I have a book to sell a house

Chapter 29 Acting: Poor Parents in the World

Chapter 29 Acting: Poor Parents in the World
After Duan Xiaoming finished speaking, he smiled to himself.

Just didn't laugh out loud.

All the team members in the conference room, including supervisor Qin Yanjiao, felt that this guy was flattering too hard.

If it weren't for his pretty good looks, it would really make people feel a sense of brainlessness.

It seems that a good appearance can bring many benefits to people, at least when it is annoying, it can reduce the effect of bad influence.

Qin Yanjiao continued to smile.

It seems that you can play tricks on this kid.

"Just such a question, Wu Xiaomo has been explaining it for so long? Is this question difficult to explain?"

After finishing speaking, she still kept her smile, but there was a layer of frost in the smile.

If you want to do a good job at work, it all depends on acting well.

No one knows how many days and nights it took to practice this layer of frost except Qin Yanjiao herself.

When Duan Xiaoming heard it, Ai Ma, this woman is heartbroken, why did she smile like Pan Jinlian just now, why did she suddenly laugh like a bone spirit.

He said: "This..."

"I don't want you to answer, let Wu Xiaomo answer, let me see if this question is so difficult?"

Wu Xiaomo glanced at Duan Xiaoming sadly, this kid would cause trouble every minute.

how to answer?

You can't say that he lied, because all the goodwill towards him before that will be cancelled.

"Director, I..."

After all, Wu Xiaomo is not very good at lying, so she didn't know how to continue after saying three words.

Duan Xiaoming understands a truth, that is, those with high position and authority tend to be emotionally unstable.

A father, a dog brother, and now Chen Taoan is added.

This Qin Yanjiao is probably not much better.

It can be seen from smiling when meeting each other, but bossing around on the phone in the morning.

As soon as he heard Wu Xiaomo's tone, he knew that she had no such experience in fighting the strong.

Without giving Qin Yanjiao a chance to get angry, he answered immediately: "The main reason is that I have been making things difficult for Sister Xiaomo, because I think her answer can't sum up your demeanor and talent, Director Qin, so I will count you down together with her." The advantage of you is that you have too many advantages, so it was delayed..."

Do not wear flattery.

Everyone knew that Duan Xiaoming was telling lies, including Qin Yanjiao herself.

But everyone smiled and nodded in unison, and a picture of Duan Xiaoming and Wu Xiaomo carefully listing the advantages of the supervisor appeared in their minds.

Qin Yanjiao was also amused, she originally wanted to embarrass Duan Xiaoming by embarrassing Wu Xiaomo, but she didn't expect this kid to exaggerate more and more, and if he continued, she might become unable to step down.

"Okay, the group meeting is officially opened. The first link is for everyone to report their names and get to know each other. The second link is the precautions for the new colleagues during the probationary period and the PK system after taking up the job..."

The group meeting didn't take too long, and it ended in about 10 minutes.

After the meeting, Duan Xiaoming left the meeting room, and went to the sales office alone.

After going through these things, he still has to call his father and Brother Gou.

Call Dad first.

The call is answered quickly.

"Dad, I continued the trial and divided into groups. There is another bad news you said before. What is it?"

Duan Zhonghua was silent on the other end of the phone and did not speak for a long time.

"Dad? Are you okay?"

"Oh, it's okay, Dad is busy first, and I'll tell you when I'm done!"

After hanging up the phone, Duan Xiaoming called Brother Gou again.

"What are you doing?"

Brother Gou asked very unseriously on the other end of the phone.

"I won't bother you anymore. I'm done with my work. It's okay. My dad just told me that there is bad news. Do you know what it is?"

"do not know!"

Brother Gou answered decisively.

"You must know, otherwise with your personality, you must gossip and ask me for details, so tell me quickly!"

Brother Gou smiled at the phone, then quickly typed a paragraph on the computer chat software and sent it to Duan Zhonghua.

"Xiao Ming is going to take the bait, haha, Uncle, you said that he will know that he was fooled this time because he was smart, what will he think?"

Duan Zhonghua did not immediately reply to the message.

Brother Gou said softly to the phone: "I really don't know!"

This time, he deliberately lowered his tone of voice, appearing particularly lacking in confidence.

"Don't say yes, then I'll ask my dad directly."

"Oh, don't! Let me tell you."

"Then speak up."

"Your father's business transaction is suspected of illegal money laundering, and has been targeted by the government. If it doesn't work, he may be detained in the detention center for half a year..."

"What about money laundering, my dad's business is serious, it's impossible!"

Duan Xiaoming yelled at the phone.

Brother Gou also yelled into the phone: "Then do you know what items your dad's business has?"

"do not know."

Duan Xiaoming's voice was much weaker.

Duan Zhonghua replied to Brother Gou's message at this time.

"According to the plan, don't let him feel that I am covering everything, lawless, this time I accept your opinion, disappear for three months, ignore him for three months, otherwise he will really become a useless person in the future and become a social scourge .”

Brother Gou quickly read the reply, and then said to the phone: "There are so many things you don't know."

Brother Gou said in his heart at the same time, for example, this time I gave your dad an idea to let him pretend to be detained for half a year. You don't know about it.


Duan Xiaoming didn't speak, he knew Brother Gou, as long as Brother Gou was willing to speak, there was no need to ask.

Because he can't help but finish things by himself.

Brother Gou said again: "Fortunately, your father took out all the bank assets on his own initiative, so he was kept safe. He was detained for half a year, which is finally a blessing in misfortune."

Duan Xiaoming was surprised here: "What? Our family has handed over all the money?"

"No, it's just frozen, the money is still there."

"Okay, I see. I'll call my dad again."

Brother Gou hurriedly sent another message to Duan Zhonghua: "He is going to call you."

Duan Xiaoming's call to his father got through.

But it wasn't Dad's voice over the phone.

"Hello, I am the Shahe Police Station of Shenzhen City. The owner of the machine has been detained for alleged economic crimes. What can I do?"

"I'm his son, please give the phone to my dad."

"I'm sorry, it's inconvenient for the owner to answer the phone right now, and we're about to shut down the phone forcibly. You can come to our office in Shenzhen to learn more about it. Goodbye!"

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone.

It was Duan Zhonghua's subordinate who answered the phone.

He handed the phone to Duan Zhonghua: "Mr. Duan, what's the matter, my acting skills are okay?"

"Okay, very good, it's the same as your acting skills every time you lie and ask for leave and don't come to work!"

The subordinates have black lines on their faces.

Duan Xiaoming couldn't sit still here, he thought for a while, and immediately called Brother Gou.

"what happened again?"

"Brother Dog, I'm going to Shenzhen to visit my dad!"

"What are you looking at? Is that something you can see? Besides, if you go there, you will also be detained, and your Duan family will have to finish playing!"

"I'll go to your sister's house, you dog's house is all over!"

"Okay, I apologize to you, but you should calm down at this time, stay in this city, and wait for Dad to come back."

"I'm excited, I'm sorry, but, brother dog, my mother passed away early, I don't want to lose my father again!"

Tears welled up in the corners of Duan Xiaoming's eyes.

Brother Gou was next to the phone, almost moved.

Silly boy, your father and I lied to you.

Only you can't tell the truth from such a scam full of loopholes.

"No, it's just a little financial problem, don't worry, everything depends on your cousin and me."


Duan Xiaoming answered on the phone.

Brother Gou saw that he was not in a good mood, and comforted him: "Don't think too much, you can work at ease, I will ask my friend from Shenzhen to visit my uncle later, you know, don't worry, work hard."

Duan Xiaoming replied again: "Yes."

After answering, he suddenly came to his senses, so he hurriedly asked: "Brother Dog, then my dad has been detained or detained, how can he give me [-] yuan a month?"

Brother Gou closes his eyes, let me fuck you, Uncle, your son is really filial.

Just now, he almost burst into tears because he thought of his father.

As a result, he cared about his 3 yuan so quickly.

If it is true that the tiger father has no dogs, the son of the old Duan who is in business will care about the key points.

The point is that my father was detained, what should I do with my 3 yuan?

"Uncle told me, I will advance the 3 yuan per month to you first."

Anyway, I don’t need my dog ​​brother to really pay me, I can pass a flowing water for free, and be a good person, how interesting!

 Morning!I'll see if I can stick to posting a chapter every morning!
(End of this chapter)

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