Chapter 96

Kang Ning was also very regretful and depressed, until the plane flew smoothly in the air after take-off, and the students were all in their positions, and when it was no longer so noisy, she still did not relax her mind.

Lowering the armchair slightly, she quietly half-lyed and half-sat, pretending to close her eyes to rest.But her thoughts were chaotic in her head, but they ebbed and flowed in an incomparably distinct way.

Her regret and depression are of course related to Wang Yiyuan.This time I was going to Europe for 35 days, and when I came back, it was almost the beginning of the new semester.In this way, she and Wang Yiyuan will have no chance to meet for two full months.

Who would believe that in the same city, two men and women who have just started falling in love and are now in love can spend such a long time without being able to see the real each other.

Although there are text messages every day, mobile phone QQ, and even occasional phone calls of different lengths, the two have been in contact all the time, but this kind of emotional maintenance separated by time and space, Kang Ning feels real, as if The departure of the plane is quietly and slowly opening the distance between each other.

The reason for all these thoughts was the discussion the mother and daughter had about Wang Yiyuan on the way home from get off work when Kang Ning was picked up for the last time.

Kang Ning's mother is a psychology teacher in a technical secondary school.Perhaps out of an instinctive love for her daughter, Kang Ning's mother asked Kang Ning, does he really love you?
Kang Ning nodded, then shook his head slowly, and said softly, I'm not sure now, he should be.

Mom went on to say, are you sure you love him very much?
Kang Ning still nodded, then slowly shook his head and said, I am not sure whether those thoughts in my heart are right or wrong.

Mom continued to ask Kang Ning, does he love himself?
Kang Ning still nodded, then shook his head slowly.But this time, because she felt more vague about the question and didn't know how to answer it, she chose not to speak.

Mom asked Kang Ning again, if he really loves you, why didn't you come to see you off after you have been away for such a long time?Don't say that he has no time and is busy with work.No matter how busy he is, no matter how important his work is, is there anything more important than you?If there are still, then what is your position in his heart?
Kang Ning just listened, lowered his head, did not speak, walked forward quietly and slowly.She seemed to be able to see the flesh-white big toe protruding from her black sandals, in the dim light of the dark night, there was a layer of light white light, flashing and flashing with her steps.

Mom said, silly boy, there are many things you don't understand yet.You don’t know men, you don’t know goodwill and feelings, you don’t know how to fall in love and love each other, and you even have that kind of selfless love, you don’t know our society, you don’t know the daily life of our common people.

Mom wanted to hold Kang Ning's hand, but a bicycle rushed straight over, and she had to dodge.

Mom said, maybe, in the end, maybe even you yourself haven't really figured out what kind of man you really need.

At this time, the weather was extremely sultry. Although it was night, there was not even a trace of wind.However, Kang Ning clearly felt that a certain place deep in his body began to feel chills.

Kang Ning's mother continued to talk, and besides, according to our general habits in Shanghai, if we are choosing a partner, at least there will be basic requirements and considerations in terms of housing, property, and family conditions, not to mention that he is still a countryman from other places?But we, including your uncle, have not made any request to him in this regard, do you know why?
This time Kang Ning stopped, she turned her head and asked her mother, why was that?
Kang Ning's mother said, in fact, we only have one thing, as long as the character is good, the key is that he must treat you well.As for others, such as material conditions, family conditions, etc., we can have no requirements.It's just that looking at it now, is the result the same as what he is doing now?

Kang Ning's mother said earnestly, "Kang Ning, you just need to remember that you must find a man who is sincere and good to you. Only in this way will you have long-term happiness and happiness in the end.

Her mother said, as for how you choose, we will not interfere in principle, as long as you feel good about it.

There was a sudden throbbing in Kang Ning's heart. She walked over and hugged her mother's arm, and said softly, "Mum, don't say any more."Let me be quiet and I will think about it carefully.

So this Wang Yiyuan, is he really good to me from the bottom of his heart?Since Kang Ning came home last night and is now on the plane, she has asked herself countless times.She recalled all the little things since she and Wang Yiyuan met, but until now, above the clouds 8000 meters above the ground, Kang Ning thought for a long time, and still did not have a very definite answer.

The fundamental reason why she has been unable to convince herself comes from the introspection of her mother's three questions. She really feels that the distance between Wang Yiyuan and herself is not shrinking day by day, but slowly growing closer day by day. Gradually the tear expands.Will it be true that one day, each other will never see each other again, and each other will disappear forever in the vast sea of ​​people?
After thinking blankly for a long time, Kang Ning felt a little tired.She hugged the pillow, adjusted her sitting posture, tried to relax herself, closed her eyes and lay down halfway.Finally, amidst the humming sound of the aircraft engine, Kang Ning finally fell asleep slowly.

In the dream, she saw a silver-white plane slowly sliding towards the runway.She also saw that there was another identical self, also wearing white clothes, sitting on the window seat of the plane.

The plane began to accelerate and take off on the runway, and climbed continuously. From the window, the figure of Wang Yiyuan seeing off on the ground gradually shrank and shrunk—until finally, together with the extremely familiar and prosperous The open city can no longer be seen, and there is only a thick white and opaque cloud between the sky and the earth.

Corning woke up suddenly.The cabin was quiet and quiet, and many passengers were already asleep, and some people could even hear a slight snoring sound.She looked blankly at the pillow she was hugging in her hands, and sat there in a daze, speechless for a long, long time.

In fact, there is one more thing. Kang Ning did not mention it to Wang Yiyuan. Of course Wang Yiyuan didn’t know about it. If the other school is satisfied with Kang Ning’s exchange in Birmingham this time, she will most likely stay on the spot as a visiting teacher. Continue to work there for a year.

A stream of tears suddenly overflowed from the corners of Kang Ning's eyes.She didn't wipe it off, and let them slip quietly on her white clothes.

 Before I knew it, I didn't even have time, and I didn't even have time to write something sensational like a testimonial, and this book was on the shelves.But I still want to thank all the book friends who have supported this book as always. It is your choice to support me until now.

  Reading is fast, but writing is not easy.This is the first time I have written such a long novel, and of course it will be very long in the future.Because of the busy work and life, writing can only be a hobby in my spare time.If there are few updates or the update is not timely, please understand.

  Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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