Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 97 Internet and Printing

Chapter 97 Internet and Printing
In the pre-development due diligence team of the Nantong project, Wang Yiyuan only stayed for four and a half days out of the planned seven days, and rushed back to Shanghai because of something.

On the afternoon of the first day in Nantong, Wang Yiyuan was in the development zone where the project is located, listening to the introduction of the development plot with everyone. Suddenly Song Weiqiang from Heidelberg China Company called.This President Song met once at the Pudong Printing Exhibition in March, and the two of them rarely had contact after that.

Song Weiqiang asked Wang Yiyuan on the phone, Xiao Wang, our company will have two important lectures at the All in Print Exhibition in Shanghai this week, are you interested in attending?
Wang Yiyuan jokingly said, Mr. Song, as long as you don't ask me to give the lecture, I'm willing to come and join you.

Hehe, the theme is different this time, it is not for you to give a speech, let alone join us.Song Weiqiang said with a smile, where are you now?If you are not in Shanghai, forget it.

Wang Yiyuan talked about what he was doing in Nantong. He asked, Mr. Song, it is rare that you have called in person. The content of this speech is very important?

Song Weiqiang laughed and said, you guessed it.This time I will talk about content related to the Internet. The theme is about the transformation and development of traditional printing companies. The reports are all well-known business leaders in the printing industry, so I personally suggest that you come and listen.

Wang Yiyuan became very interested in this lecture as soon as he heard Mr. Song's topic.He knew that Shanghai alone, not to mention the domestic market, currently has five or six thousand registered printing factories in the city. The market competition is becoming more and more fierce, but the cost is increasing day by day. The requirements are also getting higher and higher.

Because he has been in the front line of the printing business, Wang Yiyuan has long been deeply touched by this.He has also been constantly thinking, and believes that if the factory's future business volume is to be sustained, it is necessary to build new market opportunities for the factory.

But where are the new opportunities?In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, the Internet has become an indispensable part of people's daily life. With the rapid popularization and development of large-scale e-commerce such as Alibaba,, and, many traditional printing companies have also begun to Join the e-commerce industry.

Wang Yiyuan is keenly aware that the current tide of the Internet may be the biggest market opportunity in the printing industry.But Wang Yiyuan also knows that being able to recognize and recognize an opportunity, and how to grasp and develop this opportunity are actually two completely different concepts.

Looking back at our own factories, there is almost nothing in the development of e-commerce.Of course, it cannot be said that Wang Yiyuan does not pay attention to this. After all, the Internet, a visible and tangible tide, is profoundly affecting all aspects of social and economic development. It is impossible for Wang Yiyuan to pretend to turn a blind eye to this. .

The main reason is that Wang Yiyuan himself does not know much about the Internet, does not understand the mystery of the Internet, and does not know how to use the Internet as a tool.This lecture just gave him an opportunity to understand and re-understand the combination of the Internet and printing companies.

Two lectures are scheduled for this Friday morning and afternoon.Wang Yiyuan and Ren Xueming said on the phone that they wanted to listen to the report. Anyway, in the due diligence team of the Nantong project, their task was almost completed, and with Ren Xueming's consent, he rushed to the meeting on Thursday afternoon. Back to Shanghai.

On the bus back to Shanghai, Wang Yiyuan thought a lot about the Internet and e-commerce, and thought about it for a long time.He finally decided to invite Xiao Yunhua and Wang Liping to attend the lecture together.

On Friday morning, in the conference hall of the Everbright Convention and Exhibition Center.Wang Yiyuan first went to Song Weiqiang and got three admission tickets. Then the three of them entered the venue and found seats to sit down.The first lecture, the challenges and opportunities faced by traditional printing companies in the Internet era.

The guest speaker of this lecture is Mr. Zhu from a famous printing company in Guangdong.At the beginning, he got straight to the point, saying that more than 2000 years ago, the emergence of printing created convenient conditions for large-scale knowledge dissemination and sharing. Today, more than 2000 years later, the Internet model has begun to profoundly affect and change this traditional industry.

He said that every traditional printing company in the wind cannot stand alone in the historic social and economic transformation of the Internet, and either follow the trend or disappear.

The audience was silent. Obviously, Mr. Zhu's opening remarks were very direct and to the point. He got to the point and captured the hearts of the people. He immediately attracted the attention of many printing people present. Like them, they are taking notes seriously.

Mr. Zhu said that the new century is an era of vigorous development of various new technologies and new enterprises, an era of hundreds of schools of thought, and a century of digital, network, and multimedia. Access to information is more convenient and faster than ever before.

Then Mr. Zhu changed the subject and said that although the development of the Internet has brought many benefits to people, it has also brought troubles to some industries, and the printing industry is one of them.The rapid rise of new media such as the Internet and e-books is impacting our traditional printing industry, and has even shaken half of the traditional printing industry.

He said that the impact of the Internet on the printing industry has been analyzed by industry experts earlier, and the rapid development of the Internet will inevitably reduce people's dependence on traditional printed matter.Generally speaking, we can already see that the rise of the Internet has caused irreversible damage to the printing industry, and the printing industry will continue to decline in general, which is the basic general trend.

Mr. Zhu said, regarding these changes, what kind of new format will the printing industry, which has undergone many continuous technological changes, become? Whether there will be new breakthrough printing technologies in the future, or whether the Internet can completely subvert the traditional printing industry What? We'll just have to wait and see.

So how to use Internet thinking to complete the gorgeous transformation of our own printing business? Next, Mr. Zhu, who has always been considered to be very Internet thinking, talked about his company's unique coping methods based on his own business experience.

Mr. Zhu said that since 2000, their company has gradually changed from traditional MO disks and U disks to copy files, film printing, and established an order website in [-]. Until now, the company has continuously developed its own Order system, payment system, fully automatic imposition system, ERP system, delivery system, etc.

He said that now, these originally independent systems have finally been combined into a set of efficient and simple company-wide operating system.The daily order volume has increased from dozens at the beginning to thousands now, but the company's operating costs have been greatly reduced.

Mr. Zhu also gave an example that all the company's current customer service work, order review, order layout production, imposition, printing production instructions, etc., all these heavy and complicated pre-press work can be quickly completed by only five people, and the deadline is basically 09 o'clock every night , 30:[-] will be able to complete the schedule and get off work.

He further explained that our company is relying on process simplification, service localization, production standardization, and management flattening to improve efficiency, save costs, and push the printing industry with complicated processes to a minimalist model, thus realizing 12 working hours. Fast professional service with hourly home delivery.

Mr. Zhu finally said that for the new generation of printing companies that regard time as an important factor in the product life cycle, such a service is just the most ideal state.Therefore, the reason why we can stand out in the highly homogenized and highly competitive printing industry, take the lead, and take the lead in the fast lane, all of this, including every business upgrade of our company, is inseparable from the profound Internet thinking. understand.

After Mr. Zhu finished speaking, the entire conference room was silent at first, and then there were long and warm applause.

The three of Wang Yiyuan and the others were too late to learn, and they were afraid of losing it. They listened intently during this process.Mr. Zhu's speech greatly shocked the understanding of the three of them, and it can be said that they resonated deeply.So much so that in the end, Wang Yiyuan asked Mr. Song for three fast meals. The three of them sat in the corner of the meeting room at noon, and began to discuss the content of the report just now one by one while eating.

(End of this chapter)

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