the teacher's lectures are not very exciting, the students are willing to listen carefully, and the grades will naturally be the same.

If the teacher is young and beautiful, and the teaching level is also very good, then the teaching performance will definitely be outstanding.

For the profession of teachers, especially primary and secondary school teachers, youth and good looks are two very important capitals.

Those with poor looks and old age are not attractive to students, and the teaching efficiency will be much lower, which is often half the effort.

Some people say that the profession of teachers, like a hidden profession, is full of young people...

When old and fading, no one really likes it...

Struggle is in youth, and dedication is also in youth. When teachers are young, if they don't make any achievements, they will be mediocre all their lives.

The children of teachers who are new to the first grade this semester are all going to be placed in Fan Feilin's class.

There were also some well-connected and well-informed people in society. They approached Principal Sun of Lingnan Middle School and asked to put their children in Fan Feilin's class.

Some people went directly to Fan Feilin, while others went to Fan Feilin's father, Fan Tong.

The division of labor was settled yesterday.In just one day, more than 30 parents asked to put their children in Fan Feilin's class.

Fan Feilin and Liu Huihui sat together at the meeting today, they didn't know each other before.

Liu Huihui was really surprised by Fan Feilin's elegant demeanor.

Usually girls would be jealous when they see other people's beauty, but Liu Huihui is not at all.

On the contrary, she fell in love with this sister who was one year older than her at once.

And Fan Feilin also admired the fresh and refined Liu Huihui, and hit it off right away.

Apart from being beautiful, Liu Huihui's most rare thing is her big clear eyes, which are spotless, unworldly, unguarded, pure and innocent, like a bright moon, like twinkling stars, and like a warm sun.

Take a look, as if after a baptism.

What a wonderful world this is!
What an innocent girl this is!
After the meeting in the morning, the school did not arrange lunch, so Fan Feilin took Liu Huihui to a small restaurant in the town for lunch.

A plate of chili fried meat, a plate of tiger skin green peppers, a bowl of tomato and egg soup, two dishes and one soup were served on the table.

Fan Feilin was going to order three dishes and one soup, and wanted to serve braised crucian carp, but was stopped by Liu Huihui.

This meal was proposed by Fan Feilin, and Liu Huihui felt that she must be too embarrassed to compete for the payment, so she refused to order more food, thinking that two people would not be able to finish the meal if they ordered too much, which would be too wasteful.

Besides, Liu Huihui hardly eats fish cooked in various restaurants.

The family eats fish every day 360 days a year, and her mother has developed a good cooking skill of cooking fish. So far, Liu Huihui has not found anyone who cooks fish better than her mother.

I also learned some secrets of cooking fish from my mother. I know how to cook fish and like to eat fish, but I have high requirements for taste, so Liu Huihui doesn't like to eat fish cooked in general restaurants.

After taking a bite of fried pork with chili, she found the taste to be okay. Liu Huihui said, "Sister Feilin, do you like fish very much?"

At this time, Liu Huihui felt that it was not good to stop ordering fish, maybe Sister Feilin liked fish very much.

"I like it very much. Chicken is my favorite, followed by fish." Fan Feilin replied.

"Then the next time you come to my house to eat fish, the fish cooked by my mother is delicious. I hope you like it." When it comes to her mother's level of cooking fish, Liu Huihui is not humble at all.

"Okay, I must go if I have a chance. Next time you come to my house to eat chicken, the braised chicken cooked by my mother is really top-notch!" Fan Feilin said with a smile.

"Yeah, then I'll learn how to cook braised chicken with your mother next time." Liu Huihui is still quite interested in cooking.


(End of this chapter)

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