Chapter 192
The negotiator is wearing a suit, tie, crocodile leather shoes, a shiny back comb, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a refined appearance.

Judgment experts mainly use language to persuade the criminal's psychological weakness, so that he can let go and stop all criminal activities.

Everyone was looking forward to it again, hoping that this expert negotiator who came from afar could persuade the crazy Qian Ming to rescue more than 20 kidnapped children.

However, what the negotiator said next made everyone faint and completely angered Qian Ming.

I saw him holding a tweeter and yelling towards the second floor of the kindergarten: "Listen, criminals upstairs, you are surrounded, and there are police outside. As long as you let these children go, I can guarantee your safety." Safe! Listen up, criminals upstairs, you're surrounded..."

Behind the wall next to the window, when Qian Ming heard this, his blood rushed to his head immediately.

During this period of time, he owns the bridge hole, eats the food in the trash can, and sometimes fights with wild dogs.

He also went to his former friends and said something about being blessed and suffering together, but now he has no money or power, and all of his so-called friends talk to him.

He came to the kindergarten today purely to take revenge on this society.

"Shut up the fuck!"

Following Qian Ming's shout, a five or six-year-old girl was picked up by him with one hand.

The girl screamed in fright.

Qian Ming held the knife in his right hand, and the tip of the knife pressed against the child's neck.

He knew that a sniper was aiming at him, so he covered his upper body with a child.

"Shut up the fuck, get out! Prepare me 1000 million in cash, I also need a helicopter, and I'm going to America!"

"Qian Ming, here are our people. Do you think you can escape? Wait until when you surrender! I will count to three, put down my weapon, and let the children go, otherwise I will order a storm!"

The negotiator's words made all the bigwigs in Jiangbei City frown.

They even suspected that the negotiator came here to make trouble on purpose.

The onlookers also booed bursts, expressing their dissatisfaction with the brick family.

When the negotiator was about to continue to speak, two policemen came over, and one of them directly covered his mouth and took him down.

"Qian Ming, don't get excited, 1000 million is fine, we need time to prepare, there are only 500 million here!"

The mayor of Jiangbei City shouted in a hurry.

"You must not hurt the child, otherwise it will be very difficult for me! As long as you promise not to hurt the child, I promise you with my personality that no one will dare to shoot you!"

"How long does it take to prepare?" Qian Ming shouted.

"Up to 10 minutes!"

After Qian Ming listened, he also put down the girl in his hand.

The girl was still in shock, and she sat on the ground at once. A boy about her age ran out from the back door of the classroom immediately, helped the girl up, and dragged him back to the classroom.

The location where Qian Ming is located is the back door of this classroom, and the front door has been locked by Qian Ming.

There are more than 20 children in the classroom.

Seeing the boy pulling the girl back to the classroom, Qian Ming immediately stopped the girl's arm, stared at the boy with two eyeballs, and shouted: "You are looking for death!"

"She's my classmate, don't hurt her, what's up with me!" the boy said in a very immature voice, but very stubbornly.

"Looking for death!" Qian Ming yanked back the girl's arm, the girl's arm hurt and she started to cry.

At the same time, Qian Ming kicked the boy against the wall.

Qian Ming seemed to be crazy, slapped the girl on the face, and reprimanded loudly: "Don't cry, or I'll throw you out of here!"

This slap was not light, the corner of the girl's mouth was bleeding, and she cried even more fiercely!
At this moment, the boy didn't know where the courage came from, and crawled to Qian Ming's side, hugged his legs with both hands, and bit his calf with one bite!

Qian Ming screamed in pain, and stabbed the dagger in the boy's back.

(End of this chapter)

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