Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 47 Lessons Learned

Chapter 47 Lessons Learned
The next day is Saturday.At the regular joint meeting of the factory, in front of a dozen employees including Xiao Yunhua, Wang Liping and employee representatives, Wang Yiyuan made a sincere and profound self-examination and criticism on the failure of the Malu grape packaging box project.

He took full responsibility for the failure of this project.As a punishment, he announced that the loss related to the grape boxes in the factory will be borne by himself, and all the losses will be converted into the cost price. Starting from this month, it will be deducted from his salary every month.

The employees were surprised and shocked by Wang Yiyuan's actions for a while.Xiao Yunhua pursed his lips a few times, but when he saw Wang Yiyuan's serious face, he shook his head unknown to Wang Yiyuan, and he didn't say anything in the end.

Wang Liping was different. She stood up and expressed her opposition loudly.She said, this project, several of us agreed with it at the beginning.Now that the situation has arisen, naturally it cannot be blamed on Wang Yiyuan alone. We are all witnesses and we must advance and retreat together.Therefore, we should all be responsible for this failure.

She then said angrily, besides, although it is true that their grape company registered the Malu trademark first, but our packaging box does not have the "R" logo printed on the trademark.Malu is the name of a region. Could it be that such a large place cannot even say where our grapes are produced?It seems to me that they are also talking nonsense in this matter, which is simply gangster logic.

There was a small commotion from below.Wang Yiyuan stretched out his hand towards her, and made a pressing motion.He said, please be quiet.Thank you for your kindness.Be more frank and frank in dealing with people. If you are wrong, you are wrong.If you still go to sophistry, isn't it wrong to add wrong?Besides, now is a sensitive period for their grape company and the government, so why do we have to go into this muddy water?A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.But we will not be far away from the dangerous wall. There will be opportunities in the future, but obviously not now.

Everyone was silent.The return of Malu Putao this time gave Wang Yiyuan considerable setbacks and blows, and Wang Yiyuan also blamed himself.Not long ago, he had just dealt with the more than 4 shoe boxes of the original Taihu company. Unexpectedly, in just a short time, the bad luck of 1 packaging boxes fell on his own head this time.He secretly slandered in his heart more than once, did this retribution come too soon?

But Wang Yiyuan said that through this incident, I thought more about some things.In addition to some irresistible factors such as behind-the-scenes forces and undercurrents, if the investigation, research and feasibility analysis and other preparations were done more fully and in-depth in the early stage of this project, would this loss be fully recovered? avoid?In my opinion, at least to a certain extent it is possible.

He continued, last night, I thought about it for a long time.There are a few words that I thought about over and over all night, and I want to pass them on to everyone now.Be cautious about independence and micro, be cautious about going out and dealing with others, and be vigilant every day.To be alone is to be cautious when you are alone.Be cautious, that is, be cautious in the details.Shen Chu means to be cautious at the beginning of things.To be vigilant every day means to be vigilant and cautious every day.

In addition, blind self-confidence, taking conclusions for granted, making simple and arbitrary decisions, the reality this time also gave Wang Yiyuan a big slap in the face, and made me completely sober.These are living bloody lessons bought from 1 boxes in the warehouse.Wang Yiyuan criticized himself.

In the end, he sincerely said that the failure of the grape packaging project this time is a big lesson for me personally or for the factory.We must learn from it in the future and find ways to prevent such things from happening again.If we reflect on ourselves, be cautious and self-disciplined in the future, strictly require ourselves to think twice before doing things, and think about whether it should be done, whether it is possible, and whether it is beneficial before doing something, then we will not be in vain.

After the meeting, Xiao Yunhua and Wang Liping stayed.Xiao Yunhua said to Wang Yiyuan, Old Wang, in fact, you don't need to do this.Originally, this incident was uncomfortable enough. Isn't this making trouble for myself?How much money do you have?Do you still have to bear it?You have to remember that we are always a collective, and you can't just take responsibility alone.

Wang Yiyuan said that it is precisely because it is a collective that rewards and punishments must be clearly defined.That's how you have credibility.Although I may have suffered a big loss in money this time, the establishment of the workers' sense of responsibility is much more important than the loss of money.From the long-term consideration of these aspects of factory development, I think it is worthwhile.

Wang Liping said, Lao Wang was right.It's only tens of thousands of yuan, which is not a small amount for you. Do you want to find a way to change it?
Work around, how to work around?Wang Yiyuan said seriously, well, I know you are all for my own good.But I have just made it clear that in the long run, I am also doing it for the good of the factory and for the good of everyone.I just hope that each of you can learn the lesson seriously, then the so-called loss of me as a person will be worth it.

In the morning, Wang Yiyuan also sent DM posters to a building materials market on Hutai Road near Central.He called a car, and when the delivery was done, he suddenly remembered that he had vaguely heard from Kang Ning that she lived near here.So he sent a text message to Kang Ning, asking her to have lunch together.But there was no reply for a long time.

Wang Yiyuan was waiting for Kangning's reply when his cell phone rang, and it was the number of Li Pingfu, a fellow villager.Wang Yiyuan pressed the answer button and said in his native dialect, fellow, long time no see.Why did you remember to call me?Shall we get together?

Li Pingfu said, where are you, I just need to find you.

Wang Yiyuan asked Li Pingfu's address clearly, and he said I should come over, I am not far from your place now.So he asked the delivery driver to leave first, and took a taxi to the nearby Ganquan Community.

Li Pingfu's design company rented a three-bedroom and two-living house in the residential building of this community.One room and a large enclosed balcony are used as bedrooms, one room is used as a meeting room and reception, one room is his own independent office, and the living room is a large office with desks and chairs full of office supplies.There are not many employees, only five or six people, all relatives of his hometown.

When we met, Li Pingfu first introduced his fellow villagers.Then in his own office, make tea.Li Pingfu was not very polite, and said directly, we just received a big order, which was designed by a British company and entrusted us to produce it.In June this year, Shanghai will host the British Culture Week.Now the British side has designed all their posters, bags and some related materials to be printed and is ready to print.

Wang Yiyuan nodded and said, good thing.Looks like you've got another windfall.

Li Pingfu said that we did not do the design this time. The British made it in a design company in Shanghai, and then placed an order for us to print.Not much profit.

Wang Yiyuan laughed, and said with a smile, are you encountering difficulties now?
Can't find you without difficulty?Li Pingfu also smiled, but you are right.There are really two problems with the UK list this time.One is that there are many varieties, and they are cumbersome. The key is that after they are sorted and packaged, they must be sent to more than 20 designated Lianhua supermarkets in the city.The second is to advance funds. The payment can only be settled two months after the work is completed, and there is no advance payment of a penny.

Wang Yiyuan looked at Li Pingfu and remained silent.Li Pingfu pondered for a while, and said, brother, you have seen it too. In a small company like ours, there are only a few people, and they are all doing design. How can there be manpower for delivery?Let me tell you the truth, our working capital is also a little tight now, I think these things will be arranged for your factory to print, see if you can help me, and share some of the funds.

Wang Yiyuan thought for a while and said, show me the list first, and I will calculate the details first.

Li Pingfu said, I will send the relevant documents and specific requirements to your mailbox, and you will report the quotation carefully at night.At noon today, I also made an appointment with a fellow villager, and we will go to a Hunan restaurant for dinner later, so you can meet up.

Before entering the hotel, Kang Ning's phone call came in.Kang Ning said, Wang Yiyuan, I'm really sorry.I was exercising in the gym just now, and my mobile phone was not with me.

Wang Yiyuan chuckled and said it was okay.Kang Ning asked, you haven't seen me in the past few days.Have you learned the English words sent to you?Are you lazy?

Wang Yiyuan sighed for a long time, and said, Xiaokang, please stop talking.I've been so unlucky these days, I'm almost depressed.He briefly talked about the Malu project.Wang Yiyuan asked, where are you now?The house next to Daning Circus City?

Corning replied, you rememberWhere are you right now then?
As soon as Wang Yiyuan heard the music, he said, I am next to your house, a Hunan restaurant in the Putuo Sports Center, with a few fellow villagers.Big beauty, why don't you come over and enjoy a meal together?

Kang Ning had just heard what Wang Yiyuan said about the Malu project, and he suddenly felt a little worried.Thinking about it, she hadn't seen Wang Yiyuan for more than a month, so she readily agreed.She smiled and said, you eat first, don't wait for me.I'll come and change my clothes.

 Thanks to Ting Jiajun, Tulip in my heart, Hong Papi, Xingmo 302, May and other friends for their attention and recommendation.Happy Sunday everyone.By the way, please recommend and collect.


(End of this chapter)

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