I have a book to sell a house

Chapter 3: The Opening Chapter of the Book: How to Introduce Yourself Better

Chapter 3 The Beginning of the Book: How to Introduce Yourself Better
"You are Duan Xiaoming—I'm so sorry."

He said he was embarrassed, but he smiled so much that he showed two canine teeth.

Duan Xiaoming put the real leather sales book on the front counter. He hasn't read this book from yesterday to today. If it wasn't for Zhonghua Qiang stuffing it into his hand when he went out in the morning, this book is still lying in his room on the floor.

He was serious: "I don't blame you, it's because we made a ranking list last week. As soon as the ranking came out, the manager fired me on the spot. Oh—don't make such an expression, it's not the performance ranking list you think."

"What list is that?"

Duan Xiaoming said in a helpless tone: "The sales department's handsome list, I won the top spot over the manager. In this case, what do you ask me to do? Even Jesus can't keep me!"

Huya girl laughed.

The girl who flipped through the book had a serious face, and the corners of her mouth twitched: "I found your name, sign here."

There are 16 interviewers numbered on the registration form.

"Wu Xiaomo also signed, this senior also came?"

Huya sister: "Yes, earlier than you, but she is not a senior, she is a super beautiful woman, and she has already gone up to the meeting room on the second floor to wait."

Five words flashed in Duan Xiaoming's mind - in front of the "meeting room on the second floor" - "super big beauty"!
The golden mean in the traditional Confucian culture is difficult to be reflected in the sales staff. Duan Xiaoming is dubious about the "super big" that Huya girl said.

"The interview is on the second floor, go up there."

"alright, thank you very much."

Duan Xiaoming picked up the house sales book, went to the meeting room on the second floor, and saw Wu Xiaomo standing there.

She is looking at corporate honors on the conference room wall.

It was early autumn at that time, and Wu Xiaomo, who was nearly 1.7 meters tall by visual inspection, was wearing a professional suit, with high heels, sword eyebrows and red lips, and a uniform ponytail.

When Duan Xiaoming saw it suddenly, his heart was shaken!

Duan Xiaoming wanted to find something to strike up a conversation with, but he couldn't figure it out after thinking for a long time.

He sat down with his head bowed, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Brother Gou.

"Brother Dog, get up and pee!"

Brother Gou replied almost instantly: "Let's talk about the topic!"

"Today I suddenly woke up and felt that I had lived 23 years in vain. From now on, I decided to take the initiative to learn—does the love book you mentioned last time really exist?"

Brother Gou didn't reply.

That book of love must be obtained if there is a chance!

Wouldn't it be a waste of treasures to put it in a mental hospital?

There is a row of ranking boards on the conference table according to the seats.

He bit his lower lip, then rolled his eyes, stood up gently, found his name tag calmly, and secretly switched to the left of Wu Xiaomo's name tag.

It's definitely not safe to replace her.

Duan Xiaoming has already learned various anti-investigation methods under his father's severe crackdown for so many years.

It's far safer to touch something that others don't care about than it is to touch something that others care about.

After changing positions, he pretended to go to another corner of the conference room, staring deeply at the trophy on the wall.

At this time, in the personnel office on the first floor, the personnel manager who had just passed his thirties was turning over the resume on the table and talking while chewing on buns.

"I'm going to hold an interim management meeting later. For today's interview, Tan Ni will be in charge of the first part, and He Yaowen you will be in charge of the second part. The headquarters will watch it online. Don't make any mistakes!"


"This time the elimination rate is 50%, and there are only 8 recruitment places. Based on the comprehensive evaluation of performance and actual combat ability, the best will survive."

"By the way, I'm very impressed with that resume, but Duan Xiaoming, who failed in three job performances, is very impressed. If he doesn't perform well, let him set off the atmosphere and go through the motions. Don't really recruit him. When the time comes If we need to explain the situation, if we don’t know clearly, we will cause trouble for ourselves, understand?”

"Understood! Manager!"

Manager Huang left for a long time, but the smell of leek buns was still wafting in the air.

In the large conference room on the second floor, everyone was seated according to the location corresponding to the nameplate.

When Wu Xiaomo sat down, she turned her head and looked at Duan Xiaoming's name tag for a few seconds, then stared at Duan Xiaoming again.

Duan Xiaoming sat upright, pretending to be indifferent.

Those who do sales are not fuel-efficient lamps, especially sales veterans like Wu Xiaomo who are good-looking.

After she entered the meeting room, she found her name tag. She remembered that the name on the left belonged to a girl.

Now that it's Duan Xiaoming's, she can't help but look at him a few more times.

He's a handsome guy, but changing brands is too childish, or is he a prodigal son in love?

I have many suitors, rich people are not as handsome as Duan Xiaoming, beer belly and Mediterranean are standard, Duan Xiaoming is half handsome, basically poor, often talk about dreams and scolding mothers.

A good-looking talent like Duan Xiaoming, who can still receive an interview invitation from Xiaoqiang Real Estate, is not a vulgar thing in the pool.

Don't expose him yet, just wait and see what happens.

After Wu Xiaomo sat down, there was a gust of breeze, and a faint fragrance spread into Duan Xiaoming's nostrils.

It's not a perfume smell, it should be a faint smell like cosmetics or shower gel.

Duan Xiaoming has always been used to others taking the initiative to pursue him. In his mind, the skills of actively picking up girls are lacking, and the vocabulary of actively picking up girls is boring.

Seeing Wu Xiaomo looking down at the documents seriously, he raised his right hand to touch his left eyebrow, and opened the real leather notebook he brought.

Open the title page, there are four big characters flying like dragons and phoenixes: "House Selling Collection!"

Turning another page, the top half of the page reads: "The beginning of the book: reciprocity is the cornerstone."

The following passage: Robert Cialdini mentioned in "Influence" that we should try our best to repay what others have done for us in a similar way, which means that if we sincerely help customers, then customers will give back sincerely us.

Then the following is a couplet that doesn't make sense.

There are no tricks, there are tricks, and those that are beneficial to oneself are all good tricks.

Good words, bad words, useless to others are all nonsense.

Below that is a line of thick pen characters.

"The first type of opening: how to better introduce yourself."

Underneath it says "Best Applicable Scenarios: Interviews, First Meetings, Referrals from Friends, and Firefighting."

Duan Xiaoming suddenly became interested in the practical interview, and he couldn't help but lean forward and sit more upright.

Duan Xiaoming can understand the word "fire fighting", but he is a little puzzled to put it behind this best applicable scene.

On the right side of this paragraph, it is written in very rough handwriting: "The first form of the opening chapter of the Book of Selling Houses - introduce yourself and sell yourself using the principle of reciprocity - this move is born out of eighteen kinds of martial arts, turning the tangible into the intangible. Come out, the wind is surging, and the money is rolling in! ——Brother Gou, June 2020."

It really is a dog!

Then there are three paragraphs of text.

"Introducing yourself successfully is the first step to ensure the success of your business. There are many ways to make people remember you deeply, such as being vivid, humorous and strengthening your impression in the eyes of the other party."

"Humor is not vulgar, and vulgarity is not humor. It is necessary to use sentences that make people smile to enliven the atmosphere, instead of telling vulgar jokes. Humor is an art that combines context."

I understand humor, I, Duan Xiaoming, like playing humor the most.

"However, any form of introduction is far less effective than making the other party feel that getting to know oneself can gain benefits or benefit in the future. Benefits are not necessarily money and benefits. It can be anything that can help or bring good influence to the other party. thing……"

Look at this means that after Duan Xiaoming has learned it, his self-introduction will bring buff special effects?

Next, there are some specific case introductions for self-introduction.

Duan Xiaoming watched carefully.

At 08:30, Qin Ni and He Yaowen took the materials and entered the large conference room on the second floor.

Duan Xiaoming reluctantly closed the Book of Selling Houses. Although he didn't understand some of the words in the opening chapter of the book, he still felt that he had benefited a lot from the cases in it.

Learn now and sell now, hey, when you are free, go back and study it carefully.

Personnel began the interview work, and the headquarters watched the scene remotely via video connection.

After filling out the interview notes and the entry form, Qin Ni, who was sitting in the chairman seat, said, "Okay, now the first part of the interview starts, clockwise from my left, each person introduces their work history for 10 minutes. Performance and consumption plan from this year to the end of next year, 10 minutes per person, let’s get started.”

Duan Xiaoming looked at his position. If Qin Ni's position is 0 o'clock, then his position is around 10 o'clock, and Wu Xiaomo is around 9:[-] o'clock.

Occupy the location!

In the self-introduction session, every interviewee was like a soldier returning in triumph, reporting his impressive achievements in the bloody battle among thousands of troops. After the report was completed, the others applauded and saluted.

Wu Xiaomo arrived soon.

"Hi everyone, my name is Wu Xiaomo, I'm a sweetheart, I'm small, I'm 26 years old this year..."

Brother Duan Xiaoming nodded inwardly: "Female junior holds gold bricks."

Wu Xiaomo: "...From March 2019 to September this year, I have been the monthly sales champion in Zhengde Real Estate, the quarterly sales champion, and naturally the total sales champion..."

Wu Xiaomo's outstanding appearance is already attractive, coupled with her melodious voice and impressive achievements, after the speech, everyone applauded thunderously.

When it came to Duan Xiaoming, a few women became nympho looking at his stalwart and handsome appearance.

"Hi everyone, my name is Duan Xiaoming, Duan Yu's Duan, Wu Xiaomo's little..."

The conference room was full of laughter, Wu Xiaomo felt angry and funny.

Duan Xiaoming, however, continued to speak in a serious manner: "Ming understands Ming—my first job after graduation was in Dafang Real Estate, as a property consultant, and I worked for half a year with no performance. The second job, Yuhan Real Estate, took three months , no results, the most recent one, in Tianao Real Estate, working for 50 days, still no results."

A person who has no achievements but speaks out confidently makes everyone feel amused, but the interviewees are all qualified people who have been immersed in real estate for many years and have undergone special training. Can live.

"The reason why I have no performance for so long is because—the society is too impetuous, I hope to learn more, I know that sales work requires performance, but I am still young and can afford to lose, so I prepared for a year It’s time to lose, and I have been losing all year, because only in this way, I have learned a lot of things that can only be learned and summed up by low-level losers. After a year of breaking the boat, I will definitely be able to break through the cocoon after joining Xiaoqiang Real Estate butterfly!"

"It's a great honor to meet you seniors. I hope I can learn more from you in the future. By the way, I am proficient in computer use, flexible in mind, and good in physical strength. If you need help on weekdays, seniors just ask, sign a contract, and make a copy of something. , or helping to receive customers, etc., everything is fine, thank you everyone!"

Duan Xiaoming applied what he learned now, and used the principle of reciprocity in the introduction session.

 Thank you for your recommendation votes and comments. Because of time and energy, I will not thank you one by one. I will try my best to write back to everyone!

  In this chapter, I wrote more than 2 words before and after, deleted, deleted, and changed. I think it is still not good at the current 3600 words. I didn't make a stunning opening, but I can't delay it any longer!
  In more than 2 words, many funny little burdens are designed, which are reluctant to discard, and will appear in subsequent chapters.

  Spoiler alert first, Wu Xiaomo is the heroine of this book.


(End of this chapter)

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