I can fish for anything

Chapter 194 The Source of Life—Panda Blood!

Chapter 194 The Source of Life—Panda Blood!

However, the news that came out next really made everyone's scalp tingle.

Xia Chengcheng is actually a rare panda blood!

The so-called panda blood is not the blood of the rare animal giant panda, but RH negative blood, a very rare blood type, because it is extremely rare, it is called panda blood.

And this rare panda blood has an extremely rare chance of appearing, only one in 50.

That is to say, out of every 50 people, only one person has this kind of blood.

Now all the doctors were in a hurry, everything was ready, and they were just waiting to start the surgery. I didn't expect Xia Chengcheng to have such a rare blood type.

Liu Xuan was even more shocked. She herself had type O blood, and her deceased husband had type A blood. How could the child have such a rare blood type?

The doctor told her that this is a genetic mutation, which is not harmful to people's health, but once a person with this blood type needs a blood transfusion unexpectedly, it will be a headache.

Just like now, there is no such blood type in the blood bank of Jiangbei City, not even in the provincial capital. Even if it is collected from the people through the government, it will take a lot of time.

At that time, it was too late. The hospital only temporarily stopped the bleeding of Xia Chengcheng, which would not last long. If the operation was not carried out quickly, his life would be in danger.

After Tang Zhen heard the news, he immediately issued a Jianghu Order, so that one of the brothers who had been with him would come here one at a time. This time, more than 100 people came, and they all shouted, "Slap me, smoke mine.

This touching scene can't help but remind people of a scene in a film and television drama. Li Yunlong was injured by a bomb and his life was dying. He needed timely blood transfusion.

They don't understand blood type matching, they just want to save Li Yunlong.

In addition, the onlookers also spontaneously organized to search for this extremely rare panda blood, but the probability of this blood type appearing is too low, the probability of appearing is only one in 50, so it is not so easy to find it.

Official channels are also working hard to contact blood banks across the country, and soon there is finally news that the blood bank in Guangdong Province has this blood type.

Jiangbei immediately got in touch with this hospital in Guangdong Province, and the other party said that they would directly transport it by helicopter if they requested support from the military region!
At the same time, Jiangbei City, Lu Province, and even the national news media.

The news that the little hero's life was hanging by a thread and urgently needed panda blood type made headlines immediately.

Guangdong Province is at the southern end of China, and Lu Province is at the north of China. The distance between the two is very far. Even if it is transported by air, it will take two hours.

In other words, within two hours, if Xia Chengcheng can persevere and wait for the plasma to arrive, he can be operated on. If Xia Chengcheng can't persevere before the plasma is delivered, the consequences will be disastrous.

There seems to be a sense of urgency in the air, which is tantamount to racing against death again.

On the operating table in the emergency room, Xia Cheng seemed to be asleep.

The body is full of catheters, and the catheters are connected to the machine, and the machine makes a beeping sound.

Two medical staff stood by and took care of him.

In the corridor outside the emergency room, Liu Xuan was heartbroken.

Time passed little by little, and the sky gradually darkened.

Liu Xuan turned his head, only to find that the downstairs of the hospital was already full of people.

Each of them had a candle in their hand, and they were praying for the little hero, that he would come through, that he would be safe.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xuan couldn't help shedding tears of gratitude.

He murmured, "Thank you, thank you."


I don't know when it started to rain lightly in the sky, which made people feel very dull.

In Jiangbei City Cemetery.

In front of a tombstone, the name of her deceased husband Xia Qingshan was engraved on the tombstone.

Holding a black umbrella, Liu Xuan stood in front of the tombstone, his face already covered with tears.

"Qing Shan, Cheng Cheng may not survive this time, if Cheng Cheng is gone, I will go down to find you, and our family of three can be reunited."

"Qingshan, when you were lying in the emergency room, you kept asking me to find another one. In the past three years, in order to become successful, I have always been single. There is another important reason. I only have you in my heart, and I can't tolerate other people. people."

Looking at the black and white photo of his deceased husband on the tombstone, Liu Xuan felt sad.

She didn't understand why God was so unfair to her.

Three years ago, her husband died in an accidental car accident, and now the same thing happened to her son.

The drizzle did not stop, and the east wind picked up, drenching half of her body.

Her heart seemed to be getting colder, but Liu Xuan didn't seem to feel it, and kept crying while looking at the photo of her deceased husband.

At this moment, she wished that her husband could stand beside her alive and say to her softly: 'Don't worry, our child will be fine. '

At this moment, the phone in the bag vibrated suddenly.

Liu Xuan didn't pick it up, maybe because he didn't notice it.

The phone vibrated for several minutes, and Liu Xuan slowly took out the phone.

I thought it was the company's business, but it was the hospital that called.

"Hello?" Liu Xuan answered the phone.

"The blood plasma has arrived. We are going to perform an operation on Xia Chengcheng immediately. We need your signature. Come here immediately!"

"Okay!" A glimmer of hope lit up in Liu Xuan's heart, he looked at the photo of his deceased husband again, and then ran out of the cemetery.

Outside the cemetery, a BMW was parked.

After getting in the car, Liu Xuan quickly started the car and went straight to the hospital.

Finally arrived at the hospital, Liu Xuan found the doctor and quickly signed it, then the doctor turned around and entered the emergency room, ready to perform surgery on Xia Chengcheng.

Looking at the red light above the emergency room, Liu Xuan's heart was beating non-stop.

At the same time, he clasped his hands together and prayed silently in his heart.

Although it was raining lightly, it still did not stop the enthusiasm of the enthusiastic people.

Downstairs in the hospital, there were crowds of people.

They had already heard about the little hero's surgery, and they were also praying for Xia Chengcheng in their hearts.

I don't know how long it has passed, it may be as short as a second, or it may be as long as an hour.

The door of the emergency room opened, and the red light above also turned into a green light.

Several doctors came out.

Liu Xuan hurriedly went up to meet him, and asked the doctor in charge, "Doctor, how is my son?" '

"The operation was successful. Don't worry. The little guy's injury is not serious. He didn't hurt his muscles and bones. He can be observed in the hospital for a few days, and then he can go home and rest. The child will recover quickly. It won't take half a month. He is guaranteed to be alive and kicking Yes!" The doctor said, taking off his glasses and rubbing his tired eyes.

Liu Xuan's hanging heart finally let go.

(End of this chapter)

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