I have a book to sell a house

Chapter 13 Trial Period: It's time to verify the book

Chapter 13 Trial Period: It's time to verify the book
Wu Bo was overjoyed when he heard it, and was worried that he had no reason to treat you.

"Wu Xiaomo, if you whispered to your colleagues during the speech, you will be fined to copy the speech three times! Hand it in before you get off work!"

Wu Xiaomo was stunned, I obviously didn't speak, but Duan Xiaoming admitted that he did it alone, why should he punish me?
"Duan Xiaoming, whispered to colleagues during speeches, punished him with three push-ups!"

Now not only Duan Xiaoming was stunned, everyone was stunned.

The most stupid one is Wu Xiaomo.

This is too deceiving!

Physical punishment such as push-ups, squats, zama-steps, and running with weights is one of the common punishment methods in real estate. Not only that, sometimes eating mustard, drinking chili water, eating bitter gourd, etc. are also common methods, and some teams even use slaps and insults And other means to stimulate the team members to improve the so-called sales combat effectiveness, but only punished 3 push-ups, which is unheard of!

This is how people are. After getting used to being punished, the punishment is less, and it still feels unreasonable.

"Director Wu, I didn't say anything just now—"

Wu Xiaomo protested.

Wu Bo narrowed his eyes and asked, "What else?"

Wu Xiaomo really wanted to say, "Why do I have to be punished for copying my speech three times but Duan Xiaoming was only punished for three push-ups", but she felt that if she said it out, she would clearly offend Duan Xiaoming.

It is not a wise move to offend a related account that even the supervisor punishes him with only three push-ups.

Looking into Wu Bo's eyes, she finally didn't speak.

In the world of adults, it is a disease not to be able to express your heart truthfully.

She looked at Duan Xiaoming, and then hated the supervisor's unfair handling, so she gritted her teeth.

Wu Bo naturally saw her expression, he thought she hated Duan Xiaoming.

In fact, she hated himself.

What he thinks in his heart is that what he wants is the effect of you hating him, the trick of "killing with a borrowed knife" is colorless and invisible.

Duan Xiaoming, Duan Xiaoming, before we eliminate you, I will definitely send you many enemies.

"Do you think it's unfair to punish me like this? OK! Duan Xiaoming, copy the speech three times, and hand it in before get off work!"

Duan Xiaoming glanced at Wu Xiaomo complaining, you fool, the leader is deliberately digging a hole for you!
My motherfucker, today I got into a fight with fine copy rhetoric, right?
Wu Bo looked at Duan Xiaoming's complaining eyes and was very satisfied.

"Director Wu, do I still need to do three push-ups?"

Everyone was shocked!

Is this kid not emotionally intelligent enough, or is he deliberately provoking trouble?
"There's no need to do this."

Wu Bo spoke very gently.

As a supervisor, how could he not know what was going on in the team?

He just wanted to deliberately give everyone a feeling that Xiao Ming is actually a related party, and even I have to give way.

At the same time, it gave Duan Xiaoming a feeling that brother really wants to cover you, but no one is dissatisfied.

After Wu Bo finished speaking, he signaled the head student Liu Lu to continue.

Liu Lu was the sixth speaker. After she finished speaking, everyone applauded enthusiastically.

The seventh is also a girl with a soft and pleasant voice. After she finishes speaking, Duan Xiaoming arrives.

Standing in front of the brand display wall, he was a little nervous.

Because he felt that what the two of them just said was very good.

"Don't be nervous, or you can just talk about it."

Wu Bo spoke.

Connivance is the biggest killer to make a person corrupt.

Everyone doesn't care anymore, the leader can cover him however you like.

Duan Xiaoming refused to accept this sentiment.

He took a few deep breaths.

"Hi everyone, welcome to Xiaoqiang Real Estate, this is the brand display wall of our Xiaoqiang Group..."

What Duan Xiaoming said was different from the other seven.

The other seven people explained strictly according to their words, and their speeches were either impassioned, cadenced, or eloquent, but there was one point that Duan Xiaoming did not approve of.

That is, what they said was almost the same as what they said.

Applying the logic learned in the Book of Selling Houses—if everyone can become a master by following the scriptures, then if a love expert publishes a collection of love stories, wouldn't everyone in the world be a master of love?
Will Zhu Bajie fail to catch up with Chang'e?
Will the king of the Daughter Kingdom leave regrets and let Yudigege leave? His sons and daughters are already in groups.

Do not!
There is no such thing as the king of the daughter country at all. Maybe the Tang monk she met has already become the mount of a banshee.

Although Duan Xiaoming does not have as much experience and precipitation as the others, from yesterday to today, by using the mnemonics learned in the book, he has already memorized the words and phrases fluently.

Not only that, but he also applied a common rule written in the book - FABE sales rule to the explanation for the first time.

The "FABE Law" in the chapter on Sales Rules in the Collection is divided into the FAB Law and the upgraded version of the FABE Law.

Generally explaining the brand, the common rhetoric is: "We Xiaoqiang has more than 30 real estate properties in 200 cities across the country, and the quality of buying Xiaoqiang's houses is more guaranteed."

Slightly upgraded rhetoric, Xiaoqiang Group has a national and even overseas presence. It has 30 high-quality real estate properties in 230 cities in the mainland. If you buy it in Xiaoqiang, you can rest assured. When you go to other places, many people know about Xiaoqiang.

If the FABE rule is used to explain the rhetoric, the effect will be twice the result with half the effort.

The FABE method can be summed up in one sentence. It is to first find out the various characteristics of the target, analyze the effects of these characteristics, explain the benefits that these characteristics can bring to customers, and finally provide evidence to prove that they can bring benefits to customers, and handle them skillfully. The problems that customers care about, so as to realize the sales demands smoothly.

The FAB law applies the formula: "Because...so...may make...".

Because Duan Xiaoming is a nagging person, talking to Wu Xiaomo when he is talking can make Wu Bo punish these two people, make Wu Xiaomo hate Duan Xiaoming, and make Duan Xiaoming isolated...

Because Qin Yanjiao is beautiful, she is so beautiful and pleasing to the eye, she is very popular, Wu Bo can be made to target Duan Xiaoming at any cost for this, and Chen Taoan can be used to transfer her from other projects for the sake of being close to the water, so that... …

Oh, is beauty a disaster?

Duan Xiaoming is applying this rule and talking freely.

"Because Xiaoqiang is a national brand, one of the top ten real estate companies, with strong brand strength, it has 30 high-quality real estate properties in 230 cities across the country, and also has projects overseas, so buying in Xiaoqiang, the quality is more guaranteed, more assured, and more famous. , feel more secure."

"Not only that, living in Xiaoqiang can also allow you, first, to meet more people who like big brands. People who buy here are interested in our brand strength, high-income people in civil servants, leaders of government and enterprise units, successful Businessmen, gold-collared executives working abroad return home to buy properties, your neighbors are in higher grades, your circle of friends is different, and your children’s future development will be even more different.”


After talking about the brand, he began to explain the location.

"The traffic in the area where this project is located is very convenient. Because of the convenient traffic, it is convenient to travel, which saves the time and money spent on traffic, and allows you to have more time to do other things, saving traffic costs It can also improve other areas of your life...”

"To the north of this project is the largest tertiary hospital in the city. Because it is close to the hospital, things such as physical examination and pregnancy examination are very convenient. It can give you greater protection in terms of health and protect your family's health... "

"...not far from the three major shopping malls, because..."

His explanation combines the memory method and the FAB rule.

It stutters in places and even pauses for a few seconds, but overall, it's very engaging.

What he said, the other seven have more or less said it in their daily work, and some people have also been exposed to the FABE rule, but it is ironic that such a group of people have never used it seriously Pass.

Some people are proud of their achievements.

After some people have achieved results, they rest on their laurels and think that what they have done is enough.

These crowns!

Wu Bo didn't expect this kid to speak so clearly that he even listened to it.

Seeing the appearance of several female colleagues listening carefully, even the outstanding Wu Xiaomo's eyes shone brightly, and he felt a stronger sense of crisis.

Qin Yanjiao is not married yet, what is her taste?

After coming to the company for so long, I have never seen her smile so happily at anyone, but she smiled at Duan Xiaoming.

Is human nature distorted by doing sales, or is morality degraded to the point where he only likes young but big?
No, you can't let this kid show off everywhere you go, and you can't let him gain favor!
"Okay, the speech is very good, born out of rhetoric, vivid image!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Bo himself took the lead in applauding violently.

Everyone applauded together.

Wu Xiaomo, who looks like a model with sword-browed eyebrows and long legs, looks at Duan Xiaoming in the eyes that have no regrets when he was fined to copy his speech three times in the first place.

Wu Bo stopped applauding, and everyone stopped too.

"What do you all think of what Duan Xiaoming said?"

The other seven people murmured in their hearts, didn’t you just say that the speech was very good, born out of the vividness of the rhetoric, did you still ask us?

"What? Don't dare to say?"

Someone said softly: "It's very well spoken, with vivid images."

Wu Bo asked Liu Lu again: "What about you, how do you think it compares to yours?"

Liu Lu expressed her true feelings: "Although there are some places that are not smooth enough, the words are indeed very attractive, and they are better than me reciting words alone."

Wu Bo laughed.

"What about the rest?"

Regarding the supervisor's repeated inquiries and the smile on his face, don't you think it's obvious that we should praise it?

So everyone flattered Duan Xiaoming to varying degrees.

Duan Xiaoming only felt a burning pain in his buttocks.

"You guys have let me down so much! This time, the company entrusted me with the task of training new employees, aiming to build an elite team. The seven of you are either top sellers or second best sellers. Duan Xiaoming's performance is far worse than yours. But people can speak better than you, don't you feel ashamed?"

Wu Bo's voice suddenly became fierce!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the leader changed his face as soon as he said it, why did he look like a psychopath?

"Seven of you, each of you will be fined to copy your speech three times, and give it to me before the party after get off work. If you don't write it well, you don't have to come tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Bo left angrily.

Everyone looked at his receding back, and after realizing it, they all stared at Duan Xiaoming.

(End of this chapter)

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