I can fish for anything

Chapter 193 Little Hero

Chapter 193 Little Hero


Pfft, there was the sound of a sharp knife being stabbed into the back, and the boy's clothes were instantly stained red by blood donation.

Bang, it was the dull sound of a sniper rifle.

At this time, Qian Ming's expression was a little dull. He had always been very careful about the snipers dispatched by the police, but he didn't expect to lose his life because of the boy's appearance.

Then, Qian Ming fell to the ground, half of his head was almost gone.

Blood and brain matter spurted out.

The girl stopped crying abruptly, looking at the appalling scene in front of her, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to breathe out.

After the gunfire, a team of special police rushed to the second floor.

Except for the child who was stabbed in the back and the girl who was slapped by Qian Ming, the other children were unscathed.

In order to avoid accidents, the ambulance had already stopped downstairs, and the medical staff quickly stopped the boy's bleeding, and then carried him downstairs on a stretcher.

The family members of these children came up with the special police.

When they saw that Qian Ming had almost lost half of his head, the expressions on their faces were horrified.

However, when he saw that his child was fine, he wept with joy and held the child tightly in his arms.

"Xiao Rou!" Tang Zhen hugged his daughter in his arms. He is a man of the road. He was hacked and sewed more than 100 stitches when he was young. He just kept silent. Facing his daughter at this time, But she shed tears.

The girl was hugged by her father, and the sense of security swept over her. The psychological defense could no longer hold up, and she burst into tears.

"Good girl, don't be afraid, with daddy around, no one can hurt you!" Tang Zhen gently coaxed his daughter, wanting to teach that Qian Ming a lesson.

But seeing Qian Ming lying on the ground with half of his head missing, he couldn't stop feeling sick.

In the crowd, Liu Xuan looked anxious, looking for his son.

But after searching for several laps, I couldn't find it.

"Please let me go!" At this moment, the medical staff came over carrying a stretcher.

Many parents took the initiative to get out of the way.

Since the knife on the back hadn't been pulled out, the child on the stretcher lay prone on it.

Look at the clothes he wears, which are exactly the same as those worn by his son.

Unable to bear it in his heart, Liu Xuan rolled his eyes and passed out immediately.

Now it's all right, both of them are in the hospital.

And on the top floor of the building opposite the window, Jiang Zhihao gave the special police a sniper rifle in his hand.

The special police officer took the gun and gave Jiang Zhihao a thumbs up at the same time: "Brother, good marksmanship!"

"Saving people is important, it's not worth mentioning, in fact, I'm also blind!" Jiang Zhihao waved at several special police officers, stood up and left.

Then, as if thinking of something, he turned around and said, "By the way, don't say that I have been here, because my identity is kept secret, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Several special policemen realized something and saluted Jiang Zhihao.

Watching Jiang Zhihao go down the stairs, several special police officers began to whisper.

"What do you think this guy is?"
"Anyone with this marksmanship must be a master!"

"You mean the people there?" The SWAT who spoke looked north.

"It must be. You have to know that although we are only 500 meters away from the target, due to the influence of wind, humidity, and temperature, no one is sure to hit the hit. If we miss the criminal, the criminal will become angry. A few children got involved, and the consequences were disastrous."

The special policeman was right. With a distance of 500 meters, it is not difficult for any special policeman to hit the target with a high-power aiming sniper rifle.

Although the order was given from above, no one dared to shoot. Once there was a mistake, the criminal would become angry. This consequence is not something anyone can bear.


Inside the hospital, Liu Xuan and Xia Chengcheng were both sent to the ward.

Liu Xuan was better, but seeing Xia Chengcheng was injured, he couldn't accept it for a while, and soon regained consciousness.

However, Xia Chengcheng's situation is not good. A sharp knife was inserted from his back, and the point of the knife stabbed out from his chest. , will face the danger of blood collapse.

The only way now is to prepare a large amount of plasma to prevent heavy bleeding when the knife is drawn.

So the surgical equipment was ready, and the leaders of Jiangbei City were very concerned about Xia Chengcheng's safety, and immediately dispatched experienced surgeons from major hospitals in Jiangbei City.

After waking up, Liu Xuan looked at his son lying on the operating table, feeling very worried.

He didn't understand why God was so unfair to her. Her husband died in a car accident two years ago, and the real estate company that the husband and wife started as a partnership has been supported by herself.

One can imagine the hardships involved, in front of outsiders, Liu Xuan is a strong woman, but who knows, every night, when her son is asleep, Liu Xuan will hold the photo of her deceased husband and cry bitterly, to vent her emotions.

Xia Chengcheng has always been his spiritual support. No matter how difficult the company encounters, she will always grit her teeth and persevere for her son.

But now her son is in danger again. If something happens to his son, then her spiritual support will be gone.

The mayor of Jiangbei City comforted Liu Xuan: "Mr. Liu, don't worry, Cheng Cheng is an obedient and sensible child, and he is our little hero. If it wasn't for Tang Rou, who is in his class, he wouldn't have become what he is now. look."

It's okay not to say this, but when he said it, Liu Xuan cried even more fiercely.

Doctor Wu, who performed the surgery, also comforted him and said, "Mr. Liu, don't worry, we will definitely do our best. This kind of operation is not difficult. I have encountered more serious cases before, and now that person is living well."

Hearing this, Liu Xuan felt a little relieved.

Tang Zhen also arrived. He had already heard from his daughter that Xia Chengcheng was injured to protect himself, so he came here to see Liu Xuan and Xia Chengcheng.

Tang Zhen used to be a well-known figure on the Tao, as famous as Master Long. Although he has washed his hands in the gold basin now, he is more loyal. As long as a friend on the Tao asks, he will almost respond to any request.

"Big sister, your son was injured because of my daughter. From now on, I will do my best for you. If you have something to say, just talk!"

Tang Zhen is a rough man, not very good at talking, but what he said was very sincere.

Liu Xuan glanced at him and nodded lightly.

In addition, there are many citizens of Jiangbei City outside the hospital. Everyone has heard about the deeds of the little hero. In order to protect the female students, they dared to fight against the vicious criminals.

If the police hadn't sealed off the hospital, I'm afraid these citizens would have flocked to the ward long ago.

The experienced surgeons are all here, and they are waiting for Xia Chengcheng's blood type report. Once the report comes out, the appropriate plasma can be prepared, and the surgery can be carried out.

Everyone prayed silently in their hearts, Xia Chengcheng was their little hero, and nothing happened to the little hero!
(End of this chapter)

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